Chapter 1668 Real World 28

Pushing open the door, the little boy with the tip of his eye saw someone on the bed at a glance.

He couldn't help but widen his eyes and looked at the rain in the north.

The northern rain snorted and coughed. "That, he is a friend of a mother-in-law, injured, and he has to heal here for a while."

The kid snorted and walked forward, looking at the cold man on the bed, looking up and looking northward, "Mother, is he the person in the mother's room last night?"


The north rains are petrified! ! !

Nima’s, didn’t you say that you didn’t hear it? Don't you say that you don't know anything?

Scorpio, come to the tofu and let her kill it.

Xiaozi Mo felt the embarrassment of her mother, and realized that she said something she should not say.

"Mother, mother-in-law, in fact, I have not heard anything." Xiaozi inked a pair of bright and bright eyes and looked at her, the white and tender little face said seriously.

The north rain looked at his little explanation, and looked up silently and looked up at the sky.

He seems to say something wrong again.

"Nanny." The little boy had a small mouth and looked at her poorly.

Bei Yuyu heard the little guy’s grievances and worried voices, and took a deep breath.

Under her strong psychological qualities and the face of a wall of iron and steel, she looked at him calmly.

"Ink, today, my mother taught you a word."

The boy inked his eyes and waited for her.

"This sentence is called ‘no silver three hundred and two here.’”

The little boy inked a little, and immediately the little face was red, knowing that his explanation was worse than not explaining it.

Bei Yuyu extended his hand on his small shoulder and said with a strong heart: "If you encounter this situation again, don't make it again, you know?"

The kid inked and nodded.

"Mother, what is the name of this uncle?" asked Xiaozi Mo.

"Oh, that..."

Mom, what is his name? !

Oh, looks like, it seems that she hadn’t come and asked yesterday, the guy fell down and then remained unconscious.


The name is not a problem.

"Oh, it turned out to be an unnamed uncle."

"Tomorrow may be going to sleep again, this unnamed uncle will take care of you. If he wakes up and wants to leave, you don't have to stop. He wants to leave, let him go. About him Things, Mo Er Mo want to ask more." North rain squatting.

For people like him, identity must not be simple.

Some things, some things, don't know the best for yourself.

Xiaozi ink listened carefully. "Ink, understand."

"Okay, go back. I am here to take care of him."

"Mother, Mie went back to study." Xiaozi said softly and softly.

North Rain nodded, "Go. If you don't understand, come over and ask the mother."

After Xiaozi Mo left, Bei Yuyu walked to the bed and stood by the bed. He looked at him condescendingly. "In order to save you, my image in front of Xiao Moer is completely ruined. You said that you are not special. mine."

Bei Yuyu looked at his eyes and closed his eyes. He couldn’t help but reach out and squeeze a hand on his face.

That behavior is like venting anger.

This feel is not bad.

The northern rain smashed another hand and felt really good.

Notice that his eyes trembled and she immediately withdrew her hand.

After the rain, he waited for a while. He did not open his eyes and remained as it was.

(End of this chapter)

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