Chapter 1998 has a mother-in-law 24

If she is the original owner, seeing this naturally will not let it go. Unfortunately, she is not.

She came here to make them bad, not to make them better.

Hongmei’s mind was delicate, and she noticed the delicate expression of the lady. She said to the green lotus road, “Green Lotus, you have to worry, this lady has her own claim.”


What Green Lotus still wants to say, but was interrupted by the North Rain.

"Green Lotus, you go to the kitchen to see, Wang Hao, they have to help."

"Yes, miss."

Green Lotus leaned over and turned and left.

The northern rain rushed back to the room and looked at the red plum. "Red plum, can you treat me well?"

Red Plum immediately said: "Missing a slave is naturally excellent."

"I have one thing here, let you go. You come over with your ears." Bei Yuyu waved at the move.

Hongmei heard the words, leaned down and put her ear on her.

After a few breaths, the eye of the red plum with her instructions, the eyelids gradually widened, and the eyes showed an incredible color.

"Miss, you are like this..." What Hongmei was trying to say was stopped by Bei Yu.

"Don't say much, you do what I want."

The red plum leaned over and said, "Yes."

When Hongmei walked out of the house, his heart was full of puzzles. If it is true to follow the lady's instructions, this is not a good thing for the young lady. However, the lady did not let her say more, she could only do it.

In the evening, Hongmei hurried back from the outside. Upon returning, she went directly to the room in Beiyuyu.

At this time, Bei Yuyu was painting Daniel after the desk.

"Miss." Red plum leaned over.

"Come back. How is the matter going?" The northern rain was not lifted, and the movements in his hands did not stop.

"Miss back, I have already done it."

After a cup of tea, Bei Yuqi put the pen in his hand down, and a picture was being drawn on the table. Only a back view was seen in the misty clouds, but the face of the person was not seen.

Bei Yuyu carefully placed the portrait, and then he looked up and looked at Hongmei. When she saw her eyes and talked about it, she knew something. If she didn’t let her know one or two, I am afraid that this girl’s heart will be broken.

"If you want to ask, just ask."

"Miss, if you do this, my grandfather's reputation will be worse. Miss is not... isn't it tired?" Hongmei finally asked the words in her heart.

Miss married to her grandfather, but it was very unpleasant with her family. At that time, the lord was not able to go to the aunt. If the grandfather succeeded in his post, the relationship between the master and the lady could be eased.

But if the aunt is not good, the situation of the lady is not even worse, and the people outside will only see the jokes of the lady.

Anyway, after the incident was made, it was a bad thing for the young lady. Therefore, Hongmei did not understand why the young lady wanted to do so, so what good is it for her.

From the rain on the table, Bei Yu said to her: "Sometimes people are like this fruit, watching it intact, people want to eat it, but after you really bite it, Know if the fruit is good or bad inside. Can you understand?"

The red plum stunned, and did not expect that the result would be like this.

It’s not what the aunt did, let the lady be heartbroken.

Yes, it must be like this. Otherwise, it is impossible for Miss to do this with her love for her grandfather.

When I think about it, it is also the same as the Northern Rain.

(End of this chapter)

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