Chapter 1604 Shredded Stallion Male 41

"Quickly, take a photo. Hey, this picture is really shocking, it’s like watching a thriller."

A group of people taking pictures with great interest is taking video and spreading it in their circles.

A sweet waiter, came with a soup. When she walked to the table where the rain was located, the waiter noticed the dust at a glance, and took a gentle look at the woman who wiped her lips and dipped in the sauce. The sly was full of envy.

She took a step forward and suddenly she leaned forward and the hot soup in her hand went straight to the face of Bei Yu.

This scene came too suddenly, and people were caught off guard.

When the rain was shocked, the horse immediately turned around and avoided the danger of the hot soup pouring on the face, but most of her body was drenched with water.

"Hey." The North Rain sighed and took a breath.

It’s summer, and it’s all cool clothes. The thin clothes can’t cover the hot soup, and the arms that are exposed to the clothes are already red.

The waiter was horrified, red-eyed, and said to the sullen face of the dust: "I'm sorry, sorry, I didn't mean it."

Si Chen pushed the woman in front of him and rushed to the north.

When I saw that the skin on her body was red, the whole person was gloomy.

The waiter was red-eyed, and the tears flowed down. "I'm sorry, sorry, I really didn't mean it. If there is something that licks my foot, I, I won't... Sorry, I am really sorry."

This sudden scene happened too fast, and the surrounding half-rings reacted, just to hear such a sentence.

Next to a woman said: "There are a few people over there, something stumbles, it is not the woman's foot sticking out."

The waiter came forward to help, and wanted to make up for it. It was just that she was just approaching, and the shelf on the side was knocked down by her and went straight to the north.

The dust reacted quickly, and the single arm blocked the shelf and prevented it from being bruised.

The shelf didn't fall down, but the things above were ping-pong. The dust is blocked by his own body, avoiding those things falling into the rain.

The waiter was even more panicked, and the tears were even more fierce. "I'm sorry, sorry, I am really sorry. I didn't mean it."

Both Bei Yu and Si Chen ignored her, but looked at each other with concern. They asked in unison: "How are you?"

The two men glimpsed, and Shi Chen said: "I am fine. Go to the hospital now."

The north rain nodded and the burn on her body had to be dealt with.

The two stood up and were about to leave, the crying waiter stepped forward and once again blocked them. She was red-eyed and said with a look: "I'm sorry, sorry, I, I can be responsible."

Shi Chen whispered: "Let it open."

The waiter looked at him, and the whole person was like being stupid there, and even looked at him with a look of resentment and grievances.

The northern rains only felt that the whole body hurts. Looking at the people who are blocking their way, it is very speechless. "Trouble let one let."

The waiter still stood still, as if he had not heard them.

Si Chen saw her child hurt and frowned, carefully holding her and going out. In this narrow aisle, holding such a person, the inevitable two sides collided, and the waiter was knocked down by the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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