Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 1235 The Soy Sauce Party That Loves the Male Supporting Partner (25)

"Who are you?" Mu Yang held Ling Wu in his arms and looked politely at Hua Miaoling who was walking towards them.

Hua Miaoling was taken aback for a moment, she obviously didn't expect that Mu Yang's opening remarks would be to ask her: "Who are you?"

She looked at Mu Yang, then at Ling Wuwen, and then thought she was very understanding and said, "Don't worry, I won't tell your wife about you going out to watch movies with other women."

Mu Yang: "..."

Ling Wuwen: "!!!!"

Pushing away Mu Yang, who was hugging her, crossed his arms around his chest, and looked at him with his chin up: "Your wife? When did you have a wife? Who is your wife? When will you introduce me to each other?"

Sudden questioned by Ling Wu, Mu Yang was at a loss.

Shaking his head quickly, he stretched out his hand to pull Ling Wu, but he was slapped on the back of his hand: "I'm asking you something!"

Mu Yang panicked and blurted out: "My wife is you! How many wives can I have?"

It's over... the perfect confession he planned! ! It's over! ! !

damn it!

Mu Yang turned his head and gave Hua Miaoling a cold look.

That look directly shocked Hua Miaoling back two steps.

She could hear Ling Wu's voice. Wasn't that the voice that answered the phone that day?

So... Isn't Mu Yang's wife ugly?

How could it be ugly! Although I don't want to admit it, I don't admit it. In terms of looks and temperament, Ling Wuwen is much better than her...

Why, why can such a person get such an excellent man as Mu Yang? !

Ling Wuyi suddenly blushed because of Mu Yang's words: "What nonsense are you talking about!"

Having said all of this, Mu Yang could only choose to confess his love as if he was being chased away.

He went to pull Ling Wu's hand again, but this time he didn't get slapped.

Mu Yang looked at Ling Wuwen and said, "Actually, I didn't fall asleep the night you 'sleepwalked' for the first time. So I heard all your 'sleep talk'."

Ling Wuwen pretended to be stunned, and looked at Mu Yang: "You...you...you pretended to be asleep!"

"The person who I have loved for more than 20 years like my own sister suddenly told me that he loved me for 12 years. Of course I was shocked." I was so shocked that I couldn't react!

"So I thought, since you think I'm asleep, take it as I am."

"So during this time, do you treat me like a clown? Do you look at me every day as if you are watching a play?" Ling Wuwen asked angrily with red eyes.

Mu Yang quickly shook his head: "Of course not! I just want to wait for a while to propose to you! The rings are all ready, and they are at home!"

Damn... Marriage proposal? Isn't it a confession?

It would really save trouble, and we confessed and proposed together.

Ling Wuyi was stunned, and asked him after a while: "So... you said you came to L City to chase your wife, but you chased me? So you said you have to wait until next month, and you propose to me next month?"

Mu Yang nodded vigorously: "Yes! You may not remember, but I remember very clearly."

"On the ninth day of next month, twenty-one years ago, you called me Brother Mu Yang for the first time."

Although it was not a memorable day, Mu Yang thought that day was very meaningful.

How many men can grow up with their beloved? It's still the kind...that I've known since I was born.

Now Ling Wuwen was really stunned, she thought about many possible special days and reasons for next month.

But I never thought that it was the first call to him 21 years ago...

Mu Yang held Ling Wuwen's face in his hands, and leaned closer to her: "Then let me confess first, I'd better save the proposal for next month. Miss Leng Yuhan, would you like to be my girlfriend?"

Obviously knew that Mu Yang liked her, but when she heard the words "Miss Leng Yuhan, would you be my girlfriend?", Ling Wuxi couldn't help shedding tears.

It wasn't Ling Wuyi's emotion, she could clearly feel... This emotion came from the body itself.

Leng Yuhan had hoped countless times that one day, Mu Yang could say this to her personally like today.

It's a pity that she didn't wait...

The surrounding crowd didn't know who took the lead in applauding, and then shouted in unison: "Promise him!" "Promise him!"

Mu Yang gently wiped away Ling Wu's tears, and said, "Whether it was twenty years ago or the next few decades, I will redouble my efforts to love you!"

Ling Wuxi sniffed and looked up at him: "You mean what you say?"

Mu Yang nodded quickly: "It definitely counts!"

The corners of Ling Wu's mouth curled up, and she nodded slightly: "Then I am willing to be your girlfriend."

Mu Yang chuckled and said, "Be a girlfriend for half a month first, and then become a fiancée after I propose."

But Ling Wuyi turned her head arrogantly and said, "I just promised to be your girlfriend, not my fiancée!"

Mu Yang was taken aback, and when he was about to speak, Ling Wuwen turned his head and stared at him again: "I haven't settled the score with you yet, how can you tell others that you have a wife!"

Mu Yang glanced at Hua Miaoling, and then said to Ling Wuyue, "I'm trying to prevent you from all possible rivals in love~"

Ling Wuyi glanced at Hua Miaoling, then turned to face her: "I can tell, you are the Hua Miaoling who called a few days ago, right?"

Maybe it was because Ling Wutian's aura was too strong, Hua Miaoling could only nod her head.

Ling Wuxi smiled coldly: "I seem to have heard you say just now: Don't worry, I won't tell your wife about you going out to watch a movie with other women. Right? I didn't miss a single word from the retelling, right?"

Hua Miaoling turned into a white flower in a second, and looked at Mu Yang timidly asking for help, and then replied weakly: "I'm sorry...I didn't know that sister..."

"Stop! Who are you calling my sister? If you deserve to be called my sister, wouldn't beggars outside be able to call me my sister? Brain is a good thing, why don't you have any sister papers?"

The onlookers burst into laughter after hearing Ling Wu's words.

There is also something similar to: "This innocent-looking woman may be used to being a mistress, otherwise how can she treat her good-looking real card as a mistress? It's disgusting!"

Hua Miaoling opened her mouth, and just about to say something, Ling Wuwen took Mu Yang's arm and said, "Suddenly I don't want to watch movies anymore, go home!"

Of course Mu Yang listened to Ling Wupin, and he did what Ling Wupin said.

The two turned around and wanted to leave. If Hua Miaoling was sensible at this time, she should have retreated silently into the crowd.

But she doesn't know people! She is going to die!

She ran to stop Ling Wuyue and Mu Yang, and looked at Ling Wuyue with a look of "how can you insult people": "How can you insult people like this? You have to apologize to me!"

Ling Wuyi tilted her head, looking at Hua Miaoling as if she was reading a joke: "What did you say? Insulting you? Do you have a brain? Why didn't I see it?"

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