Quick Transmigration: Heroine Arrives, Woman Rapidly Retreats!

Chapter 1860: Eighth blazing angel VS dark eye (1)

There is a chaotic darkness in the universe, no heaven and earth, and the whole world is gray and confused.

God said: "There is light."

Then there is light in the world.

In the next few days, the gods used his boundless power to create air, gather water, create sun and moon stars, and fly birds and beasts.

This world has begun to have vitality.

Then, with his hands, the **** created the most beautiful creature in the world, the angel of the angel of the gods.

Gu Sheng only felt that he seemed to be in a chaos.

Her eyes can't open.

Her ears can't hear.

Her consciousness can't sense anything.

Until a powerful brilliance broke through the darkness of the world, her world was illuminated, and the chaos of the gods seemed to finally breathe and became clear.

"Oh is what I created, the eighth blazing angel..."

The **** looked at the figure in front of him and suddenly hesitated.

He couldn't see through her future, and there was no way to figure out what she was doing.

This is the first time that the omnipotent **** feels blank.

In front of her, there are seven companions born before her, born to know.

The blazing angels were equally curious to see this companion who was still a baby.

The newly born angels understand all the truth. They look at each other. For the first time, they intuitively discovered the difference between this companion and himself.

She has no wings.

As a blazing angel, Heavenly Vice-President Sifeier directly asked his doubts: "God, what is her name? Why is there no wings?"

Lucifer is the most satisfying creation of the gods and his favorite angel.

God heard this question silent for a moment.

Because of the existence of this blazing angel, it is beyond the law.

As a creation god, every angel is born from his hand, and his book will clearly state his name, his duties, and even his future.

Seven is a fixed number.

But now, in the crystal sky above, there is no such thing as the gods, the eighth blazing angel.

The last lips of the gods moved, opening: "Galia, silver angels. Angels of honor, the incarnation of the gods."

The book of Creation has a great golden light, and faithfully records this passage.

Gu Sheng can feel that there is tremendous power in the darkness coming from the void and injecting into her body.

At the same time, the baby girl's body shape, which floated in the air in the air, began to change rapidly and stretched.

In almost a short time, it became a beautiful woman with silver hair and a gentle face.

Her body is naked.

The newborn angel did not have any shame concept. Fortunately, her long silver hair with her ankles covered her body and could not let people see the key points.

At this moment, the gods felt that this scene was inexplicably dazzling.

His cold voice rang in the minds of all angels: "When you are the messenger of my life, I will be invincible for all beings."

His voice just fell, and all the angels were flashing with a soft white robe.

Gu Sheng looked down at himself and looked at the gods shrouded in the glare of the sacred light. He suddenly smiled and flew straight toward him.

The gods themselves did not react.

Because no angel dared to make such a "rude" move to him.

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