Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 1203 The Female General in Troubled Times (17)

Ling Wuyue doesn't want to sleep with Min Yue at all, although she is indeed quite beautiful...

Back at the inn where he stayed, Ling Wuwen contacted Xia Lun to ask him about the progress of his research.

While checking the system, Xia Lun replied to Ling Wu: "The system has been preliminarily completed, but it still takes time to improve those loopholes."

"I need an accurate time." Although she knew that the system had been initially completed, Ling Wuxi was still very happy.

Xia Lun thought about it, and gave Ling Wuyue a rough time: "In the world of novels, two years... probably..."

"So long!?" Ling Wu's eyes almost popped out.

In two years, she probably found Xi Ziqiu's host herself, so why would I need that system!

Forget it, save it for the next world~

"Then you have to perfect it, so that you don't have troubles when you use it." Ling Wuqian reminded with uneasiness.

Xia Lun nodded: "I know~"

Originally Ling Wuyi was going to hang up the contact with Xia Lun, but after thinking about it, he asked him to look at Ji Wenyan.

Xia Lun took a look and said that Ji Wenyan had returned to the tiger camp and was named a fourth-rank Yangwei general.

Ling Wuwen hummed: "That's good, that's all, you can seriously improve the system."

After finishing speaking, Ling Wuwen hung up.

Turn over, close your eyes and fall asleep——

Ji Wenyan, who was far away in the tiger camp in Feng'an City, hadn't fallen asleep yet, holding the military book in his hand, he couldn't read a single word.

Since his grandfather was pregnant with the king's birthday more than two months ago, he felt that his heart was always empty.

It seems that something has been forgotten.

Is it that, Du Ruo's personal maid?


I still remember my grandfather asking him what exactly he sent Du Ruo to find, and why he didn't come back for so long.

Of course he almost blurted out and asked his grandfather who Du Ruo was.

The words turned around, and he didn't know why he replied, "It's just looking for unimportant things."

He didn't know what he was looking for!

For more than two months, he asked everyone about Du Ruo without any trace.

But after inquiring and inquiring, everyone's answer was: "Master Du Ruo is your personal servant girl."


He always felt that it shouldn't be just his personal maid, there must be something else.

But...he couldn't remember!

Everything about that Du Ruo is blank!

Why? Why did he lose that part of his memory about Du Ruo?

Could it be... that Du Ruo did something to him?

Ling Wuwen didn't know that she spent 50 points to buy 'amnesia water' for Ji Wenyan to drink, even though it made him forget everything about her before.

But she didn't make everyone forget her!

So Ji Wenyan, there is no way to ignore the name Du Ruo——

Early the next morning, Ling Wuwen went directly to the gate of the county government office where Min Yue lived, and said that he was looking for Prince Min Yue.

"Who are you? Is the crown prince someone you can meet whenever you want?!" The guard guarded the gate fiercely.

Wearing a blue riding suit and a high ponytail, Ling Wupi sat on the horse's back without changing her expression: "Tell her, my name is Ling Wupi, can you see her?"

Seeing Ling Wu's calm expression, the guards hesitated.

What if... the prince really knew him?

Just as he was about to go in to report, a handsome man in a white shirt came out of the gate.

As soon as the man came out, all the guards knelt down: "See the prince!"

"You want to see Bengong?" Min Yue looked at Ling Wuwen and asked coldly.

His voice was very magnetic and his tone was cold.

Ling Wuyi got off the horse, walked up to him, and said, "I agreed last night to come to you today, and you want to play dumb with me?"

Min Yue frowned: "Last night?"

Seeing Min Yue's puzzled face, Ling Wuyi suddenly thought of something, and looked Min Yue up and down: "Are you really Prince Min Yue?"

"Otherwise?" Min Yue raised his eyebrows, slightly lowered his head to look at Ling Wu, who was a full head shorter than him.

Ling Wuwen raised her hand to pat Min Yue's shoulder, and said with a smile, "Then I've found the wrong person. I'm looking for the fifth princess, Min Yue."

Originally, Min Yue wanted to avoid Ling Wu's catkin's hand, but when she heard that she was looking for Min Yue, he didn't hide.

Ling Wupi didn't have much strength, so she patted Min Yue lightly, and then withdrew her hand.

A trace of disappointment flashed across his eyes, making Min Yue a little puzzled: "Yue'er is inside, come in."

With that said, Min Yue turned around first, and led Ling Wuqin into the gate of the county government office.

Ling Wuyi didn't want to go in, but she said she wanted to find Min Yue... Forget it, go in and say goodbye to her.

Entering the backyard, Ling Wuwen saw Min Yue in women's clothes.

Seeing Ling Wuwen and Min Yue coming in together, Min Yue had that gossipy smile again: "You actually came in together! Be honest~ Did it get better before?"

Facing Min Yue's unrestrained speech, Min Yue's face darkened: "Yue'er, what nonsense are you talking about!"

Min Yue obviously still had some fears about Min Yue, although she stopped talking, she still stuck out her tongue at Ling Wu Nie playfully.

Ling Wuyi pursed her lips and said, "I'm here to say goodbye."

Min Yue was stunned for a moment, and hurried over to grab Ling Wu's arm to prevent her from leaving: "Don't~ you want to see Brother Yuehuang? Why did you just leave when you came here?"

Ling Wuxi replied indifferently: "I have already seen it."

"Huh? You really just want to see Brother Yue Huang?!" Min Yue was dumbfounded.

Ling Wuxi nodded: "Yes, otherwise what do you think?"

"I thought……"

Min Yue turned to look at her brother's handsome face, the most beautiful man in troubled times!

There are women who just want to see each other?

But seeing Ling Wuwen's expressionless eyes, Min Yue believed it.

I believe that Ling Wuyue is real, I just want to see Min Yue, that's all!

But... Wouldn't it be a waste if such a special person didn't keep it for his own use?

Min Yue's eyes rolled, and she held Ling Wuwen's arm without letting go: "Brother Yuehuang, let me introduce you. Her name is Ling Wuwen, and she is the heroine who helped me as I said just now!"

Apparently, Min Yue had already told Min Yue about Ling Wu's help in setting fire to the Meng army's barracks.

When Min Yue looked at Ling Wuwen's eyes again, it became a little different.

"Thank you Miss Ling for your help." Min Yue cupped his fists to express his thanks.

Ling Wuwen smiled unnaturally, but said nothing.

Min Yue pulled Ling Wuwen to sit down on a stone bench beside her, and said, "Wuwen, what country are you from? If you have nowhere to go, come with us, and I will ask Father to make you the first female general!" "

The female general is very attractive, after all, she really wants to be a female general.

But what Ling Wuwen wants to do more now is to find Xi Ziqiu's body!

Glancing at Min Yue without a trace, he sighed inwardly.

Why isn't Min Yue the body of Xi Ziqiu? If so, she wouldn't need to run around looking for it anymore!


The 1150th monthly pass has been updated!

I won’t be rewarding and adding updates today, I will add them tomorrow~

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