Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 1233 The Soy Sauce Party That Loves Men (23)

Hua Miaoling hesitated, but finally got out of the car.

Just got out of the car, walked to the front window and planned to talk to Mu Yang or exchange a mobile phone number or something...

As a result, her hand was still hanging in the air, and Mu Yang had already started the car and left.

Dazed for a moment, Hua Miaoling stomped her feet angrily——

Mu Yang drove very fast, and ten minutes after the appointment with Ling Wuyi, he opened the door of the house on time.

And Ling Wuxi was in the kitchen...looking for some noodles!

Mu Yang put down the things in his hands, and hurried to the kitchen to hug her: "Oh, my ancestors! I told you not to touch these things, what if you hurt your hands?"

Ling Wuwen glared at Mu Yang angrily: "It's better to injure your hand than to starve to death! Besides, in your eyes, Mu Yang, do I break if I touch it?"

Mu Yang held Ling Wuwen's face in his hands and said, "That's not true, but you are a treasure! Of course you have to hold it in your hands and take good care of it!"

These words coaxed a smile on Ling Wu's face immediately, but she still pretended to be angry: "Cough~ Hurry up and cook!"

"Zha~ Little ancestor, please wait in the living room~"

Ling Wuyi put her arms around her chest and stood aside: "I won't go out, you have to explain what you did this afternoon while cooking."

Mu Yang glanced at Ling Wuyi with a smile, and then nodded repeatedly: "Okay, okay, I will explain! I went this afternoon..."

In Mu Yang's explanation, everything was in detail, he even told Ling Wuyue what he said to whom, what expression he gave and how he answered.

Of course, it also talked about the wheel stuck in the mud and Hua Miaoling.

"I thought that everyone pushed the car for me, so I couldn't refuse, right? So I agreed to take that girl to City L."

"But after calling you, I let her get out of the car."

Ling Wupin pouted, approached Mu Yang, and looked up at him: "That Hua Miaoling, has he taken a fancy to you?"

Mu Yang, who was chopping vegetables, smiled and rubbed Ling Wuyi's forehead with his forehead: "I don't think I'm normal~ But don't worry, I don't like her."

Ling Wuyi tilted her head and stretched her neck to look at Mu Yangqie's dishes: "I'm not worried, I'm worried about your sweetheart."

Mu Yang glanced at the 'duplicate' Ling Wuyi, but didn't speak.

At half past seven, we can finally have dinner.

The rural specialties that Mu Yang found tasted really good, and Ling Wuyi ate a whole three bowls of rice, which almost didn't scare Mu Yang.

"Didn't you say you want to lose weight? Eat three bowls of rice to lose weight?"

Ling Wu, who was drinking soup, gave Mu Yang a supercilious look: "It's not your fault! If you really supported my weight loss, you wouldn't make such delicious food for me to eat!"

Mu Yang couldn't laugh or cry, so, blame him?

"Yes, yes, then I will start tomorrow and try to make the dishes unpalatable..."

"That can't be done, I will lose my temper if I don't have enough to eat!"

"Hahaha~ You lose your temper when you're full~"

"Where is it!!!"

"Hahaha no no..."

After this time, Ling Wuyi didn't care about the girl named Hua Miaoling.

It's just that one day, she actually received a call from Hua Miaoling.

Ling Wuyi's memory has always been pretty good, Mu Yang had called her on Hua Miaoling's cell phone before, and she had an impression of this phone number.

He raised his eyebrows in surprise, and craned his neck to look at Mu Yang who was having a video conference in the room.

Ling Wuxi pressed the answer button and put the phone to her ear: "Hello?"

There was no sound, and Hua Miaoling didn't speak.

Ling Wuyi frowned slightly: "Hello? Talk, if you don't talk, I'll die."

Is Hua Miaoling sick? Don't talk on the phone.

Or, did she actually want to hook up with Mu Yang?

Didn't everyone hear Mu Yang say 'I have a wife'!

Just after Ling Wuwen said that she wanted to hang up the phone, Hua Miaoling from over there said, "That... I'm looking for Mu Yang."

Hua Miaoling's voice is not unpleasant, a little like a baby's voice.

Call her and bluntly ask Mu Yang? Obviously hearing Mu Yang say she is 'his wife', the first person to speak was not "Hello" or asking her "Are you Mu Yang's wife", but Mu Yang!

"Are you looking for Mu Yang? Who are you?" Ling Wuyi's tone was very arrogant, and just by hearing her voice, people could tell that she was a very powerful person.

Hua Miaoling on the other end of the phone immediately imagined that Ling Wuyi was an ordinary-looking but rich woman.

In my heart, I feel worthless for Mu Yang.

However, there was a hint of secret joy, maybe Mu Yang didn't like his wife?

"My name is Hua Miaoling, please tell Mu Yang, he remembers me."

With a heh-heh sound, Ling Wu got up from the sofa and walked into Mu Yang's room.

Mu Yang, who was in the meeting, was stunned, and asked her: "What's wrong? Are you hungry? There are still ten minutes, wait for me."

Ling Wuwen didn't speak, walked to Mu Yang's side slowly, and handed him the phone: "A person named Hua Miaoling came to you, she said that you must remember her."

Mu Yang didn't answer the phone, he had a good memory, of course he remembered who Hua Miaoling was.

But seeing Ling Wu's dark face, with the obvious expression of 'Miss Ben is upset', how dare he remember it?

"I don't remember knowing someone named Hua Miaoling~"

Ling Wuxi suppressed a smile in her heart, and her complexion improved a little, but she was still not happy: "People say you remember her! The calls are all coming to me, you can answer them."

Mingming handed over the phone, but it said on his face, 'If you dare to pick it up, you will die'.

Of course Mu Yang wouldn't answer it, so he hung up the phone directly, and then stretched out his hand to pinch Ling Wu's cheek: "Hey~ I still have ten minutes to go, you go watch TV for a while."

Ling Wuxi didn't even take her cell phone, so she turned and went back to the living room.

Hua Miaoling on the other end of the phone frowned and looked at her mobile phone. She was sure that it was Mu Yang who was talking just now.

But why did Mu Yang say he didn't know her? Is it because his wife is a tigress?

Well, for sure!

It must be because he is afraid of the tigress, so he dare not answer her phone.

Thinking of this, Hua Miaoling decided to make another call.

Biting his lip, he dialed.

She had already figured it out. As soon as Ling Wuyi answered the phone, she said how she met Mu Yang, and told her not to misunderstand.

It turned out that it was Mu Yang who answered the phone this time!

Hua Miaoling almost jumped up happily: "Mu Yang, it's me! Hua Miaoling!"

Mu Yang did not answer Hua Miaoling immediately, but said to the computer: "Today's meeting ends here."

After it was over, Mu Yang put the phone to his ear and said, "Sorry, I don't remember knowing someone named Hua Miaoling."

So what if I remember? Of course Mu Yang could think of the reason why Hua Miaoling came to him.

Cinderella's dream, done too much.

Hua Miaoling didn't expect that Mu Yang still said that he didn't remember her, so she hurriedly said, "You brought me back from K Town that day. You drove me back to Hua Miaoling yourself."

Mu Yang frowned slightly: "I remember now, but what you said is too easy to make people ambiguous. Is Miss Hua looking for something?"

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