Quick Transmigration: Heroine Arrives, Woman Rapidly Retreats!

Chapter 1859: Staying female student VS beauty. Yan female teacher (end)

When Gu Sheng returned to the dormitory, he was on the eyes of Song Yao and gossip.

Song Hao looked at her with a look: "Don't you want to tell me something?"

Gu Sheng looked at her very calmly and then nodded: "We are together."

Song Wei: "!!!"

She just routinely gossip, never imagined, actually really knows such an important thing!

She looked at Gu Shengyin and looked excited: "When is this time? It is really amazing"!

She did not expect that her own roommates actually took off the teacher's Gaoling flower.

Gu Sheng is still a calm look: "Just."

Song Yuji reacted: "Just? Just shut the teacher and you confess?"

Gu Sheng nodded.

Song Yu opened her mouth and she had a long list of questions to ask.

But Gu Sheng opened her mouth in front of her: "If you ask me how he confessed, how did I agree to the specific process and what we did, please shut up."

Song Wei: ""


These are the things she most wants to ask.

In the end, Gu Sheng was still under the entanglement of Song Yu, and briefly said the process.

Knowing that Guan Hanting was resigned for Gu Shengyin, Song Hao’s eyes were all about stars.

She held her chin in her hands and said with a look: "The man like Guan is just the perfect male **** in my heart!"

After she said that she clearly realized the relationship between her friends and the goddess, she quickly said: "You are assured that you are only happy, I have no appreciation for the male god, absolutely no heart!"

Gu Sheng gave her a blank smile and did not speak.

The days are so quietly past.

Two months later, when Gu Sheng was about to usher in the long vacation of this semester, she got the news: Zhao Li had a miscarriage.

It is said that when walking, I was accidentally scared by a stray dog ​​who somehow mixed in.

She was originally a senior mother, this tire is not very stable, so scared, I saw red at night.

Did not keep in the end.

Zhao Li was disappointed in her heart. Deng Yuanlin was even more disappointed than her.

He also had great expectations for this child.

Deng Yuanlin attributed all the reasons for the children to Zhao Li's body, and would never like to see her again, staying in the gentle town outside every day.

Two years later.

Gu Sheng heard the news of the divorce of the Tang family’s owner and his wife.

It is probably that Zhao Li, who lost her child and was disgusted by her husband, and whose temper is getting more and more violent, has made Deng Yuanlin unable to bear it anymore.

Even at this time, Deng Junjun did not return in the United States.

This shows the degree of jealousy of this father.

As Zhao Li expected, the property she was divorced was far from enough to own.

She went to court and went to court.

However, Deng Yuanlin, a man who dared to propose a divorce, was naturally prepared. Finally, Zhao Li could only leave the Deng family with a small amount of compensation.

It was not until more than a month later that Deng Yujun, who was far away from the United States, received news of his parents’ divorce, and she was sentenced to her mother.

This is what Deng Yuanlin meant.

With his ability, if he wants a daughter, it is absolutely impossible for her to be sentenced to her wife.

He just didn't want to raise such a drag bottle anymore.

Gu Sheng stopped looking at the news on his mobile phone and stopped looking at it.

"Meng Meng." Someone called her again not far away.

Gu Sheng responded to the man and walked over to the man.

She took his hand.

"Guan Hanting."

"Well?" The voice of the other party was a bit puzzled, and Meng Meng rarely yelled at him so seriously.

"I love you."

The world is over.

see you later

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