Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 1207 The Female General in Troubled Times (21)

If she recovers, then she can rest assured.

"Aqiu, can I come in?" Min Yue's voice came from outside the tent.

"Come in." Ling Wuxi stood up from the bed and said to the outside.

As soon as he finished speaking, Min Yue came in with a tray.

There are two roast chickens on the tray, and two jugs of wine.

Min Yue smiled and walked to the stool by the table and sat down, and said to Ling Wuyue: "I asked a special person to roast the roast chicken, and this wine, I brewed it myself last year, and there are only these two jugs."

Min Yue didn't take the wine glass either, she seemed to want to drink directly from the jug with Ling Wu.

Ling Wuyi said she was drunk before drinking...

Picking up the flagon, he leaned close to his nose and took a sniff.

Not to mention, it's really delicious! No wonder Min Yue said in a tone of 'this is a big baby' when she spoke.

After a sip, it is definitely not bad compared to the expensive wines of today!

But wine is not very attractive to Ling Wu.

Attractive, is that roast chicken!

Min Yue chuckled, and said, "I just went to have a meeting with Sheng Jun and the others to plan a strategy. I won't fight tomorrow, but I will burn their food and grass at night, give laxatives to the horses, and fight them the day after tomorrow." .”

Hearing Min Yue tell her about those strategies, Ling Wuyi couldn't help but ask: "Don't you disdain to use this method?"

Min Yue raised her eyebrows and shrugged her shoulders: "Yes~ But I didn't go to burn Meng Jun's food and grass, nor did I go to give laxatives to the horses." So it's not her doing~

Seeing Min Yue's serious look, Ling Wuyi just wanted to say: Well done!

What happened to the burning food? What happened to the laxatives?

It is said that soldiers never tire of cheating!

Ling Wuqin smiled, and broke off a chicken leg, holding the chicken leg in one hand and the flagon in the other.

Min Yue is also a person who is good at chatting, chatting about everything.

They even talked about Bai Xiaosheng.

"Do you know the Chengdong Marquis of Shengguo?"

Ling Wuxi nodded: "I know."

"I knew you knew! Aqiu, are you from Shengguo?"

Ling Wuwen didn't deny it, just nodded and hummed.

"The gossip I told you is not from Cheng Donghou, but from that precious son of Cheng Donghou!"

Ling Wuxi paused, what kind of gossip could make Min Yue laugh like this?

Min Yue told Ling Wuwen that Bai Xiaosheng, a playboy, would recite poems every day to hook up with the housekeeper.

In fact, there are also some poems and songs written by Bai Xiaosheng, and Min Yue knows that he is a time traveler.

But Bai Xiaosheng is so virtuous, and Min Yue doesn't bother to 'meet fellow villagers' with him.

Because of his status and good looks, and his smooth talk, Bai Xiaosheng really hooked up with many housekeepers.

But just a month ago, Bai Xiaosheng, who usually sleeps with other people, was given to someone!

The one who slept with him was the ugliest princess in Shengguo, not only ugly, but also fat!

That image is simply... appalling!

Ling Wuyi had heard of that ugly princess.

Not only ugly and fat, but also has serious violent tendencies.

So when the ugly princess reached the age of marriage, many people were terrified of becoming the ugly princess' son-in-law!

After the ugly princess slept with Bai Xiaosheng, she asked Bai Xiaosheng to be her son-in-law.

Of course Bai Xiaosheng quit!

If he hadn't been drugged with aphrodisiacs, wouldn't he let the ugly princess defile his body?

Bai Xiaosheng packed up his things and wanted to escape, but was caught by the ugly princess and imprisoned immediately.

Cheng Donghou went to intercede with the emperor, hoping that the emperor would let the ugly princess release his son.

As a result, with a wave of the emperor's holy hand... Bai Xiaosheng became the son-in-law of the ugly princess.

Puff ha ha ha...

Hearing this, Ling Wu could not bear it anymore.

Nima, the plot and ending are too crooked! What about groups of wives and concubines? Now it has become the confinement of the ugly princess!

Ling Wu is convinced that it must be the change brought about by Min Yue's time travel!

Because during the chat just now, Min Yue told Ling Wuyi that it was actually her intention to decide to go to war with Yao Guo.

So if it wasn't for Min Yue who was going to fight Yao Guo, the plot wouldn't be too crooked.

It's all right now, Bai Xiaosheng's protagonist aura is gone, and he doesn't even have personal freedom.

After talking about Bai Xiaosheng, Min Yue mentioned Ji Wenyan again.

"You know that sixteen-year-old Yangwei General Wen Yan, right? He is the son of the illegitimate daughter of King Huai."

"I heard that he was seriously injured by Meng Ziyan today. I wanted to go and see it, but I've never seen anyone before, so it's not easy to see."

"But I admire that Wen Yan. He is sixteen years old and Meng Ziyan is forty years old. Aqiu, do you know why Meng Guo is still so tenacious? It is because of this Meng Ziyan! He is the pillar of Meng Guo, Meng Guo would have ended long ago without him!"

Ling Wuwen still knew about Meng Ziyan, but the plot didn't mention him at all.

And in Du Ruo's memory, he had only heard about it.

Meng Ziyan is the eldest son of the Meng Emperor, but his mother and concubine came from a humble background, so Meng Ziyan is also very unfavored.

Meng Ziyan's height is really tall, definitely more than two meters.

In Xia Lun's words, he is at least half a head taller than Ada Ling Wuyi saw in the last world!

Half a head taller than Ada, what kind of concept is this? !

Mencius Yan has never married a wife since he was over forty years old, and his position and throne are all obtained by fighting on the battlefield.

It is said that Mencius Yan is bloodthirsty and brave and invincible on the battlefield.

Min Yue said that Ji Wenyan has fought Meng Ziyan for twelve rounds on the battlefield, he is already a very powerful character!

If it were someone else, Meng Ziyan's big hammer would have blown his head off.

"Hey~ I don't know if I can beat Meng Ziyan when I go to the battlefield the day after tomorrow?" Min Yue's cheeks were already flushed from drinking, and her eyes were a little blurred and drunk.

Ling Wuxi didn't drink much, but ate roast chicken all the time.

Hearing Min Yue's words, Ling Wuyi looked up at her and said, "Leave it to me, I will kill him myself!"

Min Yue was a little surprised, she leaned over to approach Ling Wu, and almost knocked over the jug in her hand.

"I can't see it... So, Ah Qiu, you have a grudge against that Meng Ziyan?"

Ling Wuqin hummed, which was an answer.

He hurt Ji Wenyan and caused her to spend fifty points. Isn't there a grudge against him?

She had to—kill that Meng Ziyan with her own hands!

"Okay~ Then I'm looking forward to seeing you beheading Meng Ziyan with your own hands on the battlefield!"

Min Yue stayed here until the middle of the night, and she didn't return to her tent until Ling Wuyi couldn't hold on any longer and drove her away for the eleventh time——

The next day, Ling Wuxi stayed in her tent and did not go out.

Ji Wenyan's injury has miraculously recovered quickly, and the military doctor said it was a complete miracle!


Fourth update!

There is also a chapter of monthly pass plus update!

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