Mu Yang comforted Tang Guo and told her to be stronger. After all, Grandma Tang hadn't woken up yet, and this only family member couldn't fall down.

"Well, I will definitely be strong!" Tang Guo, who had been squatting in the bathroom calling Mu Yang, wiped the tears from his face and nodded vigorously, although Mu Yang couldn't see it.

Even for grandma, she must be strong!

"Thank you, Senior Mu, you are a good person! Then... I will hang up first, so as not to disturb your work."

Mu Yang hummed and hung up the phone.

After hanging up the phone, Mu Yang turned his head to look at Ling Wuwen next to him, put his arms around her waist habitually, and pulled her into his arms: "Why do you have such a complicated expression?"

Ling Wuyi shook her head and sighed: "I just feel that this Tang Guo...seems to be quite pitiful, and I have a little bit of sympathy for her."

Just for the sake of that old Grandma Tang, it's okay to help her a bit.

You can't, you can force people to a dead end, right?

Moreover, there is nothing to lose by helping her.

As long as you help her, you will be rewarded according to your duties.

Of course, the most important thing for Ling Wuyi is that she doesn't want Tang Guo to still think about Mu Yang to make things difficult for her.

If Tang Guo really just wanted to take his grandma abroad to start over, there was nothing wrong with it.

Ling Wujin reckoned that Tang Guo's heroine aura was gone.

I don't know who is on top of the heroine halo now?

It shouldn't be Zheng Yiyi, right?

Although Zheng Yiyi is a good person, Ling Wuyi thinks it's not a bad thing to fall in love with such a tasteless Leng Anyu.

And back then, she didn't abandon love for her own dream. Want it now, come back for it...

Well, it's a pretty good couple.

Mu Yang rubbed the top of Ling Wu's hair and said, "I also sympathize with her, but most of the time, it's her own fate. I hope that after this time, she can understand some truths."

Mu Yang tilted his head, and suddenly asked: "If you encountered such a situation, how would you deal with it?"

After Ling Wuyi became his secretary for more than a month, Mu Yang was finally able to fully accept the girl he had watched since he was a child, and finally grew up.

She can fly if she wants.

But for him, she folded her wings and stayed here.

Ling Wuyi raised her eyebrows and said, "First of all, I won't be someone else's bed partner in the first place!" Even if there is no way out.

Of course, she is different from Tang Guo.

Tang Guo has nothing, but she has the Plane Association and Xia Lun.

So no matter how miserable it is, there will be no way out.

"Then if it's the case of shooting a video..." Mu Yang couldn't ask this question before he finished.

He will never let this kind of thing happen!

Who knew that Ling Wuqin curled her lips and smiled coldly, and said, "If someone dares to force sex without my permission, let alone record a video, I will castrate him before he gets into the subject!"

After Ling Wuxi finished speaking, Mu Yang suddenly felt his lower body become cold——

That tone, that look in the eyes, is definitely very serious!

"Cough, cough, ruthless..."

Ling Wuwen patted Mu Yang's head with his backhand, and said with a smile, "It's not bad if you don't cut your throat directly."

Castrating him is only the first step!

But Ling Wuxi felt that she would never encounter such a situation.

Although he thought Ling Wutian was too ruthless, Mu Yang thought it was really well done!

When you meet someone like that, you have to be ruthless!

However, he would never let Ling Wuyi encounter such a thing.

After a pause, Mu Yang picked up his mobile phone and made a call, asking someone to check the video and the identity of the middle-aged man.

In just two days, the school forum and all small websites, not to mention videos, have been cleaned up of topics related to this.

After that, even if someone discusses such a topic online, it will be deleted directly.

The visas of Tang Guo and Grandma Tang have also been issued. Mu Yang promised to choose any country to go to, and he will help to apply for a permanent resident certificate.

Grandma Tang woke up a few days later, and nursed back for another week.

Although Grandma Tang woke up, she was paralyzed. I don't know how many years of my life I will have to spend in a wheelchair or on a bed.

Tang Guo asked Mu Yang to help book a flight ticket to a certain country, saying that he wanted to leave as soon as possible.

But before Tang Guo left, she came to the company to meet Mu Yang.

After not seeing her for more than a month, Tang Guo's face became thinner and haggard, and the clothes she wore were no longer limited edition famous brands.

In addition to not looking very good, Tang Guo's eyes are still very energetic.

Looking at Mu Yang and Ling Wu, Tang Guo first bent down and bowed ninety degrees.

"I'm really grateful, thanks to Senior Mu for helping me in this way. I can't return these right away. If I have the opportunity in the future, I will definitely return them to you, Senior Mu!"

Mu Yang smiled and said, "Don't think about paying me back, just treat it as me helping Brother Yu to compensate you."

After all, everything is because of Leng Anyu.

If that middle-aged man didn't want to take revenge on Leng Anyu, he wouldn't have done anything to Tang Guo.

But Tang Guo shook her head: "No, he doesn't owe me. I used to have a problem with my mentality." Because of being Leng Anyu's bed partner, as long as anyone said something about it, she felt that it was right. her insult.

But she forgot that what others said was the truth.

"After this period of time, I really want to understand a lot!"

Tang Guo raised her eyes, looked at Ling Wuwen, and smiled at her kindly: "I want to apologize to you, Senior Leng, for not only misunderstood you before, but also jealous of you..."

She was jealous of Ling Wuwen's family background, and thought that if her and Ling Wuwen's identities were reversed, Ling Wuwen might not be as good as her.

She was jealous that Ling Wu could be by Mu Yang's side, being loved and pampered by him.

"I sincerely wish you and Senior Mu, I hope you can join hands for a lifetime! Happiness!"

Although she still likes Mu Yang in her heart, she knows that what she should do is not entanglement or delusion, but blessing...

Ling Wu was taken aback for a moment, blushed and said, "Oh..."

"I'm leaving tomorrow. I hope that when I come back, I will be a reborn self!" After speaking, Tang Guo turned and left.

Ling Wuwen walked to the French window and looked downstairs. After a while, Tang Guo left Li Mu's and took a taxi.

Sighing lightly, maybe it was a good thing that Tang Guo left.

In the plot, the sadomasochistic relationship between Tang Guo and Leng Anyu is really abusive!

Later, Tang Guo became infertile due to an accidental miscarriage.

There is a psychological activity of Tang Guo, saying that she cannot have her own child, which is the pain in her heart all her life!

At least Tang Guo is not so miserable now.

Maybe in the next life, she will meet a man who is many times better than Leng Anyu!

That male supporting pretty good!

Tang Guo is only twenty years old now, so she should rely on her own strength to get what she wants!

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