Chapter 2169 BOSS, about 89

When the North Rain waking up again, she was already in a rude civilian house, her hands and feet were all tied with ropes.

Who kidnapped her? !

This answer she soon knew.

I saw that the closed door was opened, and two pretty figures appeared in front of her eyes.

"It's you." Bei Yuying looked at Zhang Linger and Dai Xiaoyue and felt very surprised.

Zhang Linger said with some embarrassment: "Sorry, I invite you in this way. You can rest assured that I will not do anything to you."

The north rain licked the lips and sneered. "Miss Zhang, if I don't see you, I will kidnap me. And I will say that I won't do anything to me. Why do you want to tie my hands and feet together?"

"I, I..." Zhang Linger was blocked by her and could not be refuted.

Dai Xiaoyue opened his mouth and said: "We are also safe for your life. If you have touched us here, it will not be easy to say."

The kidnapping can be said to be so fresh and refined, this is the first one.

"About what you said, I can rest assured that I will bear whatever I have. Now you can unlock the ropes."

"This can't be done. For your safety, it's still good." Dai Xiaoyue smiled and refused.

"Oh, huh." Bei Yu sneered and smiled. "I suddenly thought of a sentence, very suitable. When the female watcher is still standing on the archway."

Dai Xiaoyue and Zhang Linger both turned red and were not very angry.

"You, how can you talk like this. The educated woman should not say such vulgar words." Zhang Linger frowned and said.

"The educated people will not make kidnappings." Bei Yuqi smiled and looked at Zhang Linger.

"You..." Zhang Linger was not very angry.

Dai Xiaoyue put her hand on her shoulder and motioned her to be safe. "North Rain, we are coming over today, just want you to call Jiang Li and let him go to the European family."

They asked themselves to come over, and the north rains probably guessed their purpose.

"Let's let go of the European family?!" Bei Yu's lips smirked at the corner, but the bottom of his eyes was a cold feeling. "Who is going to let the Jiang family?"

"What do you mean?" Dai Xiaoyue frowned.

Zhang Linger asked inexplicably: "Now the river is against the European family, and the European family does not target the Jiang family. You are a bit puzzling."

"Do not target the European family? No, it is not targeted. What the European family did, they are clear in their own hearts. Otherwise, you think that Jiang is not targeted by who is not targeted, but for the European family. Since they are debts they owe, bitter fruit Don't think that you have done a bad thing, just say a few words that are irrelevant, you can reveal it. The world can't have such good things." North Rain said coldly.

Jiang Yi’s car accident was not an accident, but a man-made, and the brakes were touched in advance. Jiang did not glare at her, and he began investigating the car accident since the funeral.

Now Jiang has begun to target the European family. Needless to say, I know where the murderer came from.

It is too naive and ridiculous for them to want to uncover this matter so easily.

If she couldn't help herself, she would have left her sleeves instead of talking to them about these nonsense. They want to be the Virgin, be the savior, want them to be perfect, dream!

(End of this chapter)

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