Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 1030 Going to Marry the Princess (5)

Moreover, he remembered clearly last night that he 'had' favored Ling Wu Nie!

So, the things of the Plane Association are really good.

...It's just a bit expensive.

Ling Wuyi also wants to make this kind of medicine that can create hallucinations, but she can give people dreams, but she can't make people hallucinate when they are awake.

Yesterday, before the emperor of the Northern Kingdom came to her Langxie Palace, Ling Wuyi bought a dozen (phantom medicine) at the platform mall.

Originally, you can buy it one at a time, but if you buy it one time, you need five points.

If you buy 12 times, you need 60 points.

But if you buy a dozen at a time, it only costs fifty points.

Fifty points don't need to be counted at all to know that it is a full ten points less than sixty points, okay?

Ling Wuyi will not leave the Northern Palace for a while, let alone kill the Northern Emperor.

So she must need to use (magic medicine) more than once, why not just buy a dozen, it's cheaper!

After using it, Ling Wuwen really felt that the phantom medicine was worth buying! Except that the effect of the medicine wears off a little faster, it only takes five hours.

However, it is almost enough to use it on the emperor of the Northern Kingdom, and it will not be good for a long time.

The Northern Emperor finished grooming and changed into a dragon robe. His body was in excruciating pain, but out of face, he endured it.

He turned around and looked at Ling Wuwen in the corner of his eye bed, said: "Aifei take a good rest." Then he left.

As soon as the Northern Emperor left, the maids of Langxie Palace came in one after another.

Ban Xia was also among them. Hearing the cry of the Northern Emperor last night, Ban Xia was so worried that he didn't fall asleep all night.

She was not worried about what would happen to the Northern Emperor, but what would happen to Ling Wuyue.

Ling Wuwen couldn't speak, and couldn't cry out if there was something to do.

As soon as he came in, Ban Xia was startled by the scene in the room and let out a soft cry.

He hurriedly looked for Ling Wuwen's figure, but saw Ling Wuwen curled up in the corner of the bed.

She ran over with red eyes, and touched Ling Wuyi with trembling hands: "Princess, princess..."

As soon as Ban Xia's hand touched Ling Wu's, Ling Wu's seemed to avoid it in pain, and even took a deep breath.

Ban Xia hastily withdrew her hand: "Princess, you... this slave is called the imperial physician, and I will call you the imperial physician!"

"Call the imperial doctor! Go and call the imperial physician!" Ban Xia turned her head and shouted at the maids who were cleaning up the mess on the ground.

"You don't need to call a doctor." An older Nanny Hua said with a cold face.

Which of the concubines in the harem didn't experience this when they were blessed by the emperor, the maids and nuns are already used to it.

Madam Hua was specially arranged to take care of Langxie Palace, she looked cold.

Seeing that Banxia was reluctant to touch Ling Wuwen, Madam Hua saluted Ling Wuwen first, then walked directly to the bed and stretched out her hand to drag Ling Wuwen off, saying: "I will wait for you to take a bath! "

"Mother Hua! You are so brave! How dare you be so rude to the princess!" Ban Xia wanted to protect Ling Wu, but was stopped by other court ladies.

"Bold? I'm serving the princess to take a bath, so why call it bold? Don't you think the princess just freezes like this?" Nanny Hua stared at Ban Xia coldly.

Ban Xia froze for a moment, only to see that Ling Wu was completely naked at this moment.

Tears fell instantly, Ban Xia couldn't imagine what happened last night!

Nanny Hua ignored Pinellia, and helped Ling Wuwen go to the bathroom to take a bath.

When Ling Wuwen came out again, the clothes had already been replaced with new ones. The wound on the elbow was also bandaged by Madam Hua.

Nanny Hua helped Ling Wupin to get on the bed, and all the necessities on the bed had been replaced with new ones, and there was nothing Ling Wupin felt disgusting about.

Ling Wuxi sat on the bed, covered with a quilt.

The maid brought the bird's nest porridge, and although Madam Hua kept her face cold, her movements were very gentle, she personally took the bird's nest porridge, and fed it to Ling Wuji spoonful by spoonful.

"Okay, after eating the bird's nest porridge, my body is warmer. The princess sits down for a while, don't sleep. The emperor's imperial edict will come down later, and you can go to sleep after the imperial edict comes down."

Of course, Ling Wuyi also had this Mammy Hua in her memory. She knew that Madam Hua was a cold-faced and warm-hearted person, so she had a good impression of her.

Hearing Nanny Hua's words, Ling Wuyue nodded slightly as a response.

After taking a hot bath and eating a bowl of bird's nest porridge, Ling Wu's mood seemed to calm down a lot.

Although the slightly frowned brows still did not loosen, his face was no longer pale.

Not long after Madam Hua finished speaking, a eunuch came to deliver the imperial decree.

Just like in memory, the day after Nan Xiao was imprisoned, the emperor of the Northern Kingdom directly made her a concubine Qing, Qingcheng's Qingcheng.

It is not enough to be a concubine, and there are also a lot of rewards, all of which are treasures that other concubines in the harem do not have.

If it wasn't for these actions of the Northern Emperor, how could he bring hatred to her!

But Ling Wuyi really couldn't understand those concubines in the harem, knowing how perverted the emperor of the Northern Kingdom was, why did he still hope that he would be lucky? !

Are they all masochistic?

The imperial decree was issued, and the reward came, and Ling Wuyue could finally sleep.

I only slept for four hours, how could it be enough! She wants to sleep until the sky is dark...

But in the end, Ling Wuwen didn't sleep until the sky was dark as he wished.

Because, in her sleep, she was awakened by Ban Xia's cry!

Opening her eyes and looking at Banxia who was kneeling beside her bed crying like a dead mother, Ling Wuyi was a little confused.

She stretched out her hand and waved in front of Ban Xia's eyes, letting Ban Xia know that she woke up.

Seeing that Ling Wuwen woke up, Banxia raised her hand to wipe her tears, approached Ling Wuwen and whispered: "Princess, let's run."

run? !

Ling Wuyi remembered that when she first came to the Northern Palace, Ban Xia also said that she wanted to run away with Nan Xiao.

At this time, Xia Lun told Ling Wuwen that it was Ban Xia who asked someone to inquire about it just now, and knew that many concubines died every year in the harem. ... They were all tortured to death by the emperor of the Northern Kingdom!

Thinking of the scene in the room that Banxia saw in the morning, she felt that one day, her own princess would be tortured to death too!

Knowing that Banxia was worried that she cared about her, Ling Wuwen gave her a comforting smile.

Opening his mouth, he was about to speak when he suddenly realized that he was dumb...

With a slight movement of his hand, he touched the wound on his elbow.

Ling Wuxi paused, and gestured to Banxia: "Silly girl, the northern palace is so strictly guarded, you and I alone can't even get out of the palace gate."

"What's more, even if you leave the palace, where can you go? You and I have no power to restrain the chicken..."

After understanding Ling Wu's sign language, Banxia cried again: "What should I do? I am very scared... I am afraid that you will one day..."

Ban Xia choked with sobs, and couldn't even finish her sentence.

Ling Wuxi sighed, and patted her on the head: "Don't be afraid, I will live a long time!"

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