Chapter 2482 Star Trek 16

The boss of the third area is Hei Sanye.

The prisoner of the fourth area is Hu Si.

People who follow the rules must choose a good area, once the selected area is the person in that area. Wang Meng is clear to everyone that they are not northern rain, and there is no such preferential treatment. Naturally, they choose a good area.

Wang Meng and others selected the areas and each entered the area.

The northern rain can be paralyzed, there is no place to go.

"Kid, you have to choose to sleep in the open square, or enter the prison area." Someone looked at her with gloating.

The performance of Bei Yuyu today has made many people jealous of her and she is also curious about her. They want to see if she can crack it in the face of this situation.

Looking at the huge buildings in front of him, Bei Yuyu walked toward the ancient buildings, and everyone who was in the house watched her walk in front of her.

These people bet on her body with curiosity, indifference, interest, disgust, all kinds of eyes, but no kind, peaceful eyes.

People here have long forgotten what is called goodness.

There is only a weak meat, only **** and violent.

The north rains slowly moved from the four districts to the three districts, two districts and one district. They thought that the North Rain would stop there. What she didn't expect was that she went on.

When everyone saw her move, they all widened their eyes, and then everyone’s face showed a playful smile.

Each one has a smile that is inexplicable and strange, as if a sheep is coming to the wolves.

Wang Meng noticed the strange look of those people and asked: "Is there anything?"

The people who live with him are mysteriously laughing. "You will know soon."

Another person added, "There will be a very exciting picture that will make you unforgettable."

After the talk, the two men smiled and smiled at each other.

Wang Meng’s face was in a state of arrogance, with fear in his eyes.

He wants to go out and block, reminding the north rain, but being stopped by the people in the same room.

"Step aside."

One of them said in a haze: "Kid, if you want to live here for a long time, you will talk less and be less idle."

The skinny man who came in with him stopped him and advised him not to be impulsive.

Hu Si saw her go to the other side, showing a sneer at the corner of her lips, really looking for death.

When Bei Yuxi did not accept his invitation, he had completely offended him.

I originally wanted to find a time to give him. Now he doesn't have to shoot him, he himself killed himself.

"Boss, do you want to stop him." asked a man on the side of Long Erye.

Long Erye swings his hand, "No."

This scene happened to the other two prisoners at the same time, they made the same decision. Everyone is waiting to see how the rain will die.

The northern rains are very clear about what they think, but they are still striding forward.

Soon she came to an end.

In front of it is a huge iron gate, and the rooms on the left and right sides of the iron gate are empty.

The north rain smashed one of the doors and entered the room.

Everyone is staring at the iron door, as if waiting for someone to appear.

Time passed by, the iron door did not move.


"How is this going."

"How come there is no movement."

"Why didn't you respond?!"

"He hasn't come out yet."


The prisoners who are ready to watch the bustle are disappointed.

(End of this chapter)

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