Chapter 2524 Star Trek 57

After sending Xiaodongdong away, they went to the more distant wooden planet.

The wooden planet is a small planet with a lack of resources. The living standards of the residents here are not very high, because it is far from the center of the empire, and the people of Beiyuyu have arrived in the spacecraft for seven days.

After arriving at the wooden planet, like Xiaodongdong, they did not send the children directly, but first investigated.

After the results of the neighbors’ exploration, Bei Yu’s heart became suspicious.

According to the neighbor's statement, Xiao Nana was taken away by the beast and is dead. This is what Nana’s biological parents said. The surrounding forests often have beasts, and children who have been taken away by wild animals are not without them.

Therefore, the little Nana parents said that the neighbors around are not surprised.

Bei Yuyu looked at the little guy on the side, and his eyes were full of distress.

When she saw her mother, Xiao Nana wanted to run over, but was stopped by the north rain.

Xiao Nana said to Bei Yuxi: "That is mother."

"Nana, do you remember when you last saw your mother?"

Xiao Nana smiled and said: "Amusement park. Mom took me to the amusement park, fun."


"I no longer know."

The north rains left with a little Nana.

In the evening, Bei Yu and Xiao Fengyi quietly sneaked into his small Nana's home.

"I saw a child during the day and looked very much at Nana," the woman said.

The middle-aged man sipped his wine and said casually: "That is your illusion. She can't appear on the wooden planet in this life."

"I don't know where Nana is now? Can you contact the buyer? I want to ask if Nana is doing well." The middle-aged woman said.

The child is the mother's heart, and she is forced to agree to sell the child.

The middle-aged man is impatient with his face. "You are bothered, I tell you that she will not come back and will not come back."

"You don't feel bad about your child, I feel bad. I just want to know if she has been good."

The man seems to be a little annoyed by her. "It would be nice if she could survive."

"What do you mean?" The middle-aged woman was shocked.

The man realized that he had made a mistake. "It doesn't mean anything."

"You can make it clear. Where did you sell Nana?" The middle-aged woman hurriedly grabbed the middle-aged man's arm.

The middle-aged man opened her up as if to let her die, simply said: "I sold her to the Ugra family."

The middle-aged woman changed her face. "You are a jerk, you actually sold your child to Ugra. Did the previous children sell it to them?"

The middle-aged man also went out, "Yes."

The middle-aged lady squatted back, the whole man fell to the ground, and then burst into tears, and the mouth kept cursing that the middle-aged man was not a person.

Tiger poison is still not eating, but some people are worse than animals.

Bei Yuyu heard this, saw their husband and wife, and turned and left.

If she sends Xiaona back, they can sell her once and sell for the second time.

That man is not a person, and that woman is also wrong.

They rely on selling children and earning living expenses, which makes her very disdainful.

On the way back to the small wing, I probably guessed the decision of Bei Yuxi, but still asked: "Sister, Xiao Nana she..."

(End of this chapter)

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