Quick Transmigration Female Lead: Male God, Never Stopping

Chapter 2815: Little childhood: an endless fairy tale (27)

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Su Shi, is Su Shi.

In the former world of the Lord, after she broke up with her, she wanted to meet Su Shi, but she did not meet.

How did she get to her now? Wherever she went, she could meet Su Shi.

"I didn't expect the professors of the aristocratic colleges to come to the bar in the middle of the night." Luo Dian will insert the double into the milky white coat, and look at him with a faint look: "It's really unexpected."

"I saw you coming in next door, a little... just come in and have a look." Under the warm light, it seems that Su Shi’s face looks good. He belongs to the kind of first look. It may not be so amazing, but look. It will feel better and better after a long time.

The original owner of the year was such a feeling that she could read her admiration for Su Shi from her memory.

Moreover, the more you get to the back, the more difficult it is to pull out...

"What's a little bit?" Like Luo's mouth, it looks like a mocking smile on Su Shidao: "Is it difficult for Professor Cheng to worry about your students?"

Luo Dingchen admits that he is full of hostility to Su Shi, so no matter what purpose Su Shi came to Muse, care or worry, or really just passing by...

For her, it doesn't make any sense.

Su Shi took a moment, there was a deep feeling in the heart, and it was unclear and unclear.

In the next second, he pressed the turbulent emotions in his heart and looked at Luo. "It's too late, I will send you to the hospital and then send you back to the dormitory."

Luo dusted his eyes slightly, and the feeling in his heart was a sorrow.

Almost, she almost blushed.

This is the original Lord's remaining feelings for this person, she probably really loves Su Shi!

So that even if such emotions are already dead, they are still buried deep inside.

Although very shallow, she still sensed it.

"Professor Su is also inevitable..." Luo slammed the dust, and the clear scorpion shone softly under the glimmer of dizziness: "Too much is a mess!"

[叮 - Good feeling plus ten, task completion is 20%. 】

? !

Mu Lichuan has not gone yet? Is Mu Lichuan listening to her?

I go! Do you want to be so exciting! This person is afraid that it is not an elegant indifference and danger mystery. It is a capitalized 'belly black'!

On the second floor of the orange water VIP seat, Mu Lichuan half leaned on the sofa, just in the direction of the dust.

He listened well, although the conversation between them was not very loud, but he still heard it very clearly.

"Li Shao, the information has been checked and sent to your mailbox." The handsome bodyguard standing next to him leaned over and explained his assignment.

"Yeah." He faintly sighed, picking up the red wine on the table and sipping a faint glow in the sly scorpion.

His mood is not bad, especially after hearing that Luo said that the phrase "too much to do nothing" is like a clear water flowing into his heart, suddenly clear.

"Li Shao, do you know the girl?" Bai Xue put his hands on his chest, and the pink sweater was particularly warm under such lights.

She was able to stand by his side, how much it cost, how much thought and effort.

He said to his good brother this evening that he likes feathers and pink recently. She wore a pink furry sweater when she came to the bar in the evening.

But the limelight tonight was taken away by another person.

And his gaze seems to be attracted, and has been moving in her direction.

She is not willing, really not reconciled.

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