Chapter 1639 shredded stallion male 76

The northern rain licks the finger and a drop of blood drops on the ring. The next second, her person entered the ring space. As seen in her data, the area of ​​the space is not very large, only about a hundred square meters.

Not far from there is a pool of water, the pool is very shallow, and the water in the pool is crystal clear.

She took a sip and took a bite, sweet and delicious.

There was a thatched cottage in front of her. She went in the direction of the thatched cottage and saw a lot of jade wool near the thatched cottage. These wools should have been purchased by Chen Feiqi.

Walking into the thatched cottage, the furnishings in the house are simple, with only one wooden bed, one shelf, one table and chairs, and nothing else.

The northern rain rushed to the wooden frame with three eye-catching books on it, which is one of the most valuable things in the entire space.

Three books on the wooden frame, a medical book, a boxing method, and a physical exercise method are actually the method of cultivating the fairy. In these three books, in the eyes of outsiders, the practice of the cultivation of the immortals must be the most valuable, followed by the boxing method, and finally the medical book.

But in the eyes of the north rain, it is the medical book. The boxing method is good, but she has the system of cold palms, the quality is definitely higher than this boxing method. As for the cultivation of immortality, there is no attraction at all for a rainy rain that once lived in the emperor's face.

There are too many upper-level cultivation methods and cheats in her mind. These are a fortune. However, in the world of the aura of the aura, it is very difficult to cultivate these things.

Bei Yuqi picked up the medical books she was most interested in. She specialized in the books of drug production. She also studied medicine with the national authorities and saw many medical books. But medicine is not something you can completely control. There are many big and large worlds, and whoever can guarantee that every plane you learn will be universal.

Bei Yuyu holds the medical book. There are a lot of things she has read and learned, but there are also many that she has never seen or learned. She looked very seriously, and she waited until the entire medical book was finished.

After reading it, Bei Yu Chi did not feel tired, and picked up another boxing method from the side. Although the grade of the boxing method is not cold and cold, it is also an extraordinary thing. Although the ice palm is good, but the early stage is more tasteless, and there is not much lethality. Only in the later stage will it show the greatness of the ice palm.

This set of boxing is not the same, but it can make up for the short board of the cold palm.

These things can't be taken away by the rain, and she can only rely on her memory to keep everything in her head. It took a whole day to get a half-cooked boxing.

As for the last thing, Bei Yuyu just looked at a few pages, not a profound practice.

In the past life, Chen Feizhen could destroy this plane world by relying on four things in the ring to make him. Among the four things, the most crucial thing is this set of cultivation methods.

Without it's existence, Chen Fei's top is relying on the things in the ring, with the richness and power of the heavens, not because of the cultivation of immortals, wanting to live for centuries, want to become immortals, and thus to find aura, drain The life of the plane world.

The northern rain smashed the practice of this set of cultivation, so that it no longer existed. As for the medical book and the boxing method, she still left it in the space, and all the jade was thrown into the space ring.

(End of this chapter)

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