Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 1215 Love the Male Supporting Soy Sauce Party (5)

She really is a child who hasn't grown up yet...

Mu Yang picked up the remote control next to Ling Wuwen to turn off the TV, and then took the snack bag from her hand.

He leaned over and patted Ling Wuwen's cheek lightly, and shouted: "Hanhan~Hanhan~"

Ling Wuyi wrinkled her face and turned her head to sleep, not intending to wake up at all.

Mu Yang chuckled, bent down and picked up Ling Wuwen from the sofa.

As a result, as soon as she was hugged, Ling Wuyi woke up.

She put her arms around Mu Yang's neck, pressed her forehead against his chin, and asked him, "Mu Yang, why are you so nice to me?"

This question made Mu Yang a little surprised.

Leng Yuhan never asked why he was so kind to her, because they all took it for granted.

Mu Yang lowered his head to look at Ling Wuwen, and his lips brushed her forehead lightly inadvertently: "Why? Isn't it natural for a brother to treat his sister well?"

Ling Wuyi tilted her head, leaned on Mu Yang's shoulder, and whispered softly, "But I'm not your sister."

Mu Yang thought that Ling Wumi was not going to sleep, so he wanted to put her back on the sofa.

As a result, Ling Wuyi hugged his neck and didn't let go...

A little helpless, but did not throw Ling Wuwen down.

He turned around, sat on the sofa by himself, and let Ling Wuxi sit on his lap: "If you didn't remind me, I would have thought you were my own sister!" Mu Yang laughed.

Ling Wu rolled his eyes at him: "You treat me better than my brother treats me! If I can't find a better man than you in the future, you have to be responsible to me!"

Ling Wuwen thought that if she seemed to be joking so much, Mu Yang would nod her head repeatedly and say, "Okay, okay, I'm in charge, I'm in charge!"

Unexpectedly, Mu Yang said: "Don't worry, tell Brother Yang which man you like, and Brother Yang will train you until you are satisfied!"

Ling Wuwen: "..."

Let go of Mu Yang's arms and get off him: "I'm sleepy, go back to my room and sleep!"

After speaking, he walked barefoot to his room.

Looking at Ling Wuwen's back, Mu Yang raised his eyebrows. Is he... making people angry?

But what are you angry about?

It might be easier to understand Ling Wuyi's sentence that if he can't find a better man than him and let him be responsible, if it is placed on someone else.

But on Mu Yang, he really didn't understand the meaning.

So Ling Wuxi's first hinting action ended in failure——

Seeing that Ling Wuwen had gone to bed, Mu Yang simply went back to the study to deal with some work matters.

He has only been back to China for a month, and there are many things he needs to deal with when taking over the company.

If it's not too busy...

Tang Guo, he remembers that she went to university in Beijing, right? Now, it should be a sophomore.

It's a pity that I didn't leave my contact information at the beginning. If I had, I could still make a phone call when I came back.

But knowing where her school is, it should be easy to find someone.

In the middle of the night, Ling Wuwen didn't know that Mu Yang was planning to take time off to find the heroine Tang Guo the next day.

At this time, not long after Tang Guo became Leng Anyu's lover, her family had the operation.

After all, Mu Yang actually knew Tang Guo before Leng Anyu.

It's a pity that Mu Yang didn't know that he liked Tang Guo when he was abroad, so he didn't even leave a contact information.

After Tang Guo left, Mu Yang realized that he seemed to have fallen in love with someone——

The next day Ling Wuwen got up early, and when she woke up, Mu Yang was still preparing breakfast in the kitchen.

Seeing Mu Yang's side face full of smiles, Ling Wuyi leaned over curiously: "Did you pick up the treasure early in the morning? You actually laughed like this!"

Mu Yang tilted his head, raised his hand and rubbed the top of Ling Wu's hair: "I didn't find the treasure, but I plan to look for it."

Hearing this, Ling Wuwen felt something was wrong.

Didn't find it, but plan to find it?

As far as the person who is a treasure to Mu Yang at present, isn't it Tang Guo!

Are you going to find Tang Guo?

Ling Wuwen pretended to be very curious, and said, "Where can I find it? I want to go too!"

Mu Yang thought that if he went to the university to look for Tang Guo, he would be fine with taking Lingwu catkins with him, so he nodded and agreed: "But let me tell you, they are timid, so don't scare them."

Ling Wuwen took two steps back, and held her face with a very exaggerated expression: "Yo~ I'm really curious about this family, who is the holy god, who can make my brother Yang feel so sympathetic~"

Mu Yang was amused by Ling Wu's expression, and fed a piece of toast dipped in strawberry jam into her mouth: "Eat breakfast obediently, and I'll take you out after eating."

That tone, like talking to a small pet...

Ling Wuxi bit the toast, gave Mu Yang a white look, turned around and walked to the chair in the dining room outside to sit down.

Mu Yang's eyes fell on Ling Wu's bare feet.

Sighing, he took out the breakfast for Ling Wuxi first, and then went to get her slippers: "I said it's cold on the ground, why don't you remember to put on your shoes!"

Ling Wuqian moved ten toes, picked up the milk cup and drank it: "Oh, it's not cold!" The vague words made Mu Yang feel a little helpless.

"Okay, don't talk while eating."

Ling Wuwen looked at Mu Yang who was sitting opposite her, eating breakfast slowly.

Being stared at by Ling Wuwen, Mu Yang raised his eyes to look at her: "Is there a flower on my face? You look at me like this."

"There are no flowers~ But have you ever heard of a saying that is beautiful and delicious?"

Mu Yang raised his eyebrows: "Huh?"

"Praise you for your good looks! I won't compliment you~" Ling Wuyi snorted and took a hard bite of the toast.

Mu Yang laughed, why did he feel that the girl in front of him was more and more able to make him happy? Haven't seen each other for four years, and the women's college has changed?

But I looked Ling Wuwen up and down, except that there was no baby fat on the face, and the facial features were more refined and three-dimensional than before, and it seemed that they hadn't changed much.

Seeing that it was Mu Yang's turn to look at her now, Ling Wuyi glanced at him: "What are you looking at, have you never seen a beautiful woman?"

"Ahem..." Mu Yang choked on the milk and coughed violently.

Ling Wuxi hurried over to pat him on the back, muttering: "I'm not a child anymore, I can choke on milk..."

Then, the favorability increased a little.

Pfft... so generous!

However, it is now eighty-six favorability points, and if you add a little more in a few days, it can be added quickly.

Of course, adding a little more of this kind of thing in a few days is just Ling Wuyi's idea.

Seeing that Mu Yang stopped coughing, Ling Wuwen returned to her seat, and said, "What? Because I am so beautiful, are you so shy that you choked on the milk?"

Mu Yang's eyes widened, and he almost choked again.

The girl in front of him, he had watched her grow up since she was born.

I bathed her, changed her diapers, fed her and drank milk, and watched her grow from a little girl to a tall and graceful girl.

She is really beautiful, a big beauty.

It's just that after looking at her for too long, he habitually ignored her beauty.

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