Chapter 2235 Esports God 30

On the other side, after leaving the rain, he went back to the hospital without going back to the hotel. Far away, I saw a lot of fans standing at the entrance of the hospital. These are fans of [Avocado Smile] and belong to the original fans.

The northern rain rushed directly upstairs, looking for a room from the window, found Gan Chufeng in the middle of the vip ward.

At this time, Gan Chufeng was lying on the bed with gauze on his face. There were different bandages around him, and it looked like the injury was very serious. A middle-aged woman is standing by the bed of Gan Chufeng.

The northern rain stunned at a glance, and the man was the mother of the original north rain.

"Rain, the wound still hurts?" North mother asked with a distressed and worried look.

Gan Chufeng weakly shook his head at the North Mother.

"Do you want to eat fruit? Mom will peel you off." North mother asked again.

Gan Chufeng said with a hoarse voice: "Mom, sit down and take a break."

"Good, good, good." North mother should say, "You hurt your throat, or try to talk less."

Gan Chufeng nodded. "I don't know if my voice is good, will the sound become ugly? And the wound on my face, I don't know if it will be disfigured?"

North Mother saw the worried look and comforted: "No matter what it becomes, you like my mother."

Bei Yuyu quietly watched the dialogue between the two of them. In fact, he had to say that Gan Chufeng’s heart was deep and he thought very thoughtfully. Any place that might be exposed had done his homework in advance.

After her injury has healed, even if the voice is different from the previous one, or the appearance is slightly biased, there is a good explanation. It is completely impossible to find a handle.

Ten minutes later, the door of the ward was opened. Qi Qin learned wearing a war suit and walked into the ward. After Gan Chufeng saw it, his eyes brightened.

The North Mother saw him coming, and he retired very interestingly and left the ward to them.

"I go home to get something. Diligent, rain will be handed over to you." North mother smiled.

Qi Qin learned naturally nodded, "Aunt, you can rest assured that I will look after her."

After the North Mother left, Qi Qinxue stepped forward and made her side, holding her hand. "Is it better?"

Gan Chufeng nodded. "Don't learn, is it because of me, so you are..."

During the live broadcast of the game, she watched the whole process. It was natural to see that Qi Qinxue frequently made mistakes in the team battle, which led the team to lose the game.

Qi Qinxue clenched her hand and smiled and said: "You stupid girl is my own problem, it is not your business, you don't think about it."

"I, I am worried that they will blame you." Gan Chufeng tweeted with a hoarse voice, watching him worriedly.

"Their temper, you still don't know. Anyone who has mistakes will have it, don't think too much." Qi Qin learned comfortably.

Today's mistakes, the people in the team did not say anything. I am afraid that everyone thinks that his mistakes are due to the fear of rain, but part of it is, but the other part is not.

He was worried about her, but after he was assisted by the lack of rain on the battlefield, he felt very uncomfortable, as if he had lost one arm, which was the reason for his frequent mistakes.

After this game, Qi Qin learned that he realized how much he relied on rain on weekdays. This made him feel crisis-conscious in his heart. It seems that he will practice more singles in the future, otherwise he will be very passive when he encounters this situation again.

(End of this chapter)

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