Chapter 1806 Mysterious Island 30

Feng Qing’s words can be described as words and words, but they are also forced to be rigorous and speechless.

Obviously, Feng Qing’s words made him unable to argue.

I was rigorously noticed that everyone looked at me with their own eyes, and suddenly I was a little panicked. I lost my usual gentleness on my face and said eagerly: "Don’t listen to him nonsense, I am not a murderer, definitely not a murderer."

"Last night, after you went to the north rain, Gong Sunmingyue said that he was afraid of sleeping, and did not dare to sleep in his room. She volunteered to live in my room. I thought she had just been stimulated and agreed. When we both fell asleep, we fell asleep very quickly. When I woke up in the morning, I saw a body. What happened in the night, I really don't know."

Bei Yuyu heard about himself and couldn’t help but ask: “Is you bringing me back to the room yesterday? What happened last night?”

Dr. Zhang said: "At two o'clock in the morning, Gongsun Mingyue screamed and woke everyone up. After we went in, we saw Gongsun Mingyue injured and fell on the bed. According to her, she should have been murdered. Attack, when he wrestled, he was shocked.

I found out that you were not there. I was afraid to see you any accidents and went to see you. When you find you in the library, you are lying on the ground. ”

"I am lying on the ground?" The north rain frowned and frowned.

"Yes. Is there any problem?" Dr. Zhang asked.


How did the Northern Rains sleep?

No, she can never sleep. Even if she slept, she will wake up when they come. However, they found themselves and moved her back to the room. She didn't wake up all the time, and there was a big problem here.

Suddenly, Beiyuyu stood up and went straight to the stairs.

Everyone saw her sudden move, and she was shocked.

Watching her fast running upstairs, Feng Qing mouth muttered, "Is she also evil?"

"Can't let her go alone."

Afraid of her accident, a group of people chased behind the rain, and went up to the third floor. They entered the library and saw that the north rained their heads and looked for something there.

"North sister, what are you looking for?" Li Mengmeng asked questions.

Bei Yuyu ignored her, but looked down and searched in the library, a little bit, carefully searching, and finally found a subtle white powder in the corner.

She pinched the white powder and smacked it on the tip of her nose.

She guessed that it was true.

Last night she was not too tired to sleep, she was fainted.

It’s your own care, and at the same time you can see the horror of the people behind you.

"North sister, what is that?" Li Mengmeng curious question and answer.

Dr. Zhang squatted down, smeared the white powder from the carpet, smelled it on the tip of his nose, and did not smell what it was.

"Miss North, what is this?"

Everyone looked at her, and the north rains up and stood up, and the eyes swept over the crowd. "This thing is the powder after the burning of silk grass. After the silk grass is ignited, the smell is emitted, just like the musk from the bookshelf in the library. The two are mixed together and people are not aware of it."

"Silk grass? What is it? Is it toxic?" Li Mengmeng asked.

Dr. Zhang is also a ignorant face. He knows Western medicine, but he does not understand Chinese medicine. He does not know what silk grass is.

(End of this chapter)

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