Chapter 1805 Mysterious Island 29

"Gongsun Mingyue died, then?" asked Bei Yuyu.

Li Mengmeng was asked by her face. "What then? What do you want to say? Right, what is the water on my face, and how it hurts."

Everyone saw her reaction and her look became very weird.

Li Mengmeng looked at her wolverines. When she looked up, she saw the expression of the crowd, and her brows could not help but wrinkle. "Why are you looking at me with that strange look?"

Li Mengmeng can't help but look down on her body and see if there are any strange things.

"You just ran out of the house suddenly and rushed directly to the edge of the cliff. If Miss North did not throw you down in time, you have already died in the sea." Dr. Zhang said.

"What?!" Li Mengmen was shocked and looked at the people incredulously. "I, I ran to the cliff?"

"Yeah. It’s not Miss Bei who will pull you in time. You are now buried in the sea."

"No, impossible. I have a fear of heights, how can I run to the edge of the cliff." Li Mengmeng does not believe.

"She shouldn't be evil?" rigorously said.

"Middle evil?!" Li Meng Meng shook his body and felt that his body was cold.

Everyone looks at each other and what happens in front of them cannot be inferred from common sense. Except for the evil, there is no other reason to explain what is happening in front of us.

This piece, a pile of things, seems to tell everyone clearly and plainly, all ghosts are doing things.

Before, Bei Yuyu was also ridiculously skeptical about whether there was a ghost, but the more it was, the more she made her sure that it was not a ghost, but an artificial one.

She has an instinct that the people behind it want everyone to push these things onto the ghosts and pick up their suspicions.

The north rains out loudly: "How can there be ghosts in the world? Don't scare yourself."

"How do you explain the things in front of you?" The rigorous voice suddenly rose.

Feng Qing looked at the rigorous and jokingly asked: "People will die by your side. You will not have a little consciousness when you are rare? Or is it that you are killing you?"

"I killed?! You have to tell the evidence in your blood. I want to kill, and I can't kill her. It's not putting me in a bad situation. I'm not that stupid."

"That can be said, I don't want to cover it. I want to get rid of the suspicion in this way. After all, this kind of thing is not uncommon." Feng Qing looked at him.

Strict and succinct, "What reason do I have to kill her?"

"What reason?" Feng Qing said with awkwardness: "I heard the two of you had a dispute in the swimming pool during the day. I saw some people want to do something to her. At that time, you hate and squat at night. The opportunity to kill her, by the way, wants to cover up and elute you as a murderer."

"You, you... **** mouth." Strictly irritating.

"Then I ask you, did you have a dispute with her yesterday?" Feng Qing asked.


"Can't say it." Feng Qing looked at him with a smile.

Feng Qing’s lips and corners reveal a smirk. “Some people, though they are human teachers, are human faces.”

"You don't want to be too much."

"Isn't it a person who is a teacher, on the first day of coming here, hooked up with a woman, but also burned fire. Not some people, after eating and wiping, they still don't want to recognize the account."

(End of this chapter)

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