Chapter 2523 StarCraft Prison 56

"Wu Yaohui, you'd better be honest and confess to the leniency." The police were forced to hold on to the pressure.

"I really don't know. He is a boxing champion. How can I kill him? You really find the wrong person." Wu Yaohui was unable to defend.

"Maybe, you can't use any special methods."

When Wu Yaohui heard the police say this, they knew that they were prepared to take themselves as a ghost.

How could he make this happen? He is still young and he has a good time. Why ruin your life for this kind of crime you need.

This matter is all because Lily, no, it is not his back.

"I have given Lily to that thing before. After that, she told me that if something is lost, I will not pursue it." Wu Yaohui said.

The police officer who asked the question was bright. "What do you mean by saying that the thing has been with your girlfriend Lily?"


Wu Yaohui directly gave the pot to his girlfriend Wan Lili.

Wan Lili was arrested and alleged by Wu Yaohui, Wan Lili was under the control of the police.

If Wu Yaohui wants to completely get rid of the suspicion, he must let Wan Lili sit down and prove it.

"Father, mother, you must rescue me." Wu Yaohui looked at the parents outside through the iron fence. "Now I can only let Wan Lili sit on the evidence and I can get rid of the crime."

In a word, the Wu family and the husband both understood the meaning of the son.

"I know. It's all that Wan Lili is hurting you." Shi Xiaoshi said indignantly, "I said at the beginning that the woman is not suitable, you don't listen to me."

"Mother, I know it is wrong. I know where their family and boxing champions have hatred." Wu Yaohui was depressed with a face.

"We will deal with this matter. You have to bite it now. That thing is given to her, do you know?" Wu Yanjun said.

Wu Yaohui nodded.

In the Wu family spent a lot of money, bought a dummy certificate, and got a false evidence, the death of the boxing champion on the head of Wan Lili.

Wan Lili was taken away and Wu Yaohui was acquitted.

The two walked one inside, one went outside and met on the corridor. When Wan Lili saw Wu Yaohui, her eyes were red and angry and rushed to him. "You bastard, why should you frame me."

The police officer immediately controlled her.

Wu Yaohui looked at Wan Lili, who was pressed on the ground by the police officer. She said to the police: "It doesn't matter, let's put her up."

Wan Lili listened to his words, did not feel a trace of warmth, and felt sick.

"Bastard, I curse you will not die."

Wu Yaohui ignored the roar of Wan Lili and left the police station slowly.

Looking at the sun outside, he stretched his arms comfortably.

Free air, great!

Wan Lili, don't blame me.

People don't kill themselves, who told you to have a hatred with the boxing champion.

Wu Yaohui glanced at the police station behind him and went to the suspension car in a pleasant mood and left.

When Wu Yanjun's family circulated Wu Yaohui, Bei Yuyi had already found the family of Xiao Nana and Xiaodongdong. Xiaodong’s family was closest to them, and they first went to the planet where his family was.

They did not send the children directly back to their parents. Instead, they first inquired about the situation and learned that Xiaodongdong was traveling to other planets and his parents were accidentally lost. Their mother has not given up looking for a small Dongdong until now.

After confirming that the parents did not deliberately abandon, Bei Yuyi was relieved to send him back.

(End of this chapter)

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