Chapter 1807 Mysterious Island 31

"Silk grass is a kind of spice. It was widely used hundreds of years ago, but it has gradually disappeared. Now people know that this thing is rare. If the silk grass does not touch the flower, it is harmless. But once you encounter the assorted flowers, you will produce a toxin that will make you fall into a coma."

After the rain was finished, I looked at the Sen housekeeper. "I remember that I used a lot of assorted flowers on the table decoration for dinner yesterday. I wanted to come to me at that time, inhaled the scent of the assorted flowers, and then entered the collection. After the room, I heard that the murderer prepared the silk grass in advance, and let me fall into a coma without knowing it."

Bei Yuyu found the reason for his coma, but there was one more question in his heart.

Is the murderer deliberately targeting her or is it unintentional?


When this answer comes out, she is denied.

If the murderer had to deal with himself last night, then why should he shoot the Gongsun Mingyue again?

There is too much contradiction between the two.

What made her even more strange was that the murderer was careful and she failed in the first attack on Gongsun Mingyue.

There are too many unexplained reasons that prevent her from guessing who the murderer is behind the scenes.

But now one thing is certain, these things are artificial, not ghosts.

After listening to the crowd, they turned to look at the Sen Guanjia and Ahua. Dinner is the responsibility of both of them, and now this happens, naturally transferring the suspected target to them.

Just then, Li Mengmeng screamed, "I remembered."

"What do you think of?" asked rigorously.

"The poem. You still can't remember the poem."

"If you want to say something, just say, don't sell it." Feng Qing said impatiently.

Li Mengmeng ignored the bad attitude of Feng Qing.

The poem she has already read in her heart.

"If you don't realize this life, no one asks for flowers outside the door; you can change your head and face your predecessor, and you will die all the time. You will take the first word of each sentence and combine it."

Strictly frowned, "You, the door, change, die."

Suddenly, his eyes suddenly widened and he exclaimed in his mouth: "You **** it!"

"Yes, you are damn." Li Mengmeng looked coldly at Sen Guan. "This poem is given to us by the housekeeper. Since we have been here for a few days, we have died every day, but it is not the poem." ""

The people on the island immediately gathered together, staring at the Senguan and Ahua.

"You are the murderer." Li Mengmen pointed to Sen Guanjia and Ahua.

In the face of their allegations, Sen Guan’s face has not changed, still maintaining the gentleman’s grace, calmly said: “The poem should be a coincidence.”

"That's the flower, what do you explain?" asked Feng Qingsen.

"That is also a coincidence. The island is rich in assorted flowers, and it is normal for us to use assorted flowers as decoration." Mori Butler explained.

His explanation does not convince everyone.

It is a bit certain that the north rains are sure that the Mori Butler is not a murderer, but he must have had contact with the murderer, or he knows who the murderer is.

Of course, it is also possible that he is the murderer.

However, there is no evidence that he is the murderer.

"Catch them both." Feng Qing sighed.

Ah Hua looked at them and tried to catch them. They hurriedly argued: "We are not the murderers."

Ps: seventh, seventh, and more...

Moye started to save the manuscript from today, and then prepared to explode, and the explosion will pay off the update that was owed before. The specific time for the explosion is to be determined. Don't ask when Mr. Mo did not know, and the ink master didn't know. When the ink was enough, he started enough.

(End of this chapter)

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