Chapter 2436, the daughter of the sea 79

When she woke up again, she found herself in a cave, and the outside of the cave was the endless sea. At this time, the outside of the hole was dark, but it was clear in her eyes.

The sparkling waves, under the moonlight, are glowing with silver, and the entire surface of the sea is like a silver-coated gauze.

Bei Yuyu looked down at the wound in his abdomen, not good.

The mermaid's self-healing ability is very strong, especially in the sea, but the wound in front of it still has pain.


A small whale poked his head out of the sea and saw that she woke up, and the cockroach kept screaming.

"You are alive, you are alive."

"Well. Where are we now?" asked Bei Yuyu.

The little whale heads a head, "in the sea."


This reply to the North Rain 棠 admire!

The little whale saw that she was very happy when she woke up. He said, "I thought you would be like other people, and would not wake up. Fortunately, I came over."

The first half of the sentence can be understood, and the latter part of the sentence is not something that ordinary people can understand.

Bei Yuyu understood what it meant. The three whales thought she was dead and buried her in this cave. The little whale came over to want to see her today, but she didn't think she was 'live'.

"Little whale, how many nights have you passed?"

There are very few languages ​​for whales. Too deep communication is impossible, and some words can only be replaced by the language they can understand.

The little whale squinted his head and thought for a while. It seemed to be counting on the day, and the mouth was still swearing, "One, two, three. Three."

It has passed? !

The northern rain was a bit surprised, I don’t know if the wing has found Surou.

Her disappearance, the wings must be anxious.

No, she must go back.

Bei Yuyu is anxious, but he also knows that his wounds are not healed. If he encounters sharks again, I am afraid it is not so easy to escape.

She squats in her heart and can only raise her physical injuries first.

For three days, the wound in the abdomen has not healed. If you change it, you should be cured on the same day.

Bei Yuyu realized that there was a problem with this body, and this problem made her feel uneasy.

It’s rare because I lived on the shore for too long, which led to this?

She collected the memory of the Little Mermaid, and in her memory there is no memory of this.

This problem is put aside for the time being, and the northern rain sees the little whale. "Can you do me a favor?"

The little whale swayed its head. "We are friends."

"Help me find the blue grass."

"What is blue?" The little whale shook with a bulky head.

"This is the color."

She pointed her blue hair and fishtail.

The little whale understood, and couldn't stop pointing at the big head.

On the other hand, when the wings knew that they were falling into the sea, they sent countless yachts and ships to search the sea. At the same time, it is looking for along the coast.

In the evening, Surou was found by the search and rescue team, but did not find the rain.

This makes the **** very violent.

They began to increase the scope of the search and went to the deep sea to find.

Three days, three days, no sleep, countless sea boats searched in the sea. Everyone knows that the chances of the rain in the north are very small.

What's more, when they investigated, they found sharks in the waters that found Surou. Many people have guessed that perhaps the North Rain has been buried in the mouth of the shark.

(End of this chapter)

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