Stay with him during the day and with him at night, and occasionally pretend to sleepwalk in his bed to sleep.

She didn't pay any attention to some things about Tang Guo and Leng Anyu.

But she knew that Leng Anyu should have reconciled with Zheng Yiyi, so when he was eating at home on the weekend, he could see his expression softened a lot, and he looked in a good mood.

So, this Tang Guo was abandoned, right?

save her? What happened?

"Tang Guo, did something happen to you?" As a girl he once had a crush on, Mu Yang still asked.

If you can help, do your best to help.

Tang Guo was a little incoherent, but at least Ling Wuyi understood.

The thing is to start when Tang Guo was seen by Xia Lun playing with a certain middle-aged man.

When Tang Guo came out of the banquet hall that night, she was forcibly pulled into the car by a strange man, and then began to assault her in various ways.

Hmm... I don't want to say whether Tang Guo is willing or not, anyway, she ended up having sex with someone.

Later, he was taken to the villa again.

After Tang Guo woke up the next day, he didn't dare to call the police, so he left secretly.

She thought it would be as if the matter hadn't happened, so she went back to the house arranged by Leng Anyu.

That day, Leng Anyu didn't come back.

Leng Anyu, who was with Zheng Yiyi, received a video.

After clicking on it, I found that there were two people having sex in the video, not only in the car, but also on the sofa and bed.

After a closer look, it was clear that the heroine in the video was Tang Guo!

It turned out that the middle-aged man held a grudge against him because he was tricked by Leng Anyu in a certain business.

The middle-aged man knew that Tang Guo was Leng Anyu's bed partner, and he was also the one with the longest service life.

So I thought: After sleeping with your woman, let you see it with your own eyes!

If Zheng Yiyi didn't come back, Leng Anyu might be very, very angry when he saw this video.

But now that he has reconciled with Zheng Yiyi, of course he won't have any other bed partners.

So seeing the video, all he has is nausea.

That night, Leng Anyu went to Tang Guo's place and gave her a sum of money to move out and stop being his bed partner.

Tang Guo was unwilling at first, and grandma still has a long period of rehabilitation treatment, which will cost a lot of money.

It's not enough for Leng Anyu to give her!

But when Leng Anyu showed her the video, she didn't dare to say anything more.

Because Leng Anyu said: "I will never touch a woman that other people have touched."

Tang Guo didn't bother Leng Anyu much, and moved back to the school dormitory.

Because the money Leng Anyu gave was not enough for her grandma to do rehabilitation, Tang Guo started to do various part-time jobs again, earning as much as she could.

She also went to the bar to sell alcohol, and she was much more cautious, and she was not drugged again.

Only one night half a month ago, Tang Guo was in a bar and met the middle-aged man who had sex with her that night and took a video.

The middle-aged man recognized her, teased her in various ways, and said he could keep her.

She also figured it out, if she wants others to think highly of herself, she must first think highly of herself!

If you want others to respect you, you must first love yourself!

So Tang Guo rejected the middle-aged man without even thinking about it.

When the middle-aged man reached into her clothes, Tang Guo smashed the beer bottle on his head and ran away while taking advantage of the confusion.

And then...she had a nightmare!

When Leng Anyu took care of her, although many people knew about her, there was no rumor about it.

But the day after she smashed the middle-aged man, a video was posted on the school forum and online.

The actor in the video was mosaiced, and everything was kept secret!

But the heroine, not to mention her face, even her private parts are fully exposed!

Tang Guo usually doesn't surf the Internet very much, and doesn't go to school forums.

When someone ran over to her with a lewd smile and asked, "Tang Guo, are you dating?"

After being rejected by Tang Guo with a black face, the man reached out and rubbed her chest: "What are you pretending to do? I haven't seen any part of your body? I just want to taste your taste!"

The people next to him also booed: "Isn't it! Netizens all over the country want to pretend to be innocent after seeing that **** side? It's so funny~"

At that time, Tang Guo trembled and took out his mobile phone to surf the Internet.

When seeing the video, Tang Guo almost collapsed.

For the next half month, Tang Guo didn't even dare to go to school.

Even walking on the street, someone would recognize her.

Worst of all, some patients in Grandma's Hospital knew about it.

Rumors of "Tang Guo being a prostitute and a mistress" reached Grandma Tang's ears.

Grandma Tang was stimulated into cerebral hemorrhage, and she still hasn't woken up after being rescued——

"Senior Mu, if my grandma can't wake up...I won't survive either."

Tang Guo's tone was desperate.

Ling Wuyi frowned slightly and fell silent.

She told Xia Lun not to tell her about the hero and heroine, so she really didn't know anything.

"Tang Guo, don't do stupid things! Did you call Brother Yu?" Mu Yang asked Tang Guo.

Tang Guo hummed: "I called half a month ago...but he said, I am not his."

Ling Wuyi suddenly became unhappy, this Leng Anyu is too scumbag and heartless, right?

Anyway, I have been a bed partner for two months! Not to mention how deep the relationship is, is there no friendship at all?

She didn't like Tang Guo at first, but now that she thinks about it, she doesn't like Leng Anyu even more!

"How do you want me to help you?" Mu Yang asked Tang Guo.

He thought that at least she was a school girl, so he would help as much as he could.

When asking Tang Guo, Mu Yang turned his head to look at Ling Wuwen, and asked her opinion with his eyes.

Ling Wuxi nodded, saying that she could help Tang Guo.

Still, it depends on what to do.

If Tang Guo hadn't given up on Mu Yang and wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to do something, then Ling Wuyi would think she deserved it!

Tang Guo's answer was: "I hope Senior Mu can delete the videos on the school forum and on the Internet. Also... If my grandma wakes up, I want to take her out of this country... Can I ask Senior Mu to help me with this? How about a visa?"

She hopes to leave this humiliating country and start over with her grandma abroad.

Tang Guo's request is not too much.

In fact, when I called Leng Anyu before, I just wanted him to help delete the videos on the forum and on the Internet.

Maybe Leng Anyu thought she still wanted to entangle him...

Mu Yang hummed and said, "Okay, don't worry, I'll fix it for you in a few days."

Hearing Mu Yang's agreement, Tang Guo finally couldn't help but burst into tears.

While crying, Tang Guo kept thanking Mu Yang.

It's like when a person is about to drown, he suddenly grabs a life-saving straw.

With that feeling, Tang Guo suddenly saw the hope of living again——

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