Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 1204 The Female General in Troubled Times (18)

Ling Wuxi shook her head and said, "No."

Seeing that Ling Wuwen was very determined, Min Yue had no choice but to give up.

But... Min Yue still held onto Ling Wu and did not let go, and said, "Then why don't you stay for a few more days? You are so skilled, I really want to learn more from you!"

After finishing speaking, Min Yue took a look at Min Yue, and added: "Brother Yuehuang's skills are also very extraordinary! I'm curious, who is better when you compare with brother Yuehuang?"

Min Yue is a martial artist, so to speak a martial idiot. So when Min Yue said that Ling Wu's skills are good, his eyes lit up.

Ling Wuyi doesn't want to waste time here with Min Yue and Min Yue, now she just wants to find Xi Ziqiu's body as soon as possible!

"I have something important to do, sorry."

After finishing speaking, Ling Wuyi simply didn't give Min Yue another chance and left quickly.

Min Yue looked at the direction Ling Wuwen was leaving in surprise, there was someone... faster than her!

It's just that skill...why does she always feel familiar? Could it be that she is really the same traverser as her?

"Brother Yuehuang, please do me a favor~" Min Yue turned her head and looked at Min Yue with a smile.

Min Yue pursed his lips, and there was no smile on his handsome face: "Find out the details of this Lingwu catkin?"

Min Yue chuckled: "My brother is smart!"

Min Yue didn't say anything, even if Min Yue didn't say anything, he would go to investigate Ling Wu's details.

However, he was destined to find nothing about the name Ling Wuwen.

After Ling Wuyi left, she asked Xia Lun to find her the location of the person who might be Xi Ziqiu's body, and then rushed to——

Ling Wuyi has never felt this kind of tiredness before, and it was because of bad affection or other reasons.

But this time, she couldn't even find Xi Ziqiu's body!

One year, leaving Feng'an City for a whole year!

In the past year, she has been to many places, and even touched people who could not be Xi Ziqiu's body.

Even because she was worried that Xi Ziqiu would realize that she was a woman, Ling Wuyi even went to find the supporting actress!

Really tired... Ling Wuwen even wondered if Xi Ziqiu's brain waves had never been in this world?

"Maybe, the president's body died unexpectedly before you found him?"

It is impossible not to have been to this world, if not, Ling Wuwen would not have come.

Ling Wuwen was lying on the grass, looking at the sky full of stars, and the crickets could be heard around her.

The night breeze brushed against her cheeks, which was very comfortable, but she couldn't enjoy it at all.

"Forget it, I'm not looking for it anymore, I'm too lazy to waste time." Maybe it was true as Xia Lun said, Xi Ziqiu's body died before she found it.

Maybe... old age?

After all, Xi Ziqiu's brain waves have been scattered in the novel world for a long time, after all, it is impossible to wait for her to enter the novel world before entering the body of the host.

It's fine to leave now, just go to the next novel world to find it.

"By the way, Xiao Lunlun, how is your system improving?" Ling Wuxi sat up and asked Xia Lun.

Xia Lun glanced at the almost complete system and said, "It will probably take three months in the novel world to complete!"

"How about little 55, you stay in this world for three months first, and then go to the next novel world after I fix the system?" Xia Lun suggested.

Ling Wuyi thought about it, and thought it was okay.

After the system is completed, the identity of Xi Ziqiu's body can be known directly when going to the next world.

She is really fed up with the days of looking for hosts all over the world! !

Now that I have given up looking, I have to stay for another three months...

Ling Wu thought, go and see Ji Wenyan.

For a year, she would let Xia Lun see how Ji Wenyan was doing from time to time.

In the past year, Ji Wenyan has performed very well in the barracks.

Half a year ago, the Kingdom of Sheng, the Kingdom of Min and the Kingdom of Ying attacked the Kingdom of Meng and the Kingdom of Yao.

Ji Wenyan and Hu Ying played together, and the record was very good.

Right now, the three alliances have not yet ended their attacks on the other two countries.

However, Meng Guo and Yao Guo were hanged and beaten by the three powerful countries, and they would perish sooner or later.

Ling Wuwen knew where Ji Wenyan and Hu Ying were now, and they were not far from her location.

Hmm... just take a sneak peek.

Now that you have decided to go and see Ji Wenyan, let's take a look, anyway, he won't recognize her——

After traveling for two days and one night, Ling Wuwen finally arrived at the place where Ji Wenyan was camping at the tiger camp.

She rode on horseback and looked at the camp of the Tiger Camp from a distance, and she didn't plan to get any closer.

According to Xia Lun, Ji Wenyan should live in the tent next to the main tent, and read military books and practice martial arts every day when he has nothing to do.

Even if Ling Wuyi wanted to see Ji Wenyan, she couldn't think about sneaking a look at him while he was asleep.

Ji Wenyan's sleep was too shallow, he probably woke up before she went in.

I heard from Xia Lun that the Tiger Camp Army will fight the Meng Army tomorrow. On the battlefield, she will always see Ji Wenyan, right?

Thinking of this, Ling Wuyue got off her horse and prepared to live in the wild tonight.

The location here is good, and it is in the woods, and no one is lurking here.

Find a tree and tie the horse's reins to the trunk, sit cross-legged on the ground, and take out the beggar chicken bought at noon to eat.

After filling her stomach, Ling Wuyi closed her eyes, as if meditating.

In fact, she was doing nothing to pass the time recalling some interesting experiences in her memory.

"What are you doing?" A voice sounded, and Ling Wu, who was in a trance, suddenly opened his eyes.

Looking up, there was a person sitting on the tree opposite her.

A... acquaintance!

Eight years ago, the opening line was "What are you doing?"

Eight years later, the opening line is still "What are you doing?"

Fortunately, Ling Wuwen reacted relatively quickly, and did not show the surprise of seeing an acquaintance.

Instead, he stood up from the ground and looked at the other party with a defensive look: "Who are you?! How long have you been looking here?!"

Ji Wenyan was still holding a tender green leaf in his mouth, lying on a thick branch with his hands on the back of his head.

He tilted his head to look at Ling Wuwen, and grinned, revealing his beautiful dimples: "My name is Wen Yan, I was here before you came~"

Ji Wenyan felt it was very strange. The first time he saw Ling Wuyue, he had an inexplicably familiar feeling.

Obviously, he didn't recognize that face at all!

After watching Ling Wuwen for a long time, Ji Wenyan finally couldn't help but speak.

Ji Wenyan was even more happy when he heard Ling Wuyue talking to him.

This feeling is really inexplicable and pleasing!

"What about you? What's your name?" Ji Wenyan jumped down from the tree and walked up to Ling Wuyue in a few steps.

Ling Wuxi took a step back indiscriminately. If she didn't believe that the must-have high-quality 'amnesia water' produced by the Plane Association would be useful, she would doubt that Ji Wenyan remembered her.

Otherwise, how could you be so happy?

It felt like every cell in Ji Wenyan was jumping excitedly to express to her, 'Nice to meet you! '

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