Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 1230 Love the Male Supporting Soy Sauce Party (Twenty)

With Tang Guo's blessing, Ling Wuwen also hoped that she could really see clearly that the little white rabbit would be eaten in this society full of jackals——

The next day, Tang Guo took Grandma Tang and left.

Apart from asking Mu Yang to do her two favors, he didn't say anything about borrowing money. Just go.

Ling Wuwen didn't know if she returned to China in the end, because she never saw Tang Guo again before she left this world.

But Xia Lun, who was bored and went to have a look, said that Tang Guo had a very good life and was no longer the little white rabbit.


After working as Mu Yang's secretary for two months, the official secretary came back.

And Ling Wuwen also increased her favorability to ninety-five points.

With this point, Mu Yang still didn't confess!

Ling Wuyi felt that it was really necessary for her to distance herself from Mu Yang.

So one day when Leng Anyu asked Ling Wuyi to work in Leng's Group, she did not refuse.

Leng Anyu's original words were: "I heard from A Yang that your work ability is not weak, are you interested in becoming the vice president of the company?"

At the dinner table, not only Ling Wuyi was taken aback, but Leng's father and Leng's mother were also a little taken aback.

Although I let my daughter study financial management, I never really thought about letting my daughter work or something.

Recently, Leng's father and Leng's mother have been discussing how to find a suitable in-law's house for Ling Wuwen in a well-matched family.

Ling Wuxi took a sip of the soup and looked up at Leng Anyu: "I don't like the vice president. If I want to do it, I must be the president! Isn't L City going to open a branch soon? Manage it for me?"

Leng Anyu was startled, and wanted to agree.

But before he could speak, Leng's father said with a cold face: "Hanhan! Your brother is messing around and you are following him? L City is so far away, why don't you feel relieved to go to your parents by yourself!"

Leng's mother on the side agreed: "That's right, Hanhan, you haven't gone out by yourself for so many years. The climate in L city is different from that in Beijing. In terms of food...what if you don't get used to the environment?"

Ling Wuyue was ashamed...

She hasn't gone out yet, so she is worried that she is not used to the climate, not used to the diet, and is not acclimatized?

If Ling Wuyi, a person who wanders in various worlds, is not acclimatized, no one will be able to accept the acclimatization.

"Mom and Dad! Do you want me to find a good husband's family, get married and have children, go shopping or do beauty treatments every day!"

"I'm tired of this kind of life, no matter what, let me have a different life to breathe fresh air!"

In fact... Ling Wuwen just wanted to take this opportunity to stimulate Mu Yang.

Recently, Leng's father and Leng's mother always show her pictures of young men, and she knows what they want without guessing.

Then Ling Wuwen told Mu Yang, but Mu Yang said, "Oh, what a coincidence, your godfather and godmother also show me the photos of those young girls every time you go back, why don't we exchange and choose? "

It's really indescribable how Ling Wuyi felt at that time...

If it wasn't for the fact that her favorability was correct, she would have thought that Mu Yang didn't have her in his heart!

In this case, then get out of here and stimulate him!

"I think what Hanhan said is right, but the company over there in L City, are you sure you're okay?" Leng Anyu looked at Ling Wuwen, not quite convinced that she was competent.

Ling Wuxi straightened her body and nodded firmly: "Of course!"

Leng Anyu nodded and said, "Okay, you can take a look at the company starting tomorrow, and leave for City L next week."

Ling Wuwen said that there is no problem.

Leng Anyu is indeed a scumbag emotionally, and a very scumbag at that.

But for his family and work, he is really serious and attentive.

There is no doubt about this——

Ling Wuyi didn't tell Mu Yang about leaving Beijing to go to L city.

She just said that she went to work in her own company.

Mu Yang has suddenly become busy these days, and only calls or sends a message to Ling Wuyi when he is sleeping at night.

Ling Wuwen was looking for some information about the company, so of course she didn't go to Mu Yang.

On the day she left Beijing, Ling Wuwen didn't even tell Mu Yang that she was leaving. It was Leng's father and Leng's mother who sent her to the airport, and Leng Anyu and Zheng Yiyi also came to see her off.

During this period of time, the relationship between Leng Anyu and Zheng Yiyi seems to have stabilized a lot, just as Ling Wuyi expected. Although Tang Guo is no longer the heroine, Zheng Yiyi is not the heroine either.

As for who is the heroine? Never mind her!

"After going to L City, make a call." Leng Anyu explained.

"Hanhan... why don't we go?" Mother Leng held your hand reluctantly.

And Leng's father on the side said: "Why don't Mom and Dad go with you?"

Ling Wuwen is about to spray it, how about when she is a three-year-old child? Take your parents with you wherever you go.

"Mom and Dad, don't worry, I can do it myself! You have to believe that your daughter is very good!"

There was no way, although Leng's father and Leng's mother were reluctant, they had no choice but to let Ling Wuyi board the plane and leave.

While queuing to board the plane, Ling Wuyi suddenly felt a hand wrapping around her waist behind her.

Almost as a conditioned reflex, Ling Wuyi grabbed the hand and was about to break it off.

As a result, when Ling Wuyi just grabbed that hand, a familiar voice came from his ear: "What a coincidence~"

Nima—almost ruined a good player!

Ling Wuwen turned her head to look, and without any surprise, she saw Mu Yang who was full of smiles.

He stared wide-eyed and looked at Mu Yang in surprise: "You... why are you here?"

She was sure she hadn't told Mu Yang!

And in just a few days, she was sure that Leng's father and Leng's mother hadn't told Mu's father and Mu's mother.

But Ling Wuyi missed something... It was Leng Anyu!

That's right, almost every weekend, Mu Yang would come to Leng Anyu and have a game with him.

Hearing Ling Wuwen asking him, Mu Yang picked up the ticket in his hand and showed her: "Here~ I'm going to L City~"

Ling Wuyi picked up her own ticket and compared it with Mu Yang's ticket...the two seats are next to each other!

This ticket was booked the day after Ling Wuyi decided to go to City L, that is to say, Mu Yang knew about it at that time...

"You... why are you going to L City?" Ling Wuyi let go of Mu Yang's hand, and walked forward to prepare to ascend the throne.

Mu Yang just smiled, but didn't answer Ling Wuwen's question.

When the two of them got on the plane, Ling Wuwen didn't say a word, acting a little awkward and unnatural.

Just as the plane took off and Ling Wuwen was about to sleep for a while, Mu Yang's voice came from next to his ear.

He said, "I went to L City to chase my wife!"

Ling Wu turned her head to look at Mu Yang eagerly: "You... Chasing your wife? Going to L City? Who is it?"

Mu Yang grinned at Ling Wu, and nodded her nose: "When I catch up with her, I'll introduce her to you!"

Ling Wuwen pretended to be a little sad, and let out a dry "Oh".

Since Mu Yang said that, she should act like she doesn't know anything!

In fact, Ling Wuyi's heart was already bursting with laughter...

She appeared a little disappointed, and put on a blindfold in a 'panic' to hide her emotions.

Seeing Ling Wu's appearance, Mu Yang raised his lips and smiled.

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