Chapter 2234 E-sports Great God 29

In these reports, an alternative news suddenly appeared.

The police appeared in the middle of the night in the room of the mysterious **** Yan Xiu. There is a picture of the truth, so that a wave of people who eat melons can see the face of the face.

Not until the report was spread, the news was deleted.

The competition was very exciting. What happened afterwards was even more exciting and exciting for the audience who saw the competition. Many people saw Yan Xiu at a close distance and saw the players they liked.

The organizer specially called the manager's mobile phone to ask about Yan Xiu, and the manager said that he had no problem.

Yan Xiu is really no problem, the whole process calms the face, but there is a faint stagnation between the eyebrows.

"Yan Xiu, why did you go to the library just now?" the manager whispered.

"Look for someone." Yan Xiu whispered.

"Not the woman you said wearing a goose-yellow dress?" the manager asked in a tentative tone.

"Yeah." Yan Xiu responded.

The manager's eyes widened and he did not expect to guess.

"She was just here?"

Yan Xiu glanced at him. "You just didn't see her running into the stadium?"

“No,” the manager said truthfully.

"You really should take a good look at the eyes." Yan Xiu solemnly proposed the matter.

The manager’s lips are slightly pumped, “Oh.”

After a long while, I squeezed out a sentence. "Yan Xiu, you have a good rest these days, and the training can be slow."

Yan Xiu squinted and stared at him. "You don't believe me?"

The manager faced someone’s cold eyes and watched the liver tremble. "I, I am caring about you."

What Yan Xiu thought of, "You contact the organizer to see if there is any monitoring at the entrance to Area A. If there is monitoring, let them copy the video of that time."

As long as the place is equipped with monitoring, it will definitely not be a dead end. When they see how they say it.

Under the gaze of Yan Xiu's pressing man, the manager silently took out his mobile phone, opened the number, and called the organizer. "Lao Zhu, there is installation monitoring on the entrance of Area A?"

The person in charge of the organizer heard this and asked with vigilance: "What is it, is it something that Yan has done?"

"No, no, you don't think too much, you just want to find something." The manager naturally will not tell him the true purpose, after all, this is Yan Xiu's privacy.

"There is monitoring on the other side."

"That troubles you to copy a video of this afternoon to me."

"no problem."

After hanging up the phone, the manager looked at Yan Xiu. "Well, I will send you the time after they are sent."

"Yeah." Yan Xiu sighed and closed his eyes.

Ten minutes later, the manager's cell phone rang, and he hurriedly picked up the answer button, lest he had a break from Yan Xiu's rest.

"Old Zhu."

"Lin Ge, I am really embarrassed. The monitoring of Area A is broken. I have not repaired it. I am afraid I can't monitor the video for you." The person in charge said with an apology.

"What!" Lin Yuxiang screamed.

Yan Xiu opened his eyes and looked at him.

Lin Yuxiang saw him wake up and hang up the phone when he said something to the other side.

"Yan Xiu, there is a bad news to tell you."

"No monitoring?"

"Almost. The monitoring is broken, all there is no video." Lin Yuxiang was really afraid of his hair, but fortunately he did not respond after hearing it.

(End of this chapter)

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