Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 1206 The Female General in Troubled Times (20)

I still remember the first time we met, the corpses all over the floor, and the way he looked at her so clean and clear.

He flattened his mouth and said "I don't know the way" with a pitiful look.

That's always the way they smile and say they're good buddies...

He stroked Ji Wenyan's pale cheek, and said softly, "Don't worry, Ah Yan, I won't let you die."

Anyway, she saved this life, so she can't just live another eight years!

Ji Wenyan, who was clearly unconscious, opened his eyes with trembling eyelashes.

Ling Wuyi was stunned for a moment, but did not move.

Ji Wenyan looked at Ling Wuwen, and said weakly: "I, am I, dreaming? It seems... where, I met you..."

Ling Wuwen smiled slightly, and said softly: "Yes, you are dreaming."

Ji Wenyan opened his mouth to speak, but frowned and coughed: "Ahem..."

Ling Wuwen was at a loss, so she could only use a handkerchief to wipe away the blood coughed up from the corner of Ji Wenyan's mouth.

She has no way to save Ji Wenyan from such a serious injury, so she can only buy it in the platform mall.

'Life-saving pill', one is 50 points.

But according to the description, the effect of the medicine is very good.

The main thing is to save those dying people.

But this kind of medicine is limited, and you can only buy five pills, and you can't buy any more after you buy it.

Ling Wuwen bought it without hesitation, and then took it out to feed Ji Wenyan.

As soon as the pill reached Ji Wenyan's mouth, he smiled at Ling Wu, "I feel...I'm going to die."

"You won't die!" Ling Wuwen looked at Ji Wenyan firmly.

Ji Wenyan stared closely at Ling Wuwen's face, and said, "If... this is a dream, I don't want to wake up. I really want... just like this, looking at you all the time."

"This feeling is very, wonderful..." Obviously I don't know each other, but I seem to have known each other for many years.

He had a feeling that as long as the person in front of him was by his side, he would be willing to die even now.

Ling Wujin fed the pill into Ji Wenyan's mouth, and poured water for him to drink.

Ji Wenyan swallowed the pill obediently, and said to Ling Wuwen, "It's a bit bitter, what is it?"

"The medicine that makes you immortal." Ling Wuxi said.

"You will be fine. You must take good care of your body in the future." As for the person who hurt you...

Ling Wuxi stood up, ready to leave.

Ji Wenyan grabbed her wrist without knowing where the strength came from, and asked, "Is the dream about to wake up?"

His tone was full of reluctance.

Ling Wuwen didn't turn her head back, and hummed.

Ji Wenyan let go of his hand, his tone was very disappointed: "It's too soon...Ah Ruo, I don't want to, wake up..."

Ling Wuwen looked back at Ji Wenyan, her eyes were moist.

She doesn't like this look, she would rather have a man hate her than a man love her.

Because she is destined not to love any man except Xi Ziqiu!

She still doesn't love Ji Wenyan.

He's fine, she knows...

"A Yan, there is no such thing as your A Ruo in this world." After speaking, Ling Wuyi left.

Ling Wuwen didn't know that after she left, tears rolled down the corners of Ji Wenyan's eyes, and he refused to take his eyes off the direction she left.

I know……

I know that there is no Ah Ruo in this world.

Because Ah Ruo never belonged to me.

Ah Ruo, what to do, I remembered.

You tried your best to make me forget you, but I remembered it all.

Don't worry, I will pretend to forget and pretend that you are not Ah Ruo.

Pretend, you come and go, it's just my dream.

I love you, I am willing to pretend, just to make you feel at ease——

Ling Wuwen might never have imagined that the products produced by the Plane Association would sometimes fail.

It's not that the potion is not good, it's that Ji Wenyan's love is too deep, it has penetrated into the bone marrow...

After Ling Wuyi left the Huying camp, she heard that Xia Lun Minyue had brought reinforcements.

Thinking of Min Yue, Ling Wuyi thought of her disguise technique.

She wanted to avenge Ji Wenyan and kill the giant that Xia Lun called!

Of course, she could also sneak into the Meng army camp in the dark and kill the giant.

But... slaying that giant on the battlefield seemed good!

As long as Min Yue helps her to change her appearance, she can successfully sneak into Min Jun's army!

Ling Wuwen rode a horse and waited at the place where the Min army must pass.

In the evening, the 10,000 troops led by Min Yue finally arrived at the place where Ling Wu was waiting.

Min Yue recognized Ling Wuyue at a glance, and happily rode her horse to her side: "Wupyy? Long time no see! Are you here specially to wait for me?"

Of course Min Yue was joking, she did not want to keep Ling Wuyi as the female general of Min State after several attempts at the beginning, so how could they come to wait for her specially!

"Well, I'm waiting for you." Ling Wuwen said.

"You... are you really waiting for me?!" Min Yue was stunned!

"You said back then that if you let me be a female general, do you still keep your word?" Ling Wuwen asked Min Yue.

Min Yue looked handsome in a red armor.

She nodded: "Of course! Why, are you interested now?"

"You don't need a female general, as long as you can go to the battlefield. But I have a request."

Although Min Yue didn't understand why Ling Wuyue suddenly wanted to go to the battlefield again, she always wanted to go to the battlefield with Ling Wuyue and experience the feeling of fighting side by side with her.

"Okay, tell me! As long as our army is not defeated, I promise you!"

For Min Yue, Ling Wuwen still really has a good impression.

And... not seeing him for more than half a year, Ling Wuwen discovered that the protagonist's halo appeared above Min Yue's head!

She hadn't paid attention to Bai Xiaosheng, so she didn't know what he had experienced in the past year.

But Min Yue had a halo of the protagonist appearing on her head, and she didn't receive a warning from the vulnerability alarm.

What does this mean? It means that the halo on Bai Xiaosheng's head is gone!

How badly did he do it that made the halo go over other people's heads?


"Help me change my appearance." Ling Wuwen said.

Min Yue didn't ask Ling Wuyue why, and nodded her head in agreement.

In this way, Ling Wuwen joined Min Jun's team.

Min Yue changed Ling Wu's face first, and then went on the road to support the Huying Army.

In order not to be recognized by Ji Wenyan, Ling Wuwen didn't even give up the name Ling Wuwen, and called him Xi Ziqiu directly.

Uh~ Not to mention, after using the name of the president, Ling Wuyi felt that the name of the president is quite feminine.

Ha ha ha ha……

When we arrived at the Huying camp, it was already dark.

Ling Wuwen wore Min Yue's armor and entered the Tiger Camp with her.

As a lieutenant general, he followed Min Yue to the main tent to meet the general, and stood aside to act as a wooden man.

After that, Ling Wuwen was arranged to live next to Min Yue's camp.

Asked about Xia Lun Ji Wenyan's physical condition, Xia Lun said that the military doctor had seen him again.

Then the military doctor was surprised to find that Ji Wenyan was slowly recovering!


I'm sorry, the state is really bad today, I can't code it after sitting in front of the computer for a whole day.

It will take a long time to recover/(ㄒoㄒ)/~~

Three chapters are here, and there will be at least two chapters later, and if the state is good, there will be three chapters.

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