Chapter 2107 BOSS, about 27

"You don't really believe it. I will tell you this. I used to work in a factory, I met a friend there. Her family is very poor, she has to pay her parents. She saves money every day. Suddenly, she had a convulsion and her stomach was uncomfortable. When she was in the hospital for an examination, the doctor told her that she had a stomach contraction.

Do you know what will happen to that disease? The stomach will shrink a little bit, and you can't eat even if you want to eat. When you can't eat at all, it's your death.

The doctor told her that she had eaten too much preservative-containing food and that she would get the disease if she had long-term malnutrition. Therefore, this instant noodles can be eaten once or twice, but it must not be eaten often, which is not good for the body. ”

This thing that Bei Yuxi said is what happened in the original memory. (What happened to the side of the ink, the cliff is true, but the name of the illness has been forgotten.)

Xiaojiang looked at her from the hustle and bustle. For a moment, he actually felt the lingering scent from her body. It was obvious that her tone was very dull, but it was this kind of plainness that was mixed with a kind of sadness that could not be said. .

His heart was slightly painful, as if there was a needle stuck at the apex.

After the rain in the north, I felt that this little guy would give a reaction, but the little guy was sulking and didn’t say anything.

Hey, this little boy is really a villain, so iron-hearted.

“You used to work in the factory before?” Xiaojiang asked after a long while.


After she finished speaking, she shut up and stopped talking.

[Host, now why don't you take the opportunity to tell him the tragic fate of your first half of life, if you don't get it, it will arouse his sympathy, but it is very helpful to you. 】

Bei Yu's eyebrows are picking up. I don't know if it is her illusion. I always feel that this time I use more points.

"It's not the time. The ice blade like this has to use the right place to get twice the result with half the effort and the effect is greatly increased. Now, it may be able to arouse his sympathy for a moment, but this kind of sympathy shelf life is often not very long."

[When are you going to use it? 】

"Nature is the time to use."

When the north rains and Xiaojiang were two people screaming and sleeping, the Jiang family was brightly lit.

One hundred million is not a small amount for Jiangjialai. In the past, it may be able to be transferred from the company, but unfortunately, the basic investment of liquidity is invested in the project. Jiang Yi let the property transfer all the funds flowing in the company, which is totally useless.

The puzzles of his predecessors were placed in front of Jiang Yi, and he began to hesitate.

When the next day, the kidnappers once again talked with Jiang Yi again, when they heard that Jiang Yi wanted to delay the transaction for a few days, the kidnappers did not agree. The conversation between the two parties is not happy.

The two people staying in the house naturally heard the screams of dissatisfaction outside the kidnappers, and soon they heard the kidnappers coming towards them.

The gate was kicked open without mercy. The gangster took the Xiaojiang away from the unknowingly. The northern rain rushed to the front, but was pushed away by the kidnappers.

The kidnappers took Xiaojiang away and kept the north rain in the hut.

"You let me go." Xiao Jiang was very uncomfortable when he was carrying his neckline.

‘啪’, the gangster’s rude slap in the face of Xiao Jiang’s face.

(End of this chapter)

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