Chapter 2437 Chapter Daughter of the Sea 80

This guess can only be thought of in the bottom of my heart, no one dares to speak in the face of the wing.

Everyone did not hope for this, but the wing did not give up, he never gave up. Following the search and rescue team, I have been drifting at sea.

On the other side, the blue whale in the mouth of the little whale appeared in the hole, happily shook his head, screaming, the blue seaweed fell, and it quickly hung up again, his head carrying the blue fish tail.

The northern rain squatted at the grass, which was clearly green.

"Not this."

The little whale squinted at her head, licking her eyes and looking at her ignorantly.

The north rain licks the fish tail. "It's like this."

The little whale stared at the fishtail, and it took a while to show that the fishtail was smashed and drilled into the sea again.

A few hours later, the little whale came back happily, swaying the fish tail and spitting out the grass in his mouth. Bei Yuyu looked at the grass, still not what she wanted.

The little whale knew that he was looking for the wrong one, and he continued to look for it without stopping.

After a few trips, Bei Yu can confirm that the small whale should not be able to distinguish the color.

When it is found, perhaps the wound will heal automatically.

Bei Yuyu wants to go back as soon as possible, she is worried about the wing, he will make irrational things. Bei Yuyi tried to go to the sea to find it. Unfortunately, he encountered sharks in the middle. In the process of chasing, the wound cracked again.

The shark was the shark that chased her before.

This is the narrow road of the family, or the other side has been poked in the vicinity of the poke, ready to come to wait for the rabbit.

The little whale saw her wound cracked again, and the screaming screamed, the big head swayed, and the whole sea was shaken with great waves.

"You can't go out. I will find it."

"I will find it."

"Really, I will find it."


"I don't go out, I don't go out." Bei Yuyu quickly interrupted her screaming.

The little whale saw her agree, and went even harder to find the blue seaweed.

Bei Yuyu promised a small whale, only wandering around the hole, dare not go deep.

The wound on her body, although slow to recover, is gradually healing, but it is only a long time to recover.

After the unremitting efforts of the small whale family, they finally found the grass with blue light in the depths of the ocean. This kind of grass can heal wounds quickly and is the most commonly used herb of the mermaid family.

The little whale wandered around the hole, and a pair of eyes looked at the northern rain and chewed the grass and applied it to the wound.

"Is it so good to hurt?" The little whale stared curiously at her abdomen.

"Yes indeed."

"Then I am injured in the future, can I do this?"

They are all self-healing by their own injuries. If they are healed, they will continue to live. If they don't, they will wait quietly for death.


The little whale is very happy. "I won't be afraid of getting hurt afterwards."

The northern rain licks its big head.

The medicine was applied continuously for three days, and the knife in the abdomen was wounded and healed at a speed visible to the naked eye. After the seventh day, the abdomen was intact.

As soon as the little whale heard that she was leaving, she looked at her with reluctance.

"Do you really want to go to land?"

"Well, I want to go."

"I heard from other people that it is very dangerous on land."

"I have a kind of person waiting for me there."

"It's amazing. You have the same kind on the land." The big whale's eyes are full of adoration.

(End of this chapter)

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