Quick Transmigration Female Lead: Male God, Never Stopping

Chapter 2814: Little childhood: an endless fairy tale (26)

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"Small girl, what do you say?" Mu Lichuan suddenly fell on her body, and the tone changed instantly, as if she was asking her opinion.

Luo Ding first smashed a bit, then cleared the scorpion and said: "I think you have a good tooth, Li Hui suffered the injury and use your teeth to pay off!"

In the next second, Dajinya did not say that the gold teeth on his teeth were buckled down, and the teeth were still standing with green leaves and black stains.

I saw that he wiped the big gold teeth in his hand and looked at Mu Lichuan: "Li Shao, do you see this?"

"Do you think of the little girl?" Mu Lichuan once again gave his rights to Luo Ding.

I don't know why, I always feel that his words are not only giving her a tone of voice, but also a slight favor.

Ten percent of the good feelings of the pet, this is probably her illusion...

"Let's do it! That's it!" Luo squinted at the fat tiger on the side: "You must help your brother out and wait for me."

"Dust...I..." The fat tiger's expression is particularly complicated, that is, moving and panicking.

"Go first." Luo Dianchen knows that the quality of her heart will be frightened. Now it is better to let her go out in this situation.

"Thank you." Li Hui and her passing the moment, although standing still standing, but still polite and thank her.

Luo Dust gently nodded and did not speak much.

Tonight's ‘Bar Storm’ has already reached a paragraph here, and the people around it are similar after Gu Zhu and Dajinya left.

After all, although everyone wants to rub shoulders with Mu Lichuan, it does not mean that they all have the guts to go to Mu Lichuan.

Luo Dian wants to stay for a while because she wants to face and thank you.

I never thought about it, the moment I turned around, there was a sweet girl next to the sofa.

Long, curly hair, a pink sweater, and shorts. Looking at her from this direction, as if she were not wearing pants.

"So don't come back, they thought you have a new lady sister!" The voice of the girl was very soft, like cotton candy.

This kind of tone of speech, but any of the boys will not be able to stand up!

Mu Lichuan slightly decapitated, staring deep into the dust.

She also looked at him, looking at each other, but did not speak.

"Li Shao..." The girl seems to have a spoiled tone, but there is no impatience.

She probably didn't dare to have any impatientness. After all, this person is Mu Lichuan, and no one dares to be impatient with him.

Probably, no one can see him.

"Yeah." Mu Lichuan responded with a faint sigh and stood up in the opposite direction to her.

After two steps, he stopped a little. She did not call him, and he continued to move forward three seconds later.

The girl in a pink sweater looked back at her, and the light in her throat seemed to change at this moment.

Not a simple and harmless appearance, but a bit more savage.

Luo sighed with a sigh of relief, and suddenly felt a feeling of ups and downs.

The message given to Mu Lichuan in the memory of the original Lord was so small that she did not know what kind of man he was.

Elegant and indifferent, overbearing and arrogant, or ... dangerous and mysterious.


Just as she fell into her own thoughts, a familiar voice shouted her name.

She really didn't want to hear this sound, but when he called her name, he still had a whisper and a little heart.

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