Chapter 1999 has a mother-in-law 25

"The slave knows. What the lady wants to do later, even though she told the slaves." Red Plum said faithfully.

"Yeah. Go on with you."

In the evening, Fu Yibo was still rushed back to the couch to rest on the rain.

After a night of brewing and spreading, there was already a storm waiting for him, but he knew nothing about it. Northern Rain is in a good mood today. When paying for a blog, the smile on his face is more than before.

Fu Yibo saw her happy, could not help but ask: "Yangzi, but there are some happy events, you are happy."

Bei Yuxi smiled and said: "I am seeing that you are healthy and healthy, so you are in a good mood. When you are studying, you have to be tired."

He couldn't help but nod. Recently, he always felt that the lady was a little cold, and there were fewer relatives than in the past. Now I look at it again, I should have arrived in a strange place before I came, and I have not been able to adapt.

"The outside is big, you are going back to the house." Fu Yibo said softly and thoughtfully.

North Yu Yan nodded shyly.

Lin, who was on the sidelines, looked at them like this. He only felt obscured. He couldn’t help but urge: "Well, it’s not too late. If you don’t go, it’s late."

Under the urging of Lin, Fu Yibo left.

Lin saw his son left, went to the front of the north rain, and smiled and said: "Rain, not the mother's love, since you know that Boer is hard to study, at night, don't be tired of him. Man The body can't help but hollow out."

The smile on the face of Bei Yu's face has not been reduced. "The daughter-in-law is saved."

"You know it. When the craftsmen are coming, you will have as few women as possible. If you are badly seen by outsiders, it will affect your reputation."

The north rains nodded.

Lin saw that she was so well-behaved and very satisfied. She turned and began to tell Wang Hao and Li Wei to work.

"Miss, how can the old lady be like this. If you don't let your grandfather close, how to conceive and have children. If there is no child, then the outside person does not know how to arrange you." Green Lotus said with some indignation.

In the past life, the original master married has not been able to conceive a child, this Lin can be regarded as the first effort.

Every day, she chanted and screamed at the side of the original Lord. At the same time, she deliberately pretended to be sick, letting the original owner sit and wait for her. In this way, the original body of the Lord can not afford to eat, naturally will not pay a trip to Zhou Gongzhi.

After a long time, her face was ugly, and she was pondered by Lin, but she lost her interest in paying for her. For a long time, Lin’s slap in the face, saying that the original owner was a hen who would not lay eggs.

The red plum snorted. "Who dares to arrange the lady, I can't get around her first."

"Okay, okay, you don't have to worry about these things. Go to the kitchen and see, Wang Ma has something to help out there."

"Okay, miss."

"Miss, Liu Ma will make chestnut cake today, I will give it to you later." Green Lotus smiled.

The north rain nodded.

On the other hand, Fu Yibo returned to the academy in a good mood. As soon as he entered the college, the students who had been surrounded by him saw him coming. They stopped talking and looked at him with a strange look.

Fu Yibo was only slightly confused and did not mind. Waiting until the afternoon, when I met Wang Xiucai, I was about to say hello, and I saw Wang Xiucai screaming at him.

It’s not enough to pay attention to this.

(End of this chapter)

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