Chapter 1605 Hand-tear Stallion Male 42

After the waiter fell, the hand just hit the glass fragments on the ground, and suddenly the blood was flowing.

She screamed in her mouth, "It hurts."

The dust did not pay attention to the people on the ground. All his thoughts were now on the nephew and took her out.

Just then, a man was in front of them.

"Hey, hello, you hit someone, don't say a word, do you want to leave? You didn't see her hurt?" A sensible eater jumped out and accused the cold and blood of the rain.

The dust was blocked by the group of people again and again. It was very annoyed, and the cold scorpion looked at the diners.

The man was staring at his stunned eyes, his heart trembled, his guilty conscience, and even his voice weakened. "You should apologize to her."

The little white rabbit waiter has been raised, and she immediately said to the diners: "No need, no need. It's all my fault, they should be angry. This sister, if you feel that you are not enough, you are despite Beat me, I will never scream."

Her attitude of admitting mistakes, as well as the soft and weak appearance, easily aroused the sympathy of all.

After all, in the eyes of the people around you, Bei Yu and Si Chen are both powerful parties, and the waiter is a weak party. Sometimes, no matter right or wrong, many people look at things with a sensible side, and naturally sympathize with the waiters.

"This girl, although you are injured, it is her wrong, but you can't do it to her. After all, the little girl is not intentional." Someone stood up and said.

"The little girl said that she was stumped by something. It wouldn't be that your own feet accidentally stretched out and stumbled over her, which led to this. If so, you can't blame the little girl."

The little white rabbit waiter tried to explain: "No, no, I just accidentally stumbled over something, it should not be tripped by her feet. Not her, don't misunderstand her."

The more she explained, the more it seemed that the typical one was blacker.

Looking at this group of people in the north rain, it is simply to be laughed.


She is the victim, but now this situation is like the waiter is the victim, and she became a heinous person.

Si Chen cares about the body of Yu Yu. He doesn't want to waste too much time on these insignificant people. He ignores the condemnation of everyone, and he will leave with the rain, but the North Rain is shaking his head against him.

Although the body is very hot, it needs to be dealt with in time, but if it is left now, she is estimated to be suffocated.

Si Chen saw her thoughts, and he also wanted to teach some people, but in his eyes, nothing is as important as her. Now she is going to have this tone, and Shi Chen can only stay with her.

Shi Chen looked at Bai Jun, who was still hiding there in the distance. Bai Jun’s fierce couples were on his eyes, and the spirits shuddered.

"Go get ice cubes and buy scald medicine. Give you three minutes." Shi Chen said to a few people.

Bai Jun and others looked at each other and immediately said: "Guaranteed to complete the task."

After that, several people left in batches, one wave went to get ice, and one wave went to buy medicine.

Bei Yu Yan looked at the little white rabbit waiter. "You just said that I don't care if you hit me?"

Ps: Recently, the aura has dried up... Rongmo is relaxing.

No feeling, when there is no inspiration, writing a text is very painful.

(End of this chapter)

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