Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 1232 The Soy Sauce Party That Loves Men (22)

Ling Wuwen mainly yelled at Mu Yang's ear, but she didn't exert any force on her hands, it felt like a massage to Mu Yang.

Mu Yang turned his head, looked at Ling Wuwen and said, "You've been too tired recently, I want you to sleep a little longer. Don't worry, I've already taken care of everything that needs to be done for you!"

Recently, Ling Wuwen is really busy, dealing with many things every day.

Mu Yang wanted to help her, so when he got up in the morning, he went to Ling Wuwen's company first, held a meeting for Ling Wuwen, and then brought the documents back to deal with.

Ling Wuxi glanced at the folder Mu Yang put on his lap, let go of his hands, went around and sat down on the sofa.

"Xiao Yangzi~ I'm hungry~" Ling Wuwen fell down on the sofa, raised one foot and put it on Mu Yang's shoulder.

Mu Yang, who was looking down at the document, paused for a moment, put the document aside, then gently took off Ling Wu's foot, got up and walked to the kitchen.

When he came out again, he was holding a plate with small sandwiches and a glass of milk in his hand.

"It's already eleven o'clock, eat some first so that you don't have enough lunch."

Mu Yang was about to hand the sandwich to Ling Wuwen, then withdrew his hand and asked her, "Have you brushed your teeth?"

Seeing that Ling Wuxi was wearing pajamas and her hair was disheveled, she knew she had just woken up, so there was no need to brush her teeth and wash her face!

Ling Wuwen rubbed her eyes and got up from the sofa: "Go now~"


Although Mu Yang was there to help with the documents, Ling Wuwen still went to the company in the afternoon.

As for Mu Yang, he heard that a certain rural town had good specialties, so he drove to buy specialties.

This is not the first time that Mu Yang has left City L to buy specialty products and ingredients, and Ling Wuyi didn't care too much.

But I didn't expect that it was already six o'clock in the afternoon, and Ling Wuyi didn't wait for Mu Yang to come back.

Call him, switch off!

Ling Wuwen was suddenly worried, worried that something would happen to Mu Yang.

Hurry up and let Xia Lun go to see, and then saw that Mu Yang's wheel was stuck in the muddy road.

It was raining heavily over there, and Mu Yang's car couldn't get out, so he was trying to find someone.

The mobile phone was turned off because it fell into the muddy water.

Ling Wuyi took her mobile phone bag and planned to go out to find Mu Yang, but then she thought about it, she actually knew that his wheels were stuck in the muddy road in L City, and she knew his exact location, which is not normal ah!

Pursing her lips, she asked Xia Lun Muyang's location, and was going to make an anonymous call to ask a professional to tow the car.

But Xia Lun told Ling Wuyi that she didn't need to call: "Just now a girl and her family helped Mu Yang push the car out."

"Sister paper? Little Lunlun, why did I hear something unusual in your tone?"

"Ang~ That girl... wants to come to L city, and then said that she wants to ride in Mu Yang's car. Maybe Mu Yang wanted someone to help push the car, so he agreed."

"Only that girl came to L City alone?"

"Yeah, it's said that she's here for work. Little 55... That girl looks so pure... I think it's a bit like Tang Guo's before..."

In fact, the girl looked at Mu Yang in a wrong way, just like the way Tang Guo looked at Mu Yang before.

Ling Wuxi pursed her lips, sat on the sofa and did not speak.

People helped, and there is nothing abnormal about taking a ride.

It's normal to fall in love with Mu Yang at first sight, right?

If she was still the innocent little girl before, she would definitely fall in love with Mu Yang at first sight! But the premise is that she knows what love is.

At 6:30, I'm a little hungry. She's already eating at this time, okay?

According to Xia Lun, according to Mu Yang's speed, he should arrive at seven o'clock.

Mu Yang is also anxious, the phone won't turn on, and he doesn't know if Ling Wuyi is hungry at home or not, and will worry about him.

After thinking about it, Mu Yang said to his sister sitting in the back seat: "Miss Hua, can I borrow your mobile phone to call me?"

Hearing this, Hua Miaoling, who had been infatuated with Mu Yang's handsome profile, quickly took out her mobile phone and handed it to Mu Yang.

"Mu Yang... are you going to call your family?" Hua Miaoling asked.

Mu Yang hummed, and the smile that was always on his face softened a lot when he mentioned Ling Wuyue: "Call my wife."

Those five words stiffened the smile on Hua Miaoling's face.

Mu Yang is not blind either, if Hua Miaoling's family members hadn't pushed the car for him, he wouldn't have picked up a girl who was constantly infatuated with him.

What if Ling Wuyue finds out about it?

The phone was turned on, and a string of numbers was skillfully dialed.

Ling Wuwen over there made Xia Lun keep watching Mu Yang's situation, so of course she knew what Mu Yang said.

The phone rang, and Ling Wuwen knew it was Mu Yang who called.

After waiting for two more rings, Ling Wuyue answered it.

He said "Hello" in the tone of a stranger.

"It's me. I was trapped by a mud road in the countryside just now, and my phone couldn't turn on even after it fell into the mud."

"Are you hungry? I'll be home in twenty minutes."

Hua Miaoling, who was sitting in the back seat, almost deformed her bag. As expected, only talking to the person in her heart is uniquely gentle.

Mu Yang was also gentle when talking to her, but he was definitely not as gentle as talking to the person on the phone.

His tone made it clear that he was talking to the person he cared about the most.

"Hmph~ I told you not to go due to the bad weather! I'm so hungry that my chest is sticking to my back. If you don't come back, I will cook noodles myself!"

Ling Wuxi cooking and eating by herself is definitely a huge threat to Mu Yang!

Because he was afraid, afraid that Ling Wu would hurt himself.

Although such a trivial matter as cooking noodles is really no problem for Ling Wu, and it will not pose a threat.

"Don't, don't, don't~ I've already entered the city, be good~ I'll be home in ten minutes!"

Ling Wuxi didn't speak, and hung up the phone directly.

Mu Yang first returned the phone to Hua Miaoling, and then pulled the car over to the side of the road.

When Hua Miaoling was wondering why Mu Yang stopped the car, Mu Yang took out 100 yuan from his wallet and gave it to Hua Miaoling: "I'm sorry, I was supposed to take you home, but I'm in a hurry, so you take a taxi back home. let's go home."

After finishing speaking, Mu Yang signaled Hua Miaoling to get out of the car with his eyes.

The main reason is that he saw the route, and if he sent Hua Miaoling back to the rental room and then returned home, it would take twenty minutes at the fastest.

He was worried that if he didn't go back soon, Ling Wuyue really wanted to cook noodles.

What if you burn yourself when you start a fire? At this time, Mu Yang thought that he could have the special function of teleportation!

Hua Miaoling was almost dumbfounded, she had just entered the city, and she was going to be left behind? She hasn't seen enough...

Mu Yang frowned slightly, thought for a while, and took out a few hundred yuan bills to Hua Miaoling: "This should be enough to take a taxi."

Only then did Hua Miaoling come to her senses, she shook her head very understandingly: "No need, Mu Yang, if you are in a hurry, go first, I'll take a taxi by myself."

Mu Yang didn't force himself, nodded and smiled politely at her.

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