Chapter 1622 Shredded Stallion Male 59

At this time, Bei Yuyu, who was hated by people, was watching the development on the Internet and found that someone posted a post, and the post was directed at her. The general content is that her luck is not bad, and the best jade is opened. This luck can be compared with Chen Fei.

Although the post did not name the surname, many of them know the match between Bei Yuqi and Chen Feiqi. This is to evoke everyone's attention, blur the line of sight, and downplay Chen Fei's work.

It’s not necessary to check the North Rain, and you know who is behind the ghosts.

Bei Yuyu told Bai Jun that he could proceed to the next step.

"Right, when clarifying, remember to delete the floor of the previous post."

Before the departure of the company, he deliberately tried to use Bai Jun boldly. Since there are resources to send to the door, it is natural that there is no need to use it. It’s very handy to use Bai Jun in the north rain.

Bai Jun should say: "Okay."

Bai Jun didn't have a long time to contact with Bei Yu, but he was deeply aware of her power. This belly of Miss Beijia, is almost the same as the King of the Devil, and it is not a family who does not enter a house.

Soon on the Internet, there was a rebuttal post. The content of the post was very simple. It directly sent out a few pieces of discarded photos from Beiyu, and used the facts to prove that Chen’s luck was good.

These photos are specially taken by Bei Yuyu. The outsiders do not know at all. For the sake of authenticity, there are also famous buddies in the city of Sijiu, and there are several of them who will question the authenticity of the photos.

A post appeared soon, and the person who posted the post was jokingly saying that Chen Feiqi had a layer of eyes. His post was deleted, and the layer leader jumped out of the accusation, saying that Chen Fei’s guilty conscience, whoever deleted the post, deleted him, is it because he guessed it, he has a perspective.

Soon, whether Chen Feiqi has the word "eyes" spread on the Internet, whether there is any special function in the world has become a hot topic on the Internet.

There are many talents on the Internet, and some netizens quickly find evidence that the world has a special function.

Chen Feiqi was pushed to the cusp of the cusp. His fame is not only in the jade world, but also famous outside.

Chen Feiqi, who was hiding in Thailand and Myanmar, saw such news and was so angry that he was going to vomit blood.

"Ayu, is there any way to control it?" Chen Feiyu asked with a sullen face.

Qian Yu is a headache, things happen too quickly, and they are caught off guard. They just want to remedy, there will be new things, and a series of things are completely premeditated.

“Uncontrollable.” Qian Yu felt very bad because it greatly affected the company’s business. “Are you offending someone?”

This incident shows that someone is targeting Chen Fei.

"In addition to the north rain, there is nothing else." Chen Fei's mind only thought of her alone.

"If it is her, then it will be troublesome."

Behind the North Rain, there is a family, this is not the person they can deal with.

"When are you coming back?" Qian Yu asked.

"I am still in the hospital. After the dream is better, we will come back."

"Good. Then you pay attention to safety."

After Qian Yu interrupted the phone, he couldn't help but blink.

Just then, the door to the office was ringing.

"Come in."

The secretary walked into the office. "Qian Zong, the total amount of wool that Mr. Chen bought from Thailand was cut, and all the wool was up, and more than half of them were fine jade."

Ps: Make up tomorrow!

This plane is written to say that the ink is about to vomit blood.

Since I knew that you were not interested, Moye wrote it in a bad mood and didn't feel it. I haven’t found the feeling yet...

Mom, it’s painful to write this plane.

Be sure to finish it quickly, hey, don't worry.

Finally, little cute, remember to support a lot of new books by Mo Ye, scores, comments, collections come a wave, the heat needs you.

There are still six planes in the world to wear this book. These six plane worlds, we have to choose the plane theme.

You can post a message, talk about it, what you want to see, and say concrete. As long as I have a feeling, I will write the plane of the subject and what you want to see.

(End of this chapter)

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