Chapter 2106 BOSS, about 26

Xiao Jiang heard her analysis, her eyes flashed a glimmer of light, but it was quickly overshadowed by other emotions.

"You think about it with me, how to escape?" North Yu Yan looked at him.

Xiao Jiang was indulging. "Or, do we use the most rude method to hit the gangster three and then escape?"

Northern Rain nodded. "This is the way. However, the two of us are definitely not the opponents of the gangsters, so we have to use a little means."

When Xiao Jiang saw her look, she immediately understood, "Do you have an idea?"

The north rain squinted at the eyes, "You come with your ears."

Xiao Jiang is very close to the north rain.

Looking at what he is now, the north rain licks his lips and raises his point slightly.

Now the little guy is a little less wary of her, but if he wants to let him and his heart have no words, I am afraid I need an opportunity.

Bei Yuyu said in the ear of the little guy for a while, the little guy blinked a little.

"Is that really okay?"

"Yes. I will see you when I see you."

Xiao Jiang nodded solemnly.

Bei Yuyan looked around the house and Xiaojiang couldn’t help but ask: "What are you looking for?"

"Of course it is a weapon for pickpockets."

After Xiao Jiang heard it, she said nothing in her mouth, but she also found her in the small room. When they heard footsteps coming toward this side, the two quickly sat back to their original positions, pulling their heads, and they were weak and weak.

After the gangsters saw them, they left with confidence.

When the gangsters left, the two began to look inside and out.

"These gangsters should clean up the house beforehand."

"Let's find it again, maybe they have some omissions."

When he heard this, Bei Yuyu snorted and laughed directly. "Our little children know how to comfort themselves."

In the afternoon, three gangsters entered the house, tied their hands back and brought out the small room.

They saw the gangster dialing the phone and the call was quickly handed over to Jiang Yi’s hands.

Their conversations are all amplified, and Bei Yu and Xiao Jiang are clearly heard from nature.

"Your son and your daughter's daughter are in our hands, giving you a day's time, making up 100 million in cash. If not, you can clean up your son."

Jiang Yi’s voice at the end of the phone was very calm. “I want to listen to their voices and make sure they are really in your hands.”

"Give him a check."

Say, take the mobile phone to the front of the north rain and Xiaojiang, the north rain 棠 first step open.

"Jiang always, I am still good with the young master. You will pay the ransom to help us. You and my mother say, let her not worry about me."

The kidnapper heard that Bei Yuyu was so interested and very satisfied with her performance.

If not, it will not let her say so long.

"Little Master, you also screamed, let Jiang always know."

Xiaojiang left the words of Beiyu, "Dad, you will take the money to redeem us."

After he said this, the kidnappers took back the phone.

"Now I heard it, I am ready to make money. Don't play tricks, or you will wait to collect your corpse."

Speaking of not waiting for the opening there, the kidnapper hangs up directly.

The northern rain smashed his face and said: "You can rest assured that if Jiang does not give money, we will cry and let him give money."

Chapter 2107

Xiao Jiang nodded and nodded.

"Oh, yes, it's very good." The gangsters looked at the two men.

The hostages that have been so cooperatively matched this year are really rare. The most they have seen are crying and crying, and they can’t say a useful word for a long time.

The northern rain smashed his face and said: "The big brothers, can you improve the food tonight? It is really the bread that can't be eaten."

Xiao Jiang is nodding.

After the three gangsters heard her, hahaha laughed.

Bei Yu and Xiao Jiang were brought back to the small room again. After the gangsters left, Xiao Jiang said: "Fortunately, my father did not tell you."

Xiao Jiang had not thought of it before, and only when the gangster called, he realized the problem. If Dad accidentally said that she was leaking, her lies would be dismantled.

Bei Yuxi smiled and said: "Reassured, I already knew that there will be such a result."

"Do you have confidence in my father?" Xiaojiang left to look at her.

"Do you think your father is a fool? People who can take charge of such a profession, you will be the kind of idiot. When the gangster speaks of my identity, even if he has doubts in his heart, he will not say it idiot. Next As long as you speak, then naturally, he will understand the generality of the matter."

Xiao Jiang looked at her confident appearance, and there was a slight panic, but she quickly said: "That is also a loss of **** to say your identity first, in case they did not mention your identity at that time, but Dad Open first, then it is not revealing."

"No." Bei Yuyu said with confidence: "The gangsters want to take the initiative, they must first open. They kidnapped two people, naturally to explain the identity of the two, or how to threaten. And your father picks up Down, it’s very reasonable to check the goods. I opened my mouth at that time, just to be able to confuse him."

"You are all accurate?" Xiao Jiang looked at her incredibly.

The north rain glared at the sleek eyes and smiled. "Do you think that I am very powerful? In fact, you can see more about the eight-point TV series. There are many such plots in it. You will understand more."

Xiaojiang Li:...

In the evening, those kidnappers really changed their meals for them, no longer a dry bread crumb, but a noodle. They will give them a face after they have soaked them.

Xiaojiang smells the fragrance and his eyes are shining. "What is this, good fragrance?"

The gangster’s second child didn’t even know that the kid even had instant noodles. The joke said: “The young master is a young master, and even the noodles don’t know.”

Xiao Jiang heard his tone in his voice, and his ears were slightly reddish.

After the gangsters left, the north rain opened the lid, stirred the noodles, and pushed them to his face. "Eat."

Xiaojiang left to eat and eat it. At first, she only felt that the taste was heavy, too busy and too oily, but it was delicious when I ate and ate, especially after eating a few meals of dried bread.

The north rain screamed that he could eat a soaked noodles, and the lips were slightly raised.

"This instant noodles is delicious."

"This can be eaten once or twice, but you can't eat more."


"Because there are a lot of preservatives in the noodles, and these oils are not good things. I have not eaten well." Bei Yu took a look of unbelief and immediately opened the preaching mode.

Ps: This is a two chapter merged into a chapter! Murray copied more! Potholes!

(End of this chapter)

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