Chapter 2168 BOSS, about 88

"Stay for a while."

【it is good. Friendly reminder, you are not here at this time. When the time falls, the system will automatically withdraw from the host spirit. 】

"Yeah." Bei Yuyu calmly responded.


When the big net of Jiang was taken away, the whole European family fell into a panic. Jiang Li joined another family of the four major families to share the European family. Jiang has been suppressing Euclidean, and this incident has been raging, and even the North Rain that has been at home has been heard.

In the past life, he suppressed the European family for Zhang Linger. In this life, there is no Zhang Linger, and he is still suppressing the European family, just for revenge.

History seems to be repeated, and everything seems to have changed and become no longer the same.

After Zhang Linger and Jiang Li were separated, she was as confessed as Ou Shangjie, and she got the understanding of Ou Shangjie. Nowadays, the family of the sweetheart Ou Shangjie is so severely suppressed by Jiang, how can she not be anxious to be a girlfriend.

"Xiaoyue, what do you say about me? What can I do for my brother?" Zhang Linger looked for Dai Xiaoyue for help.

Dai Xiaoyue glimmered, "Do you really want to help the European seniors?"

"Of course, as long as there is a glimmer of hope, I have to do it." Zhang Linger nodded affirmatively.

"I remember that you used to be separated from Jiang because he likes a woman, right?" asked Dai Xiaoyue.

Zhang Linger nodded. "What do you ask for this?"

"You will find the woman, control her, use her to negotiate, let Jiang leave the European seniors." Dai Xiaoyue proposed.

"This is a crime." Zhang Linger frowned.

Dai Xiaoyue said: "Linger, we don't do anything to her, as long as it is delicious and good for her. Even if the police come to investigate afterwards, we can't treat us. It takes twenty-four hours to form illegal detention. As long as we send people back safely before this, it is not illegal detention."

(Friendly reminder: The novel is a novel, so don't take it seriously. According to Chinese law, twenty-four hours is only the standard for filing a case. According to Article 238 of the Criminal Law: illegally detaining others or illegally deprived by other methods The personal freedom of others, as long as the implementation of illegal detention, regardless of the length of time, the number of times, the severity of the severity, should constitute illegal detention.)

Zhang Linger hesitated, Dai Xiaoyue saw this and continued to persuade: "Linger, are you going to watch the family of the European school graduates fall down? The only person who can save the European schoolmaster is you."

"But, but, I..." Zhang Linger still could not make a decision.

"I thought that you really loved the seniors. Just letting you do such a trivial thing for him, hesitant, and the loss of the seniors will be painful on the apex. Linger, if this matter is to let the seniors know, He will be chilling."

Dai Xiaoyue stepped hard, let Zhang Ling feel helpless, and finally daring to promise.

Zhang Linger got the private phone of Bei Yuxi and wanted to meet with the northern rain, but she refused. In desperation, Dai Xiaoyue began to ask her to go to the Jiang family to ‘please’ out.

"Xiaoyue, this is not acceptable. This is a kidnapping." Zhang Linger hesitated again.

However, in the words of Dai Xiaoyue, and under pressure, Zhang Linger finally agreed with her proposal.

Dai Xiaoyue is very enthusiastic about helping Zhang Linger to contact people. All things are handled by Dai Xiaoyue, and Zhang Linger only needs to be responsible for paying.

Five days later, a group of people quietly entered the Jiang family and quietly climbed the second floor. Because of the relationship between taking drugs, Bei Yuyu was soft and drowsy. He did not hear the movement until the person stood in front of her and covered her nose and mouth with a towel with a drug.

(End of this chapter)

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