Chapter 805 Dark Emperor 72

After listening to his words, Bei Yuyu was dumbfounded.

"The mission failed, why should I deduct my points?" Bei Yu's brow wrinkled, "I didn't have this before."

[You said it, that was before. The current rules have changed. Whether it is your current mission or a future mission, as long as it fails, the corresponding points will be deducted. 】

[Of course, the rewards for points are also changed. You complete the task satisfaction with 100 points, the consignor scores your performance, you can get 50% of the task points. 】

Hearing the words behind him, Bei Yuxi felt a lot more comfortable, and there was a lot less resentment for deducting points.

This is a change in rewards and penalties, but it is understandable.

“Is there any other change?” Bei Yuyi felt it necessary to ask questions well.

If you change a system, anything can change.

[Not available yet. I will let you know when it appears. 】

Who else is there in the clubhouse? !

I don’t think of anyone in the North Rain. After all, I look at the people outside. Everyone thinks that Ian Harold is the highest leader of the Communist Party. The clubhouse is the industry of the Communist Party.

The co-integration is one of the top ten gangs in country A. Ian Harold, who is the leader, is not the real helm, so how powerful it is to truly master him.

The more you think about the North Rain, the more you feel that this task is not simple.

This matter can only be asked by Hughes. He knows more than himself.

However, as soon as Ian’s death was thought, how could the North Rain 犒 help him.

The northern rain rushed into the kitchen and began to cook noodles and make dumplings.

When Xius found her, she saw her slightly bowed her head and carefully focused on what was in her hand. Each dough turned into a nice dumpling in her hand.

Yu Yan raised his head and saw him on his face.

"Come and help me with my skin."

"it is good."

Hughes stepped forward and learned how her skin was, so let alone behave like a sly.

"Husband, it's amazing." Bei Yuyu rewarded him with a kiss on his face.

Xiusi’s lips are slightly raised. “It’s all taught by my wife.”

Said, stealing a scent.

The setting sun fell on the two people, and even the glow of the evening glow was dyed with a touch of pink, which is a kind of happiness.

Bei Yuyu knew that he was busy working in the study room, and took a look at her good tonic from the kitchen.

Before going to the study, the door was hidden, she was preparing to push away, and she stayed in the air in her hand.

I only heard a voice coming from the house.

"BOSS, do you really want to destroy all the industries of the Communist Youth League?"

"Yeah." Hughes asked for a low voice.

"BOSS, that's you..."

While talking to Billy, Hughes was keenly aware of someone outside, hurriedly interrupting his words.

"Don't say it anymore, do as I said."

Billy sighed, "Yes."

"You should go."


The rain outside the door brows slightly wrinkled, just what Billy seems to say. She always has an illusion that the content seems to be related to herself.

Billy opened the door, and when he saw the northern rain, he glimpsed a little, and immediately turned to a slight dagger, passing by her side.

Bei Yuyu took the supplement into the study and saw him work with his head down.

"Hughes, take a break."

Hughes looked up and looked at the people, and the eyes of the ink were full of soft light.

(End of this chapter)

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