Chapter 2186 Real World 7

It can be seen how difficult it is to become a scholar and to raise people. It is not only costing huge amounts of money, but also whether the candidates have that talent and stand out from the thousands of children.

The people who came to this exam were all the students in the surrounding colleges. Looking at it, there were no fewer than 3,000 people in this exam.

Three thousand people only take one hundred children's test, which shows that it is cruel.

Bei Yuxi smiled and said: "Let him feel the atmosphere, exercise first, even if it is not, it can be accumulated experience."

The woman was wearing the clothes of the two people in the north, and the people who were not short of money were the only ones who would be willing to spend money to come to the exam. The poor people, who are not prepared and ready to feel confident, will dare to end.

During their speech, a group of servants came out at the entrance of the Gongyuan, and the head of the crowd shouted at the crowd: "Every quiet."

The sound of the cymbals of "咚咚咚" finally made the scene of the hustle quiet, and everyone looked at the top.

"From now on, every time I report the name of a college, the students of the college will enter it for inspection. If the inspection is correct, you can enter. Anyone who carries the cheat sheet will be expelled and deprived of the qualification for three years. Ok, now an examination."

After the official finished speaking, there was a small 吏 吏 open the book and then reported the name of the college.

She had only heard of it before, but she never saw it. This is the first time she has seen it. Every servant inspection is very careful, from head to toe, fine to hair silk to check, so that a set down, but also can bring cheats into the examination room, showing that people with cheat sheets are powerful.

After checking out ten colleges, it is the turn of the Hongyuan Academy where Xiaozi Mo is the turn.

“The students of Hongyuan Academy all entered.”

As the servant shouted loudly, the students of Hongyuan College entered the inspection area.

"Mother, the baby has passed."

Northern Rain patted the little guy's shoulder, "Go."

When the northern rains stood outside, they saw that they were squatting and letting them spread their hair, checking their hair, from top to bottom, carefully looking through them, and even carrying them, all poured out one by one.

Xiaozi Mo saw the inspection of the rude rude and prepared the rice ball to be crushed, and it was directly thrown to the ground, so that all the rice **** could not be eaten.

Xiaozi ink saw that they had ruined the things that the mother had prepared. Gu had to talk and said: "The brother of the servant, the rice ball is prepared by the mother, if I don't allow it, let me eat it here."

The servant saw this little bean bud, and laughed. "You don't have a long hair, but you are also coming to the exam. Your adult is really relieved. Is it afraid that you won't cook in it, let you bring the rice ball? So as not to starve."

Xiaozi ink did not seem to hear the laughter in the words, turned to look at the officials above, went to him, bowed his hand to him, and said politely: "Adult, students have a question to ask, do not know Can adults explain their problems?"

Wang Daren looked at the big eyes flashing in front of him, a naive and lovely child, and did not expect such a small child in this year's child. Wang Daren has patiently asked: "What problem?"

“Students want to know if a person has knowledge and is age-based?”

Wang Daren smiled and said: "Haha, this question is a good question. The good or bad of learning has nothing to do with age. Why do you want to ask this?"

(End of this chapter)

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