Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 1201 The Female General in Troubled Times (15)

Sighing, he glanced at the sky full of stars before the window.

Forget it, he is just a hard worker, he should honestly give up the insignificant sleep time and go back to the Plane Association to improve the system as soon as possible——

Ling Wuwen, who left Feng'an City, went directly to Min State, which is the closest to Sheng State.

Today there are only six countries left in the world, and the other five countries also have male supporting or soy sauce parties mentioned respectively.

Ling Wujin studied it carefully, and found that Min Yue, the wise and courageous Prince Min Yue who is known as the most beautiful man in troubled times, is also very suitable for Xi Ziqiu's body.

Whether it is or not, let's see it first and then talk about it.

Of course, Ling Wuyi hopes that Xia Lun can use the system that can accurately find Xi Ziqiu's body as soon as possible——

Disguised as a man, it took more than a month of haste to finally arrive at the capital of Min Kingdom.

As a result, she had just arrived outside the capital of Min Kingdom when she heard the news that Crown Prince Min Yue personally led the troops to attack Yao Kingdom.

That's right, within a few days of leaving Feng'an City, Ling Wuyi heard that Min Guo and Yao Guo were fighting.

It's just that at that time, Min Yue didn't personally lead the army.

This time, it was Min Guo who fought Yao Guo single-handedly.

What is mentioned in the plot is that Wu Guo provoked Min Guo, Min Guo ignored it, Yao Guo and Meng Guo joined forces to attack Wu Guo, and Ying Guo and Min Guo finally took advantage of it.

But what's happening now is obviously different from what happened in the plot.

It is estimated that even Bai Xiaosheng is confused now.

Ling Wu's guess was right. Bai Xiaosheng, who had just time traveled to adapt to the new life and new identity and wanted to use his golden finger of familiarity with history to make a big difference, was already in a daze.

what happened? Are the history books faked? So how can he realize his great ideal?

Ling Wuwen was very curious, without this golden finger who knew history well, how could Bai Xiaosheng survive in this troubled world, with wives and concubines in groups?

If Bai Xiaosheng can still have the ending mentioned in the plot, then she will accept it!

But now, Ling Wuwen still has to turn around and go to the Min country army to find Prince Min Yue.

On this day, Ling Wuwen finally caught up with the army led by Min Yue.

At this time, Min Yue's army was besieged in a canyon by Yao Guo and Meng Guo's troops, unable to advance or retreat.

There is not much food and grass left in the army, and Min Yue is worrying about how to solve the current predicament!

Ling Wuwen stood above the canyon, looking down.

In the middle of the canyon was the army of Min State who was besieged, and the canyon was flanked by the armies of Yao State and Meng State.

The canyon is too steep, and there is no way for people to climb up and down on both sides.

If you want to leave the canyon, you can only leave from the front and rear intersections.

The reason why Yao Guo and Meng Guo didn't directly attack the canyon was because they were making wishful thinking.

They wanted to starve and starve Min Guo's army to death without hurting any soldiers!

In the current situation, if Min Yue didn't think of a solution for a long time, it might really be possible to be trapped to death in this canyon.

Ling Wu's eyes fell on the direction of the main tent, which... should be where Min Yue lived.

After looking at the canyon for a while, Ling Wuwen turned around and rode away. She had to go down the road and pass through the Meng Guo army camp——

It was night, and Ling Wu, who was wearing night clothes and her hair tied up in a high ponytail, quietly passed through the Meng country military camp and headed for the Min country military camp.

Ling Wuxi moved very fast, and no one noticed her in the dark.

When they arrived at the Minguo military camp, they could see only three or two soldiers patrolling outside, and they looked listless.

This relaxation of vigilance should be because Min Yue knew the intentions of Meng Jun and Yao Jun, so he ordered not to patrol much.

Coincidentally, I picked up a bargain for Ling Wuyi.

Ling Wuwen bypassed the patrolling soldiers and went directly to Min Yue's main tent.

She thought about it, so she went in and touched it to see if she could activate her favorability, and if she couldn't, then leave immediately.

Hmm... Ling Wuyue had no intention of helping Min Yue out of trouble at all.

She is very busy!

The main tent was not lit, and it was a little dark when Ling Wu went in.

However, she had just been traveling in the dark for so long, and she had already adapted to the darkness.

He walked lightly into the tent, walked around the big map, and came to the bedside.

There was a person lying on the bed, it seemed that Min Yue was asleep.

It's just that when Ling Wuyi's hand was placed on the other's shoulder, the person on the bed moved.

Ling Wuxi's wrist was grabbed, if she hadn't reacted quickly, someone would have thrown her over her shoulder!

The two fought, and within a short period of time it was hard to tell who was the best.

Can't tell, Min Yue is actually good at close combat!

Ling Wuxi thought that since the favorability sensor hadn't been activated, then let's go, she didn't want to buy 'amnesia water' again.

But the opponent's ability and force value is not low!

He was able to light up the kerosene lamp to prevent Ling Wuxi from leaving, and then pinned her on the bed!

Nima! It was suppressed!

Ling Wuwen stared at the person who was pressing her down, but she was a little stunned by this look.

She blurted out: "You are not Prince Min Yue!"

Du Ruo had fought face-to-face with Min Yue, and Min Yue was indeed very handsome, but the evil spirit around him did not make him a mother, and his facial features were exquisite and revealing fortitude.

But the man in front of him has delicate facial features with a feminine touch, pierced earlobes, and no Adam's apple.

It turned out to be a woman!

"I'm Min Yue~ but I'm not Prince Min Yue~" Min Yue said with a smile, her lips curled up.

She lifted Ling Wu's chin with a wicked smile, and asked, "Are you here for my Brother Yuehuang? Tsk tsk~ What a handsome little face. Are you my admirer of Brother Yuehuang?"

Ling Wuxi didn't use a face scarf to cover her face, her appearance was fully exposed.

She pushed Min Yue away abruptly, got out of bed and straightened her messy clothes: "Where is Crown Prince Min Yue?!"

She knew that Min Yue was the Fifth Princess of Min Kingdom, the same mother and sister of Prince Min Yue.

Ling Wuyi just remembered that this Min Yue is still one of the heroines in the plot!

But in the plot, Min Yue and Bai Xiaoheng didn't know each other when Du Ruo died.

That was mentioned in the plot later, the two are together.

Min Yue propped her head on her hands, lay on her side and looked at Ling Wuwen: "Brother Yue Huang is in the capital of Min Kingdom~ You have come all this way, it is really a waste of time~"

Looking at Min Yue's calm look, it doesn't look like she was besieged by Meng Jun and Yao Jun for half a month and anxiously trying to find a way out.

Frowning, Min Yue herself looks different from the one mentioned in the plot.

Min Yue mentioned in the plot is a real savage princess! And not to mention martial arts, even riding a horse!

Staring, Ling Wuyi had a bad guess.

So this Min Yue is also a time traveler?

Damn... This time travel is like Chinese cabbage?

Then Bai Xiaosheng came here not long ago, when did this Min Yue come here?

But what Ling Wuyi was thinking in her heart, she didn't dare to show it.

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