Quick Transmigration: Male Match Guide

Chapter 1236 The Soy Sauce Party That Loves the Male Supporting Partner (26)

"Miss Hua Miaoling, you should have heard a saying that if you don't die, you won't die, right?"

After saying something inexplicably, Ling Wuwen took Mu Yang's arm and left.

Hua Miaoling still wanted to chase after her, but someone couldn't stand it: "You are too shameless, aren't you? Did you want to seduce him because you fell in love with her boyfriend? It's disgusting!"

"That's right! She looks pure and lovely, but she's so coquettish, profligate, and cheap inside!"

"Take a picture of her and put it on the Internet to see if anyone knows her, and to see if she is a mistress!"

I don't know who said to take pictures, but many people took out their phones to take pictures.

How could Hua Miaoling dare to stay in this place for a long time, she quickly ran away in front of her face——

After Ling Wuyi and Mu Yang left, Hua Miaoling's good mood was not affected.

Just after Mu Yang succeeded in confessing his love, his favorability increased to ninety-eight points.

It is estimated that after the proposal next month, the remaining two favorability points should be added.

Although her mood wasn't affected,...it doesn't mean that Ling Wuyi wanted to let Hua Miaoling go.

"Little Lunlun, keep an eye on Hua Miaoling for me during this time. I want to know where she lives, her schedule and what she usually does."

"Do you want to install a camera to record mosaic videos again?" Xia Lun asked Ling Wumi with a smile.

Ling Wuyi glanced at Mu Yang who was fastening her seat belt, and smiled, "For people like Hua Miaoling, I don't need to do it myself. There are probably quite a few people who want to deal with her."

Didn't she mean that she was the mistress of several men at the same time? Then she believed that the wives of those men were very happy to be caught in bed.

"Then what do you want those materials for?"

"Do those original wives a big favor! By the way, you remember to give me the contact information of those men's original wives." Ling Wuxi reminded.


Before the conversation with Xia Lun was over, Mu Yang's voice came from next to his ear: "Are you really going home?"

Ling Wuyi glanced at him: "Why don't you go home? Well...or else go to see the fountain, the weather is rare today!"

There is a musical fountain in L City, especially when you watch it at night.

Mu Yang nodded: "Okay, let's go see the fountain."

Mu Yang straightened up, closed the rear door, walked around to the driver's door and got in the car.

Before starting the car and leaving, Mu Yang glanced at Hua Miaoling who ran out of the movie theater through the rearview mirror.

Although there was still a smile on his face, his eyes were terribly cold.

Ling Wuwen, who was talking to Xia Lun in the back seat, did not notice Mu Yang's expression.

But a week later—

Originally, Ling Wuyi had already planned how to deal with Hua Miaoling, but before she took any action, Xia Lun told her: "I don't need to bother you about dealing with Hua Miaoling."

Xia Lun said such a sentence suddenly, but Ling Wuyi still didn't understand it.

Until Xia Lun said: "Sure enough, he is the host of the president, so we can't treat him as a kind person..."

Ling Wuwen: "???"

It turned out that after that night, Mu Yang asked someone to check all the information of Hua Miaoling.

Recently, when Xia Lun was looking at Hua Miaoling, she could find someone following her. He thought it was some kind of detective that the original partner of those men was looking for. It was only just now that he found out... Where did the original partner find it? It was Mu Yang!

Not only did Mu Yang find out Hua Miaoling's details, but he also took pictures of her going in and out with those men, and even some pictures of her sleeping, as well as Hua Miaoling's extravagant spending list.

Her man was slept by someone, for a woman who was over forty years old, maybe she didn't care too much about where she went.

However, seeing that the money that was supposed to be hers was used by another woman, the original partner absolutely couldn't stand it!

Mu Yang asked people to classify the materials, and then asked them to send those materials to the original partners.

In just a few days, the original partner chose to come to Hua Miaoling like a crazy woman to tear her up.

There are also clever original partners who chose to silently hand over the evidence of infidelity to the court, demanding that the party at fault leave the house!

It is not the first time Hua Miaoling has met her former partner, so she is not nervous or afraid.

She thought that this time it would be the same as usual, if this man can't do it, just change to another man!

But Mu Yang obviously didn't intend to make Hua Miaoling feel better, the surprise marriage proposal he carefully prepared was ruined by Hua Miaoling.

In addition to reading the materials of Hua Miaoling, Mu Yang felt that it was too easy for her to be hit by her original partner.

Therefore, Mu Yang combined the intimate photos of Hua Miaoling and other men, copied them into several copies and sent them to the man she cheated on.

Then... Hua Miaoling is over...

The woman who chose to sue for divorce with evidence of cheating succeeded, and the man who cheated finally left the house.

That is, the man who has nothing left, thinking that Hua Miaoling is true love, and he can earn more when he has no money!

After all, Hua Miaoling once told him that she cared about him, not his money.

The man foolishly believed Hua Miaoling's words, but when he saw the information that Mu Yang asked to send, he realized that he had been cheated!

It was also Hua Miaoling's bad luck. This man has a little hobby, that is, he likes to record short videos.

The little video of Hua Miaoling having sex with him was posted on the Internet by a man who wanted to take revenge on her.

This time Hua Miaoling was not as lucky as Tang Guo.

Such a small video, which went viral on informal small websites——

"Tsk tsk tsk... I didn't realize that Mu Yang was so ruthless! Really... well done!" Ling Wuyi couldn't help admiring.

What Mu Yang did was originally what Ling Wuyi wanted to do.

It's just that she didn't expect that Mu Yang would do it before her.

Turning her head to look at Mu Yang who was massaging her calf, Ling Wu couldn't help but reached out and rubbed his face.

Mu Yang looked up at Ling Wuwen: "Huh? What's wrong?"

Ling Wuwen grinned: "It's nothing, I'm happy~"

"Xiao Yangzi, are you still confessing to me on the ninth?" There are only nine days until the ninth.

Seeing Mu Yang shaking his head, Ling Wuxi immediately sat up straight from the sofa: "You..."

"I'm not going to confess, I'm asking for marriage!" It's all because of that Hua Miaoling, making his surprise no longer a surprise.

A smile immediately appeared on Ling Wu's face, and she let out a shy "Oh". ——

Nine days passed quickly. Although he knew that Mu Yang would confess his love on this day, Ling Wuyue was still looking forward to it.

But when Ling Wuyi just woke up in the morning, she saw a text message from Mu Yang in her mobile phone.

The text message said: There is a very important matter at the moment and I need to go back to Beijing, so I will not propose marriage for the time being. The three meals are all ready, remember to heat them up in the microwave before eating, just like I taught you. You obediently stay at home and wait for me, and I will come back as soon as possible after finishing the matter.

Back to Beijing? ! real or fake? !

First of all, Ling Wuwen didn't believe it.


The 1450th monthly ticket has been updated!

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