Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 1202 The Female General in Troubled Times (16)

Since Crown Prince Min Yue is not here, of course she doesn't waste time.

Ling Wuyi turned around and wanted to leave, but was wrapped around Min Yue's waist with the nine-section whip.

With a backflip, Ling Wu's foot hit Min Yue's head directly.

Min Yue let go of the nine-section whip, and raised her hand to block it: "Hey~ I didn't want to fight with you!"

"But you do it first!" Ling Wuxi kept moving her hands with a cold face.

In addition to dodging Ling Wu's attack, Min Yue also stopped her from leaving.

Seeing that she was about to be overwhelmed, Min Yue quickly asked, "Are you my brother Yuehuang's admirer? Help me! If you help me, I will help you!"

Hearing this sentence, Ling Wu stopped her hands.

It is better to seek help from a woman than a man!

Still looking at Min Yue with a cold face, he asked, "How do you want me to help you?"

Min Yue grinned, with a gossip expression on her face: "Do you really admire my Brother Yue Huang?"

"No, I just want to see him." If it wasn't for Xi Ziqiu's body, she would have left immediately.

Min Yue gave Ling Wuwen a look of "I know you are shy, don't be embarrassed".

Ling Wuyi pursed her lips, not wanting to talk nonsense to her: "How do you want me to help?"

Min Yue sat down on the bed, spread her hands and said: "I think you have seen my current situation, of course I want you to help my army leave the canyon~"

"You don't look like a fool, can't you think of a plan?"

"I've thought about it. I thought about letting the Meng and Yao armies fight among themselves, or forming an alliance with one of them. But with my violent temper, I just want to kill the Meng and Yao armies!"

Ling Wuwen: "..." How capricious!

"So how do you want me to help you?" Ling Wuxi asked.

Min Yue smiled and said, "I want you to help me set fire to the Meng Army barracks."

"Seeing that you are not weak, won't you burn it yourself?"

"I don't bother to do petty things." It should be said that I have done too much and I am tired.

Ling Wuxi had black lines all over her head and was speechless.

This Min Yue is really the best of the best!

Taking a deep breath, Ling Wuxi nodded: "Okay, I'll burn it for you. When?"

"Strike while the iron is hot, right now!"

Ling Wuyi pursed her lips, turned around and left the main camp without saying a word.

As soon as Ling Wuwen left, Min Yue called people and asked them to take out all the food and eat enough to defeat that damned Yao Jun——

In fact, Ling Wuwen felt very strange, why did Min Yue ask her to help burn down the Meng Army barracks? Aren't you afraid that what she says won't count?

And...why didn't she guess that she was an assassin, but guess that she was Min Yue's admirer?

Tsk~ Forget it, let’s burn down the Meng Army’s barracks first!

Ling Wuwen sneaked into the Meng army's barracks, first stole the oil, and then dumped a lot of it in the place where the grain and grass were kept.

After that, I went to the main tent and some corners of the tents next to the main tent and poured some oil.

After pouring out all the oil, Ling Wuwen shot into the Meng army barracks with a lit arrow.

She specialize in the oiled places, fast and accurate.

By the time Meng Jun reacted, the grain and main camp tents had already caught fire.

Meng Jun suddenly became a mess, some people put out the fire, and others ran away.

The fire was very fierce, and there were still many fires, and those people didn't know which side of the fire to put out first.

Ling Wuqin smiled, got up and left.

She also didn't go back to Min Jun's barracks, but went to watch the battle above the canyon.

Originally... Ling Wuwen thought that Min Yue asked her to set fire to the Meng Army barracks, because she wanted to take advantage of the unpreparedness and heavy losses to lead troops to attack, and then go out of the canyon.

As a result, Min Yue Qipa had no intention of attacking the Meng army at all, but launched a fierce attack on the Yao army after leading his own army to eat and drink.

The Lingwu catkin on the canyon is also drunk, what kind of strange traverser is this? !

The battle lasted until noon on the second day, and Min Yue not only won a complete victory, but also killed the general who led Yao's army.

Min Yue's men seemed to have taken a stimulant. After defeating Yao Jun, they immediately turned around to fight Meng Jun.

When Meng Jun knew that Min Yue had brought Min Jun over, he ran away in fright.

In the battle between Min Jun and Meng Jun, Min Jun won without a fight!

Now, Ling Wuyue is going to look at Min Yue with admiration.

Although she is weird, she is really powerful.

Why does Lingwu have the illusion that Min Yue is not really trapped in the canyon, but is playing with Meng Jun and Yao Jun! ?

Min Jun won, and after leaving the canyon, he captured a city in Yao State's frontier fortress.

Ling Wuwen also entered the city, because this time she cleverly searched for the location of Prince Min Yue with a location search device, so as not to make another trip in vain.

Fortunately, I searched first, because he was rushing towards the frontier city!

Now that Min Yue is here, she should go to the city and wait at Min Yue's place.

On this day, Ling Wuwen went to Min Yue's room again at night.

But it happened that Ling Wuwen went this time, Min Yue was taking a bath.

When she heard the sound of the window opening, she was a little surprised at first, but she calmed down after seeing Ling Wu.

Anyway, they are all women, so there is nothing to be shy about, and it's not like she stood up to show off.

Min Yue lay on the edge of the tub and asked Ling Wu, "Hey~ I don't know your name yet, what's your name?"

Ling Wuwen wanted to say that her name was Du Ruo, but after a second thought, she said, "My name is Ling Wuwen."

Min Yue snorted and nodded: "Catkins~ Thank you for helping me talk about the Meng Jun barracks for me that day! Don't worry, what I promised you will definitely be done!"

As she said that, Min Yue smiled and patted her chest, almost missing it.

Ling Wuxi nodded, and went outside the screen.

Min Yue got up from the bathtub, and while she was getting dressed, she talked to Ling Wuyue: "Brother Yue Huang is already on his way, and I think he will arrive tomorrow."

Ling Wuwen didn't speak, and followed Min Jun all the way, and she also saw the clue.

Min Yue knew the disguise technique, and Min Yue was supposed to lead the troops this time, but Min Yue turned into his appearance.

Fortunately, we won the battle, if we lose...

Min Yue came out from behind the screen, her long loose hair was still dripping.

With a smile on her face, she sat down opposite Ling Wuyue: "Tonight, you stay with me first, and I will ask someone to arrange a room for you when it dawns tomorrow."

Ling Wuyi raised her eyebrows and wanted to ask why, but Min Yue answered her first: "It's very troublesome to change your appearance, and the skin can't breathe. I will arrange a place for you tomorrow morning when I change my appearance into the appearance of Brother Yuehuang."

"Aren't you afraid of an emergency?" Ling Wuwen asked curiously.

Min Yue shrugged, and said nonchalantly, "Let's talk when we meet~"

That indifferent and calm appearance made Ling Wuyi a little envious, it was so free and easy.

Ling Wuwen said, "I'll come back tomorrow." Then she left through the window.

Min Yue curled her lips and said to herself, "Aren't you happy to sleep with a beautiful woman?"


There was a power outage at seven o'clock, and it didn't come until nine o'clock...

There will be a chapter on adding monthly tickets later. I don’t dare to stay up late all the time, so I added an update.

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