Chapter 1621 Hand-tearing stallion male 58

"Qian Yu?" Bai Jun asked.

"Yes, it is less money." The sunspot should be heard. He really didn't want to fight on it, even the little people below them.

Bai Jun snorted. "Do you know who is the one who taught us this time?"

The black child muttered, isn't it your old man?

"Who?" He did not dare to say his words, and asked with respect and respect.

"Senior." Bai Jun reported his name.

When the sunspot heard it, the spirited shuddered and wondered if he had misunderstood himself. "White, do you say that the Secretary is going to deal with the woman?"

"Yes, that's right. Who told the woman that she didn't know what to do, and offended someone who shouldn't offend. People who can't harm people can still go unpunished, which makes Si Shao's face go. You are for Qian Yu's kid. Then let go of the girl, you are not afraid of the Secretary to blame it?" Bai Jun was a little angry, this idiot did not even inform him.

The sunspot rubbed the cold sweat. "White, I really don't know. If I know that the woman is offended, I will not let her go."

"Do not talk nonsense, you have to find a way to deal with this matter, Secretary Shao is still waiting to see the results."

The sunspot immediately said: "Okay. I will let people do it."

Sunspot knows that the other party is in Thailand and can only spend money to make people work abroad.

On this day, Sun Mengshu accompanied Chen Feiqi in the restaurant. During this time, Chen Feiqi was busy with things, finally relaxed today, and began to have a leisurely flirting with the little beauty.

After Sun Mengshu saw Chen Feiqi returning to his familiar appearance, he could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"Baby, I have been cold for you in the past few days. Today I will compensate you well." Chen Feiyi thought that he would soon see Beiyuyu become the target of the public, and the mood did not come to be better.

Su Mengshu's complexion is red, and it seems to the outsiders that Xu is provoked by his suggestive words. Only the parties know what is going on.

Sun Mengshu felt that there was a burst of numbness on her legs. She was shocked to find that Chen Fei’s legs were constantly attacking upwards, which seemed to have to go deeper.

Sun Mengshu was shocked and couldn't help but look at Chen Feiqi. He saw him eating a light meal, as if nothing had happened.

"Baby, eat fast. This is delicious, just as smooth and delicious as you are, you can give it a try." Chen Feiyu put a piece of cheese cake on her plate.

Sun Mengshu looked at the things in the dish, and his face was red and red.

Not far away, a waiter was carrying a steaming soup to Sun Mengshu. When she approached, Chen Feiqi and Sun Mengshu were not aware of it, just because their attention was placed under the table.

At this moment, the waiter poured the hot soup in his hand to Sun Mengshu, the hot soup was sprinkled on her body, Sun Mengshu screamed, and the restless feet under the table were also splashed. One is right.

Chen Fei reluctantly retracted his foot. After the waiter poured out, he quickly left. After he left, the talents in the restaurant reacted and looked at them one by one.

Sun Mengshu was so screaming, tears could not flow, and the pain in his mouth shouted: "Flying brother, I am so painful. I am not going to die."

The two were sent to the hospital, who was behind the scenes, and they didn’t have to check them and they knew it.

Chen Feiqi looked at the miserable girlfriend, and his eyes screamed at the anger of the sky, shouting his teeth: "North Rain."

(End of this chapter)

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