Chapter 2187 Real World 8

Xiaozi ink said innocently: "The servant who thinks that the student is too young and has not learned enough, so the students have this question."

Wang Daren immediately returned to taste, and dare to love this kid is a small report, not to say clearly, but not urgent or slow, Xuanxu gradually, just look at his young age is so calm, even the questions are understood Grasp the size.

Even if this is not the case today, one day sooner or later it will come out.

"This official knows, you go in." Wang Daren said.

The kid inked his hand and returned to the place to bring his own things, and then went to the Gongyuan.

After he left, Wang Daren recruited the head of the servant to whisper a few words in his ear, and the head of the servant head went to check the servant of Xiaozi Mo.

"Lao Jiang, you will change your mouth and smell later. If these students are in high school, they will have to retaliate against you, and you will be well received."

Lao Jiang said with disapproval: "I don't mean to say a little boy. So a small child, waiting for him in high school, is also a matter of more than ten years, and by that time, I have forgotten my character. ”

The leader looked at him silently. "You don't want to be a small family."

"Haha, that little boy just came over and walked through the scene, really thought he could test the child's birth. You should not worry." Chiang Kai-shek did not listen to it.

See you at the head of the servant, no more words.

If this old Chiang Kai-shek does not change this temper, one day, there will be problems.

Although these students have not achieved fame, it is difficult to guarantee that one day in the future will be in the middle. If you offend him, will people remember that you will not know it in the future.

Xiaozi ink led the brand and found the corresponding position according to the number on the brand. This position is in the middle position, far away from the corner of the corner, without smelling the smell.

According to the mother, Xiaozi ink looked up to see if there was a loophole in the roof. Then check the rest of the wooden bed. It was a bed. In fact, it was just a shelf that was set up with wooden boards. When the exam was used, it was used as an examination table. As a bed to rest.

With his height, he can only sleep, if he is replaced by a bigger child or an adult, he may only be able to stay in the body all day long.

In the academy, he heard the seniors of the classmates say that each test is like a slap in the face. It is even more exaggerated. It is a turn from the ghost gate. During the examination period, candidates are absolutely not allowed to go to the tribute, and all activities are in the small room.

Highly stressful exams, one after another, plus poorly eaten, poorly ill, and physically weak students are prone to illness.

According to the instructions of the mother, the kid ink is checked after all, and then the scorpion is opened and the rice ball of the cloth bag is taken out. Except for the rice ball that ruined most of the servants, the scattered rice **** in the package were only less than a quarter of all.

Kid ink is not willing to discard the good intentions of the mother, re-squeezing the scattered rice ball into a ball, eating it bit by bit.

A candidate from the opposite side of the house saw the incense he had eaten, and he did not feel that he swallowed a sip.

"Hey, hello, kid, is your rice ball delicious?"

Xiaozi ink looked up and looked at the opposite person. He was a young boy who was about ten years old and dressed in a robes. He was staring at the rice ball in his hand.

"Do you want it?"

"The boy nodded again and again."

The kid ink was re-squeezed from the parcel and passed over. The boy looked around and saw no one noticed. He quickly ran to him, took the rice ball, and ate it.

(End of this chapter)

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