Chapter 1638 Shredded Stallion Male 75

"Hey, it’s not that the brothers don’t help you, but it’s too difficult. Thailand and Burma are not domestic. The gangs there are murderous and ruthless. If we offend them, they will not let us go. Our company is in Thailand. There are also subsidiaries in Myanmar, and the subsidiaries must follow the funeral. This is not something you can manage, you can’t control it. Where are you now?”

Lin Biaoer’s sullen reply: “At the hotel.”

"Where to stay, don't go anywhere."

Shortly after she hang up the phone, someone knocked at the door and left Lin Biaoer directly, forcibly sending her back to China.

When Chen Feiqi went back, he did not buy jade, only that there was no good goods this time. The black snake still trusts him in this respect and does not say anything.

After returning to the cage room, Chen Feiqi waited for him, expecting Lin Biaoer to take people to save him.

This is a month, and this month, Chen Feiqi’s strangeness was finally noticed by the black snake.

The black snake killed the man from Chen Feiqi.

"Is there a problem with your eyes?" the black snake asked with a sullen face.

Chen Feizhen did not dare to answer, and his body shivered slightly.


Chen Fei screamed, "No, no."

"Is it not?" The black snake sullenly lowered his face and asked for several boxes.

"Look at what's inside." The black snake stared at him with a pair of eyes.

Where can Chen Feiqi see the things in the wooden box, he can't even see things normally, and only when things get to the front, can you see them faintly.

Chen Feiqi couldn’t say it, and the results that could not be said were very miserable.

"Dare to lie to me? I have lost so much money. I want you to marry you."

Chen Feiqi was kicked from the wheelchair. The whole man was kneeling on the ground. Someone stepped on his back. Soon the second and third feet, the unmanned people gathered around and punched and kicked him.

A few minutes later, Chen Fei vomited blood, and blood flowed out of his pupils. The whole person was dying.

The black snake looked at him, and the anger of his heart continued to soar, as if the person in front of him was his father-in-law.

Damn, this idiot actually broke his eyes.

"Hey, feed the dog." The black snake was cold and ordered.

The following people dragged Chen Feiqi down. He wanted to ask for mercy, but his mouth was unloaded and he couldn't make a sound.

Before he died, he saw his left and right embrace in his mind, sitting on the river and the beautiful woman, even if the high officials saw him, he bowed his head. He felt that his life should be like this.

Chen Feiyu died and eventually died in the hands of the gang.

After his death, a brother in the black snake sneaked to a remote place to dial a number, and a cold female voice was heard on the other end of the phone.

"Chen Feiyu is dead."

"Good. The balance will be available to your account soon."

"Thank you." The man hangs up the phone happily, just thinking about the woman at the end of the phone and letting him do something, he thinks that the woman is more jealous than them.

Before letting him take medicine in Chen Fei's food every day, he thought it was poison. He didn't expect it to be ruining his eyes.

Country H

The north rain smashed the phone, and the cold eyes looked at the night of the ink, it was time to leave.

She went to the backyard and found the ring buried under the tree.

The ring is still the same as before, and it is gray and uncharacteristic.

Now Chen Fei is dead, and the ring is nothing.

(End of this chapter)

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