Chapter 1667 Real World 27

After the rain fell on the two small ones, she carried a bowl of porridge into the bedroom.

Place the porridge on the table and then walk to the bed.

The person on the bed was not awake, and he looked at his face with some irregular flushes. The northern rain smashed out his hand and put his hand on his forehead, feeling an abnormal body temperature in his hand.

There is no antipyretic here, only physical fever.

There was no spirits in the house, and the north rain rushed to the street to buy a shochu with a high height. After returning home, he wiped the body of his body with alcohol.

After wiping it, his body temperature dropped significantly.

The north rain continued to the second time. After this time, the irregular flush on his face gradually faded.

She reached out and touched his forehead again, much better than before.

Wet the towel and put it on his forehead.

By the time all of his series of things are done, the outside sun is already high. Outside the courtyard, I heard the sounds of musk and kid ink, as well as a male voice.

When the North Rain came out of the house, he saw Zhao Erhu followed Xiaomoer.

Muxiang said to Bei Yuxi: "Mr. Wood, I am going to cook."

"Well. Do more."

"it is good."

Bei Yuyu knew that it was a good thing for Zhang Jia Er’s young master. She took Zhao Erhu to sit on the stone bench under the big banyan tree in the courtyard.

"Mrs. Wood, these are all things you want." Zhao Erhu pushed a piece of rice paper he had written to the front of Bei Yu.

The northern rain picks up the rice paper and looks at it carefully.

In the above, I wrote in detail about where Zhang Erye likes to go in and out. Every time and time of entry and exit has a rough data, from which you can know his preferences and activities at a glance.

After watching the rain, Bei Yu said to him sincerely: "Thank you so much."

Zhao Erhu smiled and said: "This is what I should do."

After the talk, Zhao Erhu seems to think of something, and his expression becomes more and more.

"But what's the problem?" asked Bei Yuyu.

Zhao Erhu hesitated for a while before he said: "There is one thing I don't know when I talk about it."

"Say it."

Zhao Erhu lightly coughed one voice: "When I was collecting Master Zhang Er, I noticed that he often went to a village in the suburbs. That Zhuangzi is a yard where Lin Zhisheng, who is called Fu Zhi, lives.

At first I was a friend of the two of them, so Master Zhang Er liked to go to his village. However, I accidentally saw it yesterday. ”

Having said that, his voice suddenly stopped.

"what did you see?"

Zhao Erhu seems to be a bit difficult to say. "I, I saw that they were intimately tied together. They looked at each other's eyes and they were strange. They always seemed to be watching the beloved."

Broken sleeves! ! !

Bei Yuyu said that he was not surprised, and he was not surprised.

For those who have broken sleeves, after more than a dozen planes, they will not be as hostile or contemptuous as others.

After looking for two words, I saw the calmness of Bei Yu's face, and my heart was very surprised.

Didn't she know it long ago? !

"I suspect that Master Zhang Er has a good life in Longyang."

"I will go see the situation personally in the next day."

This matter still has to be verified by herself. After all, it is a big thing.

After Zhao Erhu’s resignation, Bei Yuxi thought of the man in the house.

She waved at the little ink, "Ink, you are coming with the mother."

The little boy inked his way to the north rain and went to the bedroom. He didn't ask anything, and he followed behind her.

Ps: fifth, fifth, more...

Regarding what you recognize, don’t worry about it.

Before you didn't see them recognize each other, they all jumped their feet and sent the blade to the ink.

When you let me see the follow-up, I will know my arrangement.

Now, Mo Ye still wants to say, see the follow-up.

It's so simple between them, there are arrangements behind me.

(End of this chapter)

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