Chapter 806 Dark Emperor 73

He stood up and walked towards her.

"These things can be handed over to the maid."

Although he likes to eat the food she cooked, she doesn't want her to be too tired.

"Husband, you have to raise your own talent. Have you heard a word?" North rain stunned and looked at him with bright eyes.

Xius captured her eyes, so she didn't know anything. She asked, "What?"

"If you want to catch a man's heart, you must first grab his stomach." When her little hand touched his chest, the smile continued: "I want to firmly grasp your stomach and let you I can't live without me. Are you afraid of it?"

Hughes took her hand and placed her other hand on his chest, his heart.

"Afraid, too scared, afraid that it is shaking."

His face was attached to her face, the light was unusually soft, and she looked at her affectionately. "You have already caught it, let it be in this life, the next life, the next life will be inseparable from you. You are responsible."

The rain and lips are slightly raised, "Okay."

When her voice fell, gentle lips covered her lips. His kiss was unusually gentle, and none of the kisses fell with a deep love and a crush on her.

His gentle kisses throughout her body are like treating a rare treasure.

The temperature in the house is constantly rising, and the lingering sounds are long from sunset to night.

The tonic on the table, placed alone on the table, was completely forgotten by the owner.


Some of the scandals in the famous Victorian clubhouse in State A were allegedly involved in the sale of human organs, suspected of illegal detention, and so on, which were all sensational.

On the Internet, there was a buzz in the country. A country’s homeland held demonstrations and demanded that the government severely punish the Communist Youth League. Faced with public pressure and pressure from public opinion, the government issued a special news, giving the public an accurate answer and putting pressure on crime.

Under the government's dispatch, the industry of all the comrades' associations began to be cleared, and other gangs were inevitably involved, and they all settled down. The bloodshed that vying for the site a few days ago disappeared without a trace.

Bei Yuyu watched the report on TV, watched the sinful place being wiped out, saw countless people and men who were arrested by them, and watched them cry because they regained their freedom, watching them kneel on the floor and kissing. The earth, watching them reunite with their families and cry.

A picture of the frame fell in her eyes, which should have been fun, but when I thought of it, the former Lord of the past, all the joy was washed away.

Those who are on the screen, the fate of the past lives are like the original Lord.

Now they are born again and can enjoy the wonderful life that should belong to them.

Who is behind the Victoria Club?

The north rains are a little annoyed, turning off the TV.

She went to the second floor and walked into the study room without seeing Hughes.

She was about to turn and leave, and the corner of her eye saw a drawer in it, and a document was being stuck there, and the drawer could not be closed. She opened the drawer, reached for the document, and prepared to put it back in, but when she saw the above, the action in her hand was slightly.

The words "the confederation" clearly fell into her eyes.

She took out the documents in the file and saw the contents marked on it. When she saw the name of the signer above, her whole body's blood instantly solidified, and the hand holding the document shivered slightly.

(End of this chapter)

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