Chapter 2484 Star Trek 17

"Second Lord, do you say that the person is dead inside?"

Long Erye micro-middled his eyes, "Who knows."

"I will check it out," said the burly man.

"No. This kind of thing is more anxious than us, and why do we have to explore the road ourselves." Long Erye said coldly.

"The second is right."

Third District

"Boss, let me check it out and see if the person is still alive." Some subordinates suggested.

“No,” said the youngest black, calmly. “Someone will check it out for us, wait and see.”

Such a scene also occurs in the other two areas, and the four people are on alert and do not move.

No one wants to do anything, waiting to be a siskin.

At this point, the north rain squats against the wall, pale, and weak.

Continuous battles, high-intensity killings, physical strength has long been overdrawn. But she can't let them find out, otherwise she will not be guaranteed. Before that, she kept gnashing her teeth until she relaxed at this moment.

It’s clear that the North Rain is not going to send people to check it out.

Here is the restricted area of ​​the black prison. Any criminal who has lived here for a while is not willing to come here.

Before the black prison, Bei Yuyu had already planned everything.

Through the memory of the original Lord, she knew that there was a restricted area in the black prison, and even the four kings of the black prison did not dare to approach.

Once the original owner fled here and got a short break.

In the memory of the original Lord, here is her safe area, the only place where she is safe.

Everyone who avoids fear is a **** in her heart. Although she has never seen that person, she only knows some of his deeds through other populations.

This person is very mysterious. No one knows when he came in, he didn't know what his name was, and he never saw his appearance.

He used to challenge his prisoner, all died under his hand, and there was no bone.

He seems to exist here for a long time, for a long time to forget.

There are rumors that he stayed here before the prison was established.

There are not many people in this legend who believe that, after all, the prison of the Black Prison Planet has existed for 5,000 years, and no one can live long. The magic is that this rumor has been circulating and has never been broken.

After knowing that there is such a person, Beiyu has a plan in mind. Taking advantage of this person's speciality, the mutual jealousy between the four kings allowed her to take advantage of this time and improve her strength. When they couldn't stand it, she also had enough strength and capital to deal with them.

As she expected, no one sent anyone between the four kings.

The northern rain squatted and sat down to practice the cold palm.

At this time, time is life for her.

Every time in the black prison, people will put food and daily necessities into the square. At this time, people in the four major regions will compete for materials, and there will be huge conflicts between them. There are countless deaths and injuries.

This is also why there are so few people in black prisons because there are people who die every moment.

In this vast prison, all the supplies come from this. The materials put in place are limited, and the end of the game that is not robbed is alive and disgusting.

There are still five days to go to the delivery of supplies, and the Northern Rain must break through the third in these five days.

Five days later, Bei Yuyu slowly opened his eyes, and the injury on his body was repaired as the cold ice broke through the third weight.

It's time to go out!

(End of this chapter)

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