Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 1214 The Soy Sauce Party That Loves the Male Supporting Partner (4)

In Mu Yang's view, it's not safe for a girl to go to a bar by herself.

"Why don't you dare! I'm already twenty-two years old! Can you stop treating me like a child?"

Mu Yang raised his eyebrows, and jokingly said: "I still remember the scene when someone was naked and forced me to help her take a bath, but I really can't treat her like an adult!"

As soon as Mu Yang finished speaking, Ling Wu's face turned red.

Reaching out to pinch the flesh on Mu Yang's arm, he was ashamed and annoyed: "Mu Yang! You rascal!"

Mu Yang hurriedly begged for mercy pretending to be pinched by Ling Wuyue, but Ling Wuyue forgot about the pain in his feet and had a long fight with Mu Yang on the sofa.

Most importantly, Mu Yang surrendered first, ending this 'battle'

Mu Yang hugged Ling Wuwen, like an adult hugging a child.

There is indeed a height difference of more than 20 centimeters between the two...

"Okay, okay~ Don't you want to go shopping together? Can you go?"

Seeing that Mu Yang expressed doubts about his ability to act, Ling Wuyi got off the sofa and took a few steps to show him.

"Look~ it's all right!" Ling Wuyi raised her chin while speaking.

Although the pace is not limping, but the raised thumb is very joyful.

Holding back a smile, he coughed and said, "It's really not a big deal. But...how are you going to put on your shoes and socks?"

Ling Wuwen raised her eyebrows, but said nothing.


Mu Yang appeared in the supermarket with a girl wearing flat shoes on one foot and flip-flops on the other.

During the whole process of shopping in the supermarket, whether it was the looks of the two of them or Ling Wu's unique attire, they all attracted a lot of heads.

Mu Yang suppressed a smile the whole time, looking down at the raised thumb from time to time.

"How is it? Do you want me to carry you?"

This was the eleventh time Mu Yang asked her if she wanted to recite it.

Although she wanted to, but walking around in the supermarket with her back on her back was more strange than wearing flip-flops on one foot and flat shoes on the other!

"No~ I can walk by myself!" After saying that, Ling Wuyi directly abandoned Mu Yang and went to the snack area.

After buying a bunch of ingredients and a bunch of snacks in the supermarket, the two finally headed home.

As soon as he returned, Mu Yang took the ingredients into the kitchen.

Ling Wu, who was barefoot, also hurriedly followed.

Mu Yang quickly said: "You just need to help me, now go put on your shoes, the floor is cold."

Ling Wuwen was unwilling: "It's uncomfortable to wear shoes, and the floor is not cold!"

Turn on the heating, it's really not cold.

Mu Yang clicked his tongue, put down the ingredients in his hand, and went to fetch slippers for Ling Wuying himself.

I brought them all, so I had to put them on.

After putting on her slippers, Ling Wuwen went to get a kitchen knife to prepare vegetables.

Mu Yang was shocked and grabbed Ling Wuwen: "The kitchen knife is too sharp, you can't touch it!"

Okay~ don't touch a kitchen knife if you don't touch a kitchen knife.

Then she touches the scissors, right?

In the end...Mu Yang was shocked again, saying that she couldn't touch the scissors even though they were very sharp.

Ling Wu was speechless, and asked: "I can't touch this, what can I do?"

Mu Yang directly took a handful of vegetables to Ling Wuwen and said, "Wash them clean."

Ling Wuwen curled her lips and took the green vegetables.

She pretended not to know it on purpose, and tore the leaves of the vegetables to shreds. That image...was horrible!

Mu Yang, who was cutting meat, looked back and his face was almost green.

I couldn't help but wailed: "Ancestor, that's not how vegetables are washed!"

Ling Wuwen turned her head to look at Mu Yang, blinked her big eyes innocently, and said, "Ah? If you don't wash it this way, how do you wash it? I don't think it's clean, so tear it up a little to clean it~"

Mu Yang: "..."

There was no other way, Mu Yang had no choice but to put down the meat and the kitchen knife in his hand, walked to Ling Wuyue, and taught her how to wash vegetables properly.

Ling Wuyi looked up at Mu Yang, and asked him, "Mu Yang, why are you so good at cooking? Didn't you say that the male masters the outer and the female masters the inner? Have we switched now?"

Mu Yang glanced at the adoring eyes of Ling Wuwen's little star, and said with a smile: "First of all, cooking is a personal hobby. Secondly, Brother Yang, can I be both in charge of the outside world and the inside? As for you... ...just a snack who can't master anything."

Ling Wuqin bared her teeth and took a bite at Mu Yang's arm.

"Oh~ little ancestor, are you a puppy?"

Ling Wuxi let go, and snorted: "One day, I will impress you! Just wait~"

Mu Yang didn't take Ling Wu's words seriously, he raised his hand and rubbed the bitten place, and nodded repeatedly: "Okay~ I'll wait~"

For a dinner, it was clearly agreed that she would cook it!

... As a result, Mu Yang didn't let her do anything except let her wash the vegetables.

Mu Yang wouldn't let her do even trivial things like adding salt, for fear that she would be salty to death if she added too much salt!

Ling Wuxi couldn't find a chance to prescribe painkillers, so she gave Mu Yang the soup herself before eating.

When serving the soup, he put the painkiller into Mu Yang's soup bowl.

Watching Mu Yang finish the soup in the bowl spoon by spoon, the corners of Ling Wu's mouth raised high: "How about it, isn't the soup I made myself very delicious?"

The last mouthful of soup in Mu Yang's mouth almost didn't spit out.

After finally swallowing it down, Mu Yang could only nod his head in praise: "The soup served by Miss Leng herself is absolutely the best in the world!"

For this compliment, Ling Wu is very satisfied!

"Come, come, eat more vegetables, you washed them yourself!"

Mu Yang picked up a chopstick for Ling Wu's catkin, and he couldn't tell what kind of vegetables it was before he was born. His smile was almost distorted.

Are there coming and going~ Ling Wuwen picked up two chopsticks of green vegetables for Mu Yang, and then happily began to eat——

After eating, Ling Wuwen said that he wanted to wash the dishes.

In order for the bowl at home to survive, Mu Yang directly hugged Ling Wuwen to the sofa and sat down.

He patted Ling Wuwen on the head like a dog, and said: "You continue to watch dog blood dramas, and I will leave the rough work like washing dishes to you, Brother Yang!"

Glancing at Mu Yang's busy back, Ling Wuyi hugged the snacks he gave him and started watching TV...

Originally, Mu Yang said that he would send her back tonight, but Ling Wuyi used the reason that her foot injury was not healed and it would be difficult to explain if her parents asked her, so she stayed here.

Anyway, Leng's father and Leng's mother are used to their daughter relying on Mu Yang, so they will not worry.

People all over the world thought that Leng Yuhan depended on Mu Yang like his brother. It was also because she hid her thoughts too deeply, that's why she shocked everyone later when she expressed her thoughts——

The dog blood drama is not very good, Ling Wuwen fell asleep after watching it...

Mu Yang, who came out after washing the dishes, saw Ling Wuyi falling asleep holding the half-eaten snack bag, and shook his head helplessly, his eyes were full of doting.


(Digression, not counted in the word count)

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