Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 1029 Going to Marry the Princess (4)

The Northern Emperor's face trembled habitually, and he didn't pick it up: "You can drink if you want me, unless you feed me, Xiaoer."

Xiaoer Xiaoer! Xiao your sister! Disgusting!

I was dissatisfied and complained in my heart, but my cheeks turned red as if shy.

The hand holding the wine glass was raised, and moved to the front of the Northern Emperor.

The emperor of the Northern Kingdom did not refuse, because all the drinks had been inspected, and he was not worried that they would be poisonous.

He drank the wine in Ling Wu's hand, and after just a few breaths, the Northern Emperor's face flushed and his eyes became dizzy.

He took off his dragon robe with a naughty smile and threw it on the ground, threw himself on the pillow on the bed, and shouted: "Xiao'er, let me love you well!"

Ling Wuwen made a pussy expression at his back, then snorted and turned her head to look for props that she could use on the Northern Emperor from the pile of utensils.

The utensils commonly used by the emperors of the Northern Kingdom will not cause bleeding or swelling, but bruises will appear on the body. If you use it at night, it will disappear within an hour.

After dissipating, the surface of the skin seems to be nothing, but the pain does not dissipate.

Ling Wuyi remembered that Nan Xiao went to Beiming Luoyue for help in order to bring the evidence of the crime. She went to Beiming Luoyue at night after the emperor of the Northern Kingdom was tired of playing and went to bed at night.

Tsk~ What a powerful tool!

Ling Wuyi pursed her lips and sneered, just in time, it came in handy!

There were so many utensils, Ling Wuxi took a look at them and then took a whip-like stick and walked towards the bed.

At this time, the Northern Emperor on the bed had already stripped naked, and was doing exercises with his pillow in his arms.

Ling Wuwen slammed a stick at the Northern Emperor's back——

"Ah~" the Northern Emperor cried out in pain, but he didn't turn his head to look at Ling Wuyi.

At this time, the emperor of the Northern Kingdom had already lost his mind, and only regarded that pillow as Lingwu catkin.

Ling Wuxi lashed those sticks at the Northern Emperor as if venting, and seeing the red and purple marks appearing on the Northern Emperor, she felt refreshed!

The Northern Emperor was screaming in pain, and the people outside thought it was that kind of screaming, and they didn't dare to come in, after all, there was no summon from the Northern Emperor.

Ling Wuwen used all the utensils that could hit people. As for the utensils used in that kind of place, Ling Wuwen was useless, she felt disgusted!

She hit the emperor of the Northern Kingdom, and the Emperor of the Northern Kingdom took those utensils and played with the pillow that he regarded as a catkin.

After several hours of beating, the Emperor of the Northern Kingdom was beaten so painfully by Ling Wuwen that he passed out twice. The bed was covered with sweat and fluid from the Emperor of the Northern Kingdom, and Ling Wuwen felt sick.

Throwing the utensils everywhere, he sat down on the ground panting.

Take back the clothes that belonged to her and put them on the Northern Emperor.

The clothes have been broken in many places, and there are basically no good parts, which can barely cover the body.

But this is what Ling Wuyi wanted, otherwise the emperor of the Northern Kingdom woke up the next day and saw that her clothes were intact, that would be unreasonable!

The emperor of the Northern Kingdom was lying on the bed, not knowing whether he was asleep or passed out. The bruises all over his body looked terrifying.

But if you look closely, you can see that the purple color is gradually becoming lighter.

After beating the emperor of the Northern Kingdom for several hours, plus there was nothing in his stomach, Ling Wu was really hungry!

His eyes fell on the table not far away, where there were pastries and drinks!

His eyes lit up suddenly, and he quickly got up to solve those pastries.

After eating three plates of pastries in one sitting, Ling Wu was finally satisfied.

It still feels good to be able to eat food! She doesn't want to find a host who can't eat anymore...

Eat and drink enough, it's time to sleep now.

But before going to bed, Ling Wuyue needs to do one more thing.

He took the jug to the bedside, and with a bang—the white porcelain jug fell to pieces.

Ling Wuxue bent down, and without hesitation knocked her elbow on the shattered flagon fragments...

The sharp edges and corners of the shards cut through Ling Wu's elbow, leaving a lot of blood.

While the blood was still flowing, Ling Wuyi hurriedly pointed her elbow to the center of the bed.

Seeing that it was almost enough, Ling Wuyi took a piece of cloth to cover the wound casually, dragged the quilt on the bed to a corner and sat down cross-legged.

It's just winter, and it's pretty cold at night.

Ling Wuxi was wrapped in a quilt and leaned against the corner to sleep. Before she went to sleep, she asked Xia Lun to watch her. If the emperor of the Northern Kingdom should wake up outside, or if someone came to wake up the emperor of the Northern Kingdom, he should wake her up quickly.

After hearing Xia Lun's answer, Ling Wuwen went to sleep with peace of mind.

After being tossed all day, she is really very tired——

Two hours passed...

"Little 55, wake up soon, I think the dog emperor is about to wake up!"

Hearing Xia Lun's voice, Ling Wuteng opened his eyes, and then quickly hugged the quilt and went to bed.

She first covered the Northern Emperor with a warm quilt, then messed up her hair and rubbed her eyes so hard that they were red and swollen, as if she had cried.

"Hmph~" the Northern Emperor groaned and opened his eyes.

He felt pain all over his body, as if he had been beaten, and he was still cold!

Although the quilt is warm, but the body is too cold.

Frowning tightly, the Northern Emperor first lifted the quilt to look at his body.

Well, intact and uninjured.

Turning over, she didn't see Ling Wuwen's figure.

The emperor of the Northern Kingdom sat up with his body propped up, and at a glance he saw that he was huddled in the corner of the bed, his body was only wrapped in torn single clothes, and a large piece of snow-white skin was exposed.

"Aifei, why are you there, come here quickly, come here."

The Northern Emperor's voice seemed to have frightened Ling Wu, and Ling Wu's identity began to tremble violently, hugging her body even tighter.

The emperor of the Northern Kingdom knew that it must have been his actions last night that 'scared' Ling Wuwen.

"Don't worry, my concubine, you performed very well last night, I like it very much, and I won't treat you badly!" The Emperor of the Northern Kingdom softly coaxed Ling Wuyi.

Ling Wuyi smiled on her face covered by her hair, didn't she? Did you like her performance? Then enjoy it a few more times!

Seeing that Ling Wuwen was still trembling and shrunk in the corner, the Northern Emperor raised his voice in exchange for palace servants to wait on him to wash and get up.

Palace people came in one after another, seeing a messy room and catkins huddled in the corner of the bed. Everyone didn't seem to see it, and they seemed to be used to it, sitting on their respective jobs.

Originally, the emperor of the Northern Kingdom wanted to get up by himself, but he found that his body was really in severe pain.

Could it be that it is really the reason of getting older? So after a whole night of tossing around, are you tired like this?

No matter how the Northern Emperor guessed, he didn't associate the pain in his body with Ling Wu's body or with his pile of utensils scattered on the ground.

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